W/d's Hour 52

hello to all that is available to help
i am now in my 52 hour of withdrawal from lortab 10's since 1998
i had a terrible car accident and broke my back in 2 place, plus had to have my neck operated on, c6-c7 fusion, i have had chronic pain since
i get my pills from anybody that will sell them to me, no matter what the price
anything to make the pain go away
i have gone to the pain clinic, facet injections in my neck with no success
i decided that i can no longer afford to buy the pills off the street, i have just about lost everything that i had
i have had as many as 4 suppliers at one time and boy is it expensive
i need some advice from anyone that has gone cold turkey at home on their own with no support, if you can help i will truly be in debt to you
i am counting the hours until these awful aches and pains go away
i know that i am going on and on , but i am w/ding as we speak
ANY Encourgament will be helpful i am sure
Today is my 2nd day cold turkey off of Lortab 10. I took 15-20 a day. I am in hell right now. Not to scare you, just to let you know that I feel your pain. I am drinking tons of water, taking advil for the aches, my husband precribed me ativan of the anxiety and to help me sleep...kind of takes the edge off. Have you thought about seeing a doctor to help you go through this?
Good luck...you are in my prayers :)
sunshine soon
thanks for your reply
i read you post earlier this a.m. and you are the reason that i posted
i noticed that your husband is an MD., that helps you get the meds you need for withdrawals
i on the other hand, can say that i have no HELP!!!!
do you thinkl i should go the the ER
i do not have a PCP
i am afariad that if i do go to the ER they might called the polcie since i get my drugs off the street
does anyone know if the ER can legally report me???
i am trying so hard
i can't quit crying
i hurt sooo bad
Sorry to hear u r n hell right now. It is great that u made 52 hours thus far. Be very proud of yourself. A doctor could help with withdrawals. Give u alittle something to ease the symptoms some. Stay strong u have come a long way. I will be praying for both of u and hopeing that the symptoms of w/d will soon ease up.

Thinking of u both and wishing u well on your journeys. U have both made a huge decision and with support from the board and otc drugs to help symptoms u will make it.
you are almost there. dont give up. you have about one more day of hurting really bad. then it is a mental thing. you can do it!!!!!christy
Do you have a walk in clinic close by? I would go there (cheaper than the ER, usually about $80 per visit) and tell the doctor that you are going through withdrawals and that you need help. I wouldn't go into the wheres and whys you got them. Were you ever in actual need of them for pain at one point? I doubt he will ask where you are getting them because that is beside the point, but if he does I would just say several doctors.
I'll be praying for you.
Hey peacefully,

Congratulations on your 52 hours and welcome to the board. I've bumped a post listing OTC remedies that might help with w/d.

Best of luck to you.

sunshine soon
as i statedon my first post
in 1998, i was inhorrible car accident
broken back in 2 palce
my neck was operated on, cervical fusion C6-C7, with some, but little succes, i truly have chronic pain
the pain clinc keeps giving me facet injections inmy neck, but they only last 1-2 weeks, and they are terrbile terrbile pain to get, just put it this way 12 neddles about 10 inches long going in the back of your neck, that hurts worst than the releif that i get for the 1-2 weeks
the docs want me to go on methadone forever, but i feel that forever is a very long time, it seems that now that i am talking with someone the systoms are sooo bad, i am thinking about other things other than the withdrawals, if not better later on tonight i will go to the ER, thanks
Sorry peacefully,
I did read that earlier about your accidents. You'll have to forgive me as my mind is scattered as hell. So just tell you doctor that you always had legitimate reasons and RXs and don't let the street thing come up. Good luck:)
tell me about scattered
i am going from my computer to the bed, to the hot tub, to taking a short walk outside
i am beside myself with shame and guilt
i can not believe that i have let this drug thing get the best of me
i was taking because of pain mangement, not for the HIGH
because we all know that after you have taken these lortabs after 7 long years that there is no HIGH. i can just function with them
and to be honest. i truly don't know if i can make it without them
that is why i am at least trying, i do want to
but right now i am weak
i someone was to give me a pain pill i WOULD TAKE IT
that is why i gave my sister the keys to my car, you see i live in bump -ucked egypt, and my supplier is out of town until friday, but if i make it that long, i hope that all the systems will be gone
do you think soooo????
Peacefully I know exactly what you mean about the shame. I couldn't believe that I'd let some pill take over my life savings, I was so embarrassed. I couldn't explain it to anyone, and now everyone things I'm just bad with money. Believe me, I've spent all the equity in my house on pills. But if I can come off, anyone can.
Congratulations on your 52 hours! I remember when I got to 48 and I felt like dying. The tears just would not stop, like you said. That grey feeling is unbearable, like nothing is worth it, nothing to say, nothing to smile about, nothing worth even a coment. I'm on day 13, and I've got to say it got better around day 6-7. Then from there it seemed really do-able. Now all I can see is posibility, and I didn't see that at all in my first week. I've heard people say that after two months, they notice that a few days will go by where they didn't even think about pills, doesn't that sound great?
One day at a time, sometimes one hour at a time. I'll pray for God to ease your pain. Try multi-vitamins and sominex, and immodium ad. That was my holy trinity, know what I mean?
Keep posting your progress. We'd love to read it all, and it's good healing for newcomers, too. You can do it, I promise. I wouldn't have believed I could do it, but I can! *celebrates*
Sunny and peacefully . I went through withdrawals about two months ago from suboxone . I thought I was going to die .They lasted almost a month .From what I understand , you should only be really sick for about four to seven days .I know how hard it is for the both of you right now but I promise you it will get better soon ! I went to the gym today and then played golf .I tell you this only so that you know you will be feeling better and it is worth it .I am no longer blowing money on pills and I already have seen a huge difference in my finances .As difficult as it may seem now , I promise you it will get better .Please keep us posted on how you are doing .You are both almost there. Rob
west wind
thanks for the great words of encourgament
but right now i feel like SH-t
i am going to take a bath and try and not think about the way i feel physically and the way i feel about my self as a person
you know i never thought of myself as a bad person, but for some reason i feel like the biggest loser
you know pain is REAL!!!!! and i will always have chronic pain
what can i do except use!!!!
i really want to STOP, but can i???
talk to you all later it is a beautiful holiday and i am sitting here rambling like an idiot
but hopefully tuesday will be a better day for me
i am truly thinking about going to the ER for some help
peace out
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