Valentines Disaster

On the night before this past valentines my boyfriend was to take his nephew home and then come back. Well that was at 7pm and I finally fell asleep at 10pm and oh by the way it should of taken him 1 hour to do this. Then at 2am he comes to the bedroom window knocking, he thought there was people following him, so I grabbed my phone went outside and asked where they was. I was going to call the police, and something made me stop and look around, my car wasn't there - his nephew had found him ina parking lot near his place out of his mind, he took ythe keys and brought him home and dropped him off. After I become very confused onhis state of mind I call the nephew and he told me how he found him and his state of mind. Now this man has never missed a day of work, we have a 5 yo son that he is great with, seemed to be very functional, so I never in my life thought of drugs. Before it was over with it scared me enough I took him up to the hospital thinking he stopped to get a drink and someone spiked it, Boy was I stupid. The doctor came to me and sid he really needs to talk to me because the tests show he has a cocaine addiction. Being in disbelief I made him run another test, well it came back the same. So after all this and he came back down from this he finally came out and told me it is true. so now we are taking steps on working on this and I feel so lost and stupid. but that was my valentines day gift.

What a way to find out!! But I think if you read other posts in here you will find that it is always a shocker to us even when we already kinda new...I think you should really take some time to read some posts on here to get you prepared for your journey ahead! Your life has changed forever and you need to be strong and brave.

This is a good place to vent, to get information, to remeber that you are not alone and that there are so many out there who share your pain, your confusion and the turmoil that all of this creates.

I hope things work out well with you and your loved one and that this can be step forward for him....

Keep us up to date on his progress -
God Bless...
thanks charly
I have no idea what to do for myself, or even how to be supportive for him. We have enough going on in our life. I knew when I met him several years ago that he had overcome a cocaine buse problem, he was totally honest, and I never thought twice about it simply because he moved past that phase of his life. Now here we are with a child and many other problems and thenthis. I have never been so upset and disappointed with anyone...ever. I asked the dr.s what to look for as for symptoms and signs, but I did not get much feed back. He works a job that has wierd hours, the hurs vary upon the client, or job. Sometimes he goes out of state for the day and all I can do is wonder. His job was 16 hrs long yesterday and I was worried all day, and when he got home I quizzed him as if he was a child. Now he does understand where I am coming from and he is trying to b helpful for me but a part of me doesn't even want to listen to him.

I have read through alot of the postings and my heart goes out to all the people who are suffering. I have realized that I am not going nuts with my feelings because I am not the only one. Thank you for everything!!!