Hi, everyone
Well, we all walked in there today thinking my son had to stay in this prison for another 2 weeks or so. The attorney and police officers were strongly pushing rehab. They felt it is what he needs right now and it would help his case later. My son really seems to want to do it this time! He's pretty emotional and has told me some things that he's been hiding from everyone. Anyway, I went out and made a few telephone calls and got a bed for Saturday at White Deer Run in Allenwood, PA. He's more emotional, talking more about his habit, etc. Our county will fund detox but not rehab if there are any outstanding legal matters. That would mean he would have to wait until May! That won't work. You have to do it when the addict is ready for goodness sakes, so it looks like we're on our own as far as paying for it. Hey, if it works, it's worth it's weight in gold! When Angelina gets in school, I can go back to work and stockpile some money in the savings account again. Thanks for the prayers. I'll let you know how it's going.
God bless!
Thats great news!! I'm glad things worked out that way for your son and that he seems eager to get some help. Keep us posted!
Hi Susan! I am so glad to hear about your son and that you said it seems like he really wants help this time. I found it hopeful when you said your son started to confess those things he had been hiding and that he is opening up and talking about his addiction. I think this can be the beginning of letting all that pour out and lead to recovery. That's how my daughter was when she was finally ready to be clean - she opened up and just let all her dirty little secrets come pouring out! And, as time has moved on, she has shared more of what her lifestyle was like on heroin. I am sure she has left some things out that might be more than she thinks I could bear, but actually it was all horrible to hear. I felt like I was living it with her and it had to be hand of God holding me up so I didn't collapse when I heard about what her life was like - the buys, the dealers, cooking it and the smell, the vomiting...well, that's enough! I am so glad for your son - it's a long, slow read ahead, but stay strong and I will say a prayer for all of you!
God Bless,
God Bless,
Hi, everyone
My son was finally open to getting some spiritual help. In our faith (Catholic) we have a sacrament called Annointing of the Sick. He received that today along with confessing his sins to the priest. He will have an opportunity to receive Communion before he leaves on Sunday. At least he has God's armor for the battle ahead.
God bless!
My son was finally open to getting some spiritual help. In our faith (Catholic) we have a sacrament called Annointing of the Sick. He received that today along with confessing his sins to the priest. He will have an opportunity to receive Communion before he leaves on Sunday. At least he has God's armor for the battle ahead.
God bless!
Hi Susan, I just wanted to wish you well with your son and rehab this weekend. I have been to White Deer Run. It looks like a nice place. Sort of has the feel of a summer camp. My daughter was supposed to go there, but once we arrived she refused to stay. She ended up at Clear Brook. In fact she was there 3 times. She learned a lot, but unfortunately she always relapsed within a few weeks after leaving. She ended up detoxing with Suboxone last April, and has been clean ever since,as far as I know. Our stories seem very similar, and I wish you the continued strength you need to get thru this ordeal. I know what a nightmare it is. If I can help in any way, please let me know. My thoughts and prayers are with you.Nancy
Susan, as you could probably guess, as a fellow Catholic my personal belief that that there is tremendous healing power in the sacraments, especially the two that you mention, and particularly confession (in fact, notice the similarities between the sacrament of reconciliation and the 4th thru 7th steps of the 12 Steps of AA and NA.)
Dear Nancy,
The rehab will help to put distance between he and his girlfriend which will be a big plus. They are no good for each other at least for now...maybe they never will be. That's not for me to decide. I know it will take a long time for my husband and my feelings towards her to change, but I'm learned never to say never. The important thing is to get him help and keep him alive!
Dear Bob,
I was so pleased he was open to being prayed for! Once there, the priest asked if he would like to make his confession, and my son said it wouldn't hurt. Now he should feel worthy to once again receive Communion and all the graces that come with it. God bless!
Dear everyone,
Thanks for all your prayers, love, and support. My God bless you for all you do!
The rehab will help to put distance between he and his girlfriend which will be a big plus. They are no good for each other at least for now...maybe they never will be. That's not for me to decide. I know it will take a long time for my husband and my feelings towards her to change, but I'm learned never to say never. The important thing is to get him help and keep him alive!
Dear Bob,
I was so pleased he was open to being prayed for! Once there, the priest asked if he would like to make his confession, and my son said it wouldn't hurt. Now he should feel worthy to once again receive Communion and all the graces that come with it. God bless!
Dear everyone,
Thanks for all your prayers, love, and support. My God bless you for all you do!
Dear Susan, I haven't had many opportunites to be on line as my pc is down, though my thoughts have been with everyone on this board including you! I am glad to hear that your son will be getting treatment. I know from a different family role the pain, agony, despair, frustration a loved one goes through as they watch their, son, partner, parent etc...... Go into their addiction, relapse, get motivated and begin to make changes that we all hope and pray will be solid, or strong enough to arrest their addiction. I will be thinking about your son, and if I could send any strentgh or support for him and yourself , it's just been sent. We'll be thinking of you, LOL Dora
Hi, everyone
Here's an update as of Sunday...
He's at rehab now. The place definitely wasn't anything to write home about by appearances, but that's not what he's there for anyway. It looked pretty much like a winterized camp. He really didn't WANT to go and procrastinized terribly about getting his clothes together for me to wash...and then the packing. I finally gathered his stuff and packed most of what I thought he'd want. He went through it before church this morning, because we had to leave right after church.
