Wait List Cure

I think that wait lists for suboxone (or methadone for that matter) stink. The government should pony up with sufficient funds for people who can't pay for treatment.

Some of my friends in Washington State have found some low priced clinics that are helping people that can't get into treatment. They are a chain of private clinics that do suboxone and methadone and they never have wait lists. I think they have branches in other states.

Here is the website:

I hope this helps.

been there done that
i can not aggree more, however, i wouldn't wish anyone to be put on methadone, i am 100% against it., however if it keeps them off of the streets and of a herion or pills that so be it, but unfortuntly(sp) they dont give a damm about what we say, but they will shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars for people who come over here from other places and they give them wel fair, our money, FOR FREE!!!

that sucks, we are five on one income and barly making it & my hubby brings home a little money and yes before takes, insurance, ext it is a lot but after it is not anything and we can not quilfy for anything, ahhhh this world sucks!!

does anyone feel me and my thoughts??