
Hello all! Things are going well since I left my BF.... he contacted me only once and told me that "since he has been off the pills... he has discovered what a pain in the a** I am." Now before you go all getting proud of him... he isn't off them- he just ran out. I know he is only saying that out of anger.. but to tell you the truth, I don't care. I still love him, but wow... my life seems to be so stress free since I left. I can sleep at night... and I know where my life is headed ( as much as anyone can) and I am seeing a very nice man.. who instead of pops pills, he enforces the law. I can't tell you what getting away has done for me and my self esteem. I just wanted to get back on here and say THANK YOU to all of you that talked me through those dark times. You all are wonderful and I wish all of you the best in life. Good Luck and God Bless all of you

blondie, good for you, my ex has never stopped either although he claims too, i hear and see otherwise as in when he called and i could hear it in his voice, although i am in recovery its definitely quieter and less stressfree.

take care

hello, blondie. good to hear from you. glad you are doing better.

glad you found a better life for yourself.

i remember, those were dark times for you.

thanks for letting us know.

Bob B,

A special thank you goes to you- you helped me more than you know. I hope all is going good with you in your life.. I will stop in occationally and say hi.. God Bless you !
