Hello. I am interested in finding out if anyone has any information on opiate withdrawal treatment with suboxone? A friend just started taking suboxone yesterday and from what I am led to believe it came from a not very legit "doctor". My friend has had a liver transplant, is on anti-rejection medication and from my brief research --- suboxone is metabolized by the liver and in his case could have very serious side effects. I don't think the physician even knows about the transplant!!! He was just handing out pills at $150.00 a pop! And what about addiction the suboxone while coming off of the heroin?
Any insights??? Thanks!
Dear Nicole , I suggest you go to the heroin section of the recovery site as there are many people with real exp. in Sub, heroin and possibly furnish you with answers concerning the medial aspect of your friends' situation, good luck!
Thanks Dora....I appreciate the direction!