Using In The Bathroom

my husband is addicted to crack this i already know! but i have a question he spends enormous amounts of time in the bathroom with the water running on and off, i go in there right after him and smell nothing cant find any evidence of use but i cant think of any other reason he would spend so much time in there? what can i look for as a sign of his use in there? i try to look at his eyes like everyone says but i honestly dont see a difference. like i said i know he is using, but in the bathroom? and as awful as it sounds i think if i knew he was doing it in my house where my 3 kids call home that would be my last straw. anyone with experience with the bathroom thing please let me know what to look for thanks doodlesmommy
Dear Desperate Housewife...... My late bf's drug of choice was Heroin though used cocaine to avoid the first.... Bathroom.... Yup.... Running water.... Yup..... Please do not take my words for your husbands' experience though if you know he is using crack, then this may be a big sign? Even if you do not see or smell anything trust your intuition. My late bf was an amzing person and I beleive he loved me very much though in the end, he protected his drug habbit more than me or our rel. He probably is doing carck in the house despite the presence of your kids'. Drug addiction often has no limits... Sorry if I sound harsh though trust me I have learnt way more than I ever wanted to. Good luck & stay safe, Dora
By the way addicts will get lazy over time, and become less discreet about hiding "evidence". I would wait then check the garbage(rolled up papers for snorting, check pant pockets in the am while he was asleep), any white residue on the toilet tank cover...... I am not a proffessional this is only advice.
trust your feelings, if he's in there for an longer than ordinary time, trust what you think, they are very sneaky and can lie right to your face, they get good at covering up. what does he say when you ask him? i have been going thru this nonsense for so long i feel i could be a very good pi.but i understand.the nerve of your spouse using while the kids are in the house... in my exsperience the deciet only gets worse, you have to be strong for yourself first, before you can even deal with all the crap, take care and stay strong, it's not your fault and you can't control, it, only how you react to it.
don't quite know how to say this on a "P-G 13" board, but the bathroom activity might not be drugs.
hi bob b you seem like a person of considerable wisdom, but in this case i think the instincts were right, wouldn't it be great if the time in the rr was all natural, got a laugh though, thanks, i like reading your insights
sorry, laura
I had to laff at that also an addict in recovery , I would say yes. Normal people do normal things . out of the ordinary use of the bathroom is something they teach employers to look for in employees. At home , what the others have said runs true, why the water running??? it covers up the sound of what he is doing .... if he is snorting ...on what and how.... any clean hard surface, more than likely he's smoking , not much sound made while injecting . listen for the sound of a lighter clicking . bottom line is, as one person posted , eventually addicts make mistakes...with children in the house , that could be deadly, and is something you need to stay on top of ....for their sake ....please!! AL
desparate housewife sorry i put my response a a new topic so read the one that says "open the door" that was meant for you in regards to the bathroom.

sorry i am new at this.

I have the experience with the bathroom being locked for more than an hour at times, and these days he does leave traces of his use as he isnt that careful as he used to be..... Either it smells or there are some signes ontop of the toilet or on the floor......

A year ago I found him almost dead on the bathroom floor and had to call 999..

So when he spend times in there I often call his name to make sure he isnt OD in there again...

Not very nice situation and I dont wish this on anybody.....

Interesting that you said this. I am experiencing the same thing with my boyfriend. I kept thinking why is he in the bathroom so much. Until last night I finally figured this out. He must be smoking crack and like you said I can't tell either. I would like to know as well if someone can tell us what to look for. I know something is going on but I couldn't put my finger on it. As I mentioned in an earlier posting in the last 3 weeks he's been drinking allot of beer which is really not normal for him but one right after the other. And again spends alot of time in the bathroom with the water running. Until this morning when I found an empty beer can in the bathroom in his bag that's when I knew he hasn't stopped using. He said he was smoking pot (in a can?). I don't think so. He said it was a make shift pipe. He is lying and I wish I could figure out what I should be looking for. I thought I was going nuts because I couldn't figure out why he was in the bathroom so much. Thanks for sharing this and I'm glad to be in this chat room. I need the truth and I'm not getting it. Good luck

I have posted another message for you under your other topic on how to spot
crack cocaine use.

i searched the bathroom tonight but didfind any drugs or whatever he uses to smoke it but i did see something i had noticed before alot of tiny burn marks on the floor i assume this is from it popping off while he is smoking it? maybe my mind is jumping to conclusions with that one. but i also noticed burn marks on my sink rim he says from laying his cigarette down, but there is an ashtray in there? so i guess either im crazy or he really is using in there.