They had misinformed me about visitation, so that didn't please him or us very much either. When I asked about visitation, they said family sessions are on Sundays and Mondays. I thought from that that we were allowed to visit either of those days. However, the policy is that you have to attend a family session on Sunday AND Monday, then have a counseling session with them, and then visit. I got the impression it's a one time thing too, not every weekend afterwards. They didn't tell us much or give us much information which I'm not impressed with at all. They just gave me an important questionnaire and asked me to mail it back. In my opinion it should have been filled out there so they would have the information right from the start. They just basically told us to say our goodbyes. I hope and pray he finds someone to connect with to make his stay go better and be more productive. I know sometimes he gives a "tough" guy impression, but he's really a softy and he doesn't like being away from his family.
Thanks for your continued prayers and support through this nightmare. I'll keep you posted. I don't think I'll hear from him for at least 2 or 3 days though. God bless!
Here's an update as of Sunday...
He's at rehab now. The place definitely wasn't anything to write home about by appearances, but that's not what he's there for anyway. It looked pretty much like a winterized camp. He really didn't WANT to go and procrastinized terribly about getting his clothes together for me to wash...and then the packing. I finally gathered his stuff and packed most of what I thought he'd want. He went through it before church this morning, because we had to leave right after church.
They had misinformed me about visitation, so that didn't please him or us very much either. When I asked about visitation, they said family sessions are on Sundays and Mondays. I thought from that that we were allowed to visit either of those days. However, the policy is that you have to attend a family session on Sunday AND Monday, then have a counseling session with them, and then visit. I got the impression it's a one time thing too, not every weekend afterwards. They didn't tell us much or give us much information which I'm not impressed with at all. They just gave me an important questionnaire and asked me to mail it back. In my opinion it should have been filled out there so they would have the information right from the start. They just basically told us to say our goodbyes. I hope and pray he finds someone to connect with to make his stay go better and be more productive. I know sometimes he gives a "tough" guy impression, but he's really a softy and he doesn't like being away from his family.
Thanks for your continued prayers and support through this nightmare. I'll keep you posted. I don't think I'll hear from him for at least 2 or 3 days though. God bless!
Thanks so much, Dora! Nice to hear from you! Hope you're doing well!
Susan, rehab is certainly no country club. The facility, I am sure leaves a lot to be desired, but it is certainly better than jail. He will be one busy pup through his entire stay. Is this a lock down facility or can he leave? You have to be on gaurd for that. The most important thing for him right now is to focus on his recovery. If he calls begging to come home, DO NOT LET HIM. He is where he needs to be right now if you ever expect him to get better. During detox, they try and make you feel as comfortable as possible. After detox, it is the opposite. It's time to face the demon. He might feel like he is being picked on. He might be. Better to bepicked on by a therapist than by a fellow inmate though. I have gone through it as have numerous others. You'll get a lot of advice on this here. Also, watch for the girlfriend. Keep her away if possible. When I was in, I saw boyfiriends or girlfriends assist in the person leaving. Heck, my own roommate could not handle it. He seemed completely normal and ok with it. His girlfriend came to visit. He walked her to the door and as she was leaving, he bolted with her and ran to her car and left. The Great Escape I guess. The less contact he has with the outside right now, the better. Just as long as he knows people love him and can't wait for him to return. Thats what matters.
Thanks for the posts, everyone!
I heard from my son last night. He said that he's allowed to call on Mondays and Fridays. He told me that the people who are there for rehab are great. Most of them are recovering heroin addicts, including the activities director. His roommates are a little younger than him and he gets along with them fine. He said the people running the rehab are okay. He's hoping not to be there for 4 weeks, but I reminded him that he shouldn't be in any hurry...this is important for his future. He said that he told his counselor about his girlfriend being a heroin addict too and that she's getting treatment too (in a facility in Maryland). The counselor said that he's seen that go both ways. It's up to the individuals. He said with some couples in that situation it's like you have an NA meeting every day. With others, they bring each other down.
His hearing that was scheduled for tomorrow is going to get continued because he's away. If he comes back earlier than his March 14th hearing, he stands a chance of getting arrested because he broke the pretrial services by engaging in criminal activity. We already got a notice of a certified letter from the judge from that case. I notified them that he's away for 2 to 4 weeks. Who knows what's ahead with the law....I just have to concentrate on him staying alive and getting clean. So far so good on that. Please keep the prayers coming! God bless!
I heard from my son last night. He said that he's allowed to call on Mondays and Fridays. He told me that the people who are there for rehab are great. Most of them are recovering heroin addicts, including the activities director. His roommates are a little younger than him and he gets along with them fine. He said the people running the rehab are okay. He's hoping not to be there for 4 weeks, but I reminded him that he shouldn't be in any hurry...this is important for his future. He said that he told his counselor about his girlfriend being a heroin addict too and that she's getting treatment too (in a facility in Maryland). The counselor said that he's seen that go both ways. It's up to the individuals. He said with some couples in that situation it's like you have an NA meeting every day. With others, they bring each other down.
His hearing that was scheduled for tomorrow is going to get continued because he's away. If he comes back earlier than his March 14th hearing, he stands a chance of getting arrested because he broke the pretrial services by engaging in criminal activity. We already got a notice of a certified letter from the judge from that case. I notified them that he's away for 2 to 4 weeks. Who knows what's ahead with the law....I just have to concentrate on him staying alive and getting clean. So far so good on that. Please keep the prayers coming! God bless!
Well, thats good news. Keep plugging away!