At the risk of sounding pathetic (wich I waiver back and forth between totally pathetic and trying real the song pretty fly for a white guy LOL)
But not really the point.
I read in a daily reflection or maybe on here I am not sure. That whatever you may want or need from God/The Universe just ask for it out loud. So I am sitting there drinking my coffee after waking up and feeling especially alone. I say out loud (and by the way I am embarassed to admit this out loud to everyone but I really am tired of being alone) So I say: Bring someone into my life that I can love and share my life with....
I finish my coffee and shower and then my little girl wakes up and I give her a hug and she says: "Mom I had a bad dream we were all togeather you and me and Ed. And there was this guy there and he was really nice to you but he kept yelling and being me to me and Edward"
Now does anyone else see the irony in this...It was like the Universe's answer that right now I had to be alone. Comforting in an oh well I guess I have to accept this right now kinda way.
Thanks for listening I had to share.
I think that's pretty awesome.What's the saying"be careful what you pray for?"
Here's another twist to the equation.You're not alone.You have someone who loves you're little girl.
Once you do the work you need,that special person will find you.
There something magnetic about people who radiate spiritual healthiness.You just can't help but be attracted to them.I can spot them in a room with a 100 people present.
The very cool thing is that you are on that path now.
Thanks for sharing that.
Here's another twist to the equation.You're not alone.You have someone who loves you're little girl.
Once you do the work you need,that special person will find you.
There something magnetic about people who radiate spiritual healthiness.You just can't help but be attracted to them.I can spot them in a room with a 100 people present.
The very cool thing is that you are on that path now.
Thanks for sharing that.
I know lonliness. I am sorry, it sucks! One thing I had to learn, was how to stop feeling "lonely", and to start enjoying the feeling of "being with myself". I know that sounds kind of juvenile...but it is a big paradigm shift for some of us. I know it was for me.
Anyway, about the time I was getting comfortable being with myself, I started to become more attractive in some way to men. I guess that "comfort" kinda shines through.
Also...validate yourself too. Buy yourself treats and say out loud...I am buying this (insert word) because I worked hard to earn this money and deserve it...even if it is a plant that you put into your yard, to give you pleasure...or a new favorite pot or pan to cook your favorite meal, etc. Little things...can add up to be big changes in our psyche.
I know he is out there Jane....the day will come! I am confident!
Hugs to you.
I know lonliness. I am sorry, it sucks! One thing I had to learn, was how to stop feeling "lonely", and to start enjoying the feeling of "being with myself". I know that sounds kind of juvenile...but it is a big paradigm shift for some of us. I know it was for me.
Anyway, about the time I was getting comfortable being with myself, I started to become more attractive in some way to men. I guess that "comfort" kinda shines through.
Also...validate yourself too. Buy yourself treats and say out loud...I am buying this (insert word) because I worked hard to earn this money and deserve it...even if it is a plant that you put into your yard, to give you pleasure...or a new favorite pot or pan to cook your favorite meal, etc. Little things...can add up to be big changes in our psyche.
I know he is out there Jane....the day will come! I am confident!
Hugs to you.
Yep, Jane...your prayers were definately answered...Now I don't know if they were answered they way you wanted, but he has a plan for you and today, acceptance that you are exactly where you need to be is the lesson....
And I think it might be time for you to get a puppy so when the kids are with their dad, you still will have a companion....Trust me, there are days that I so enjoy just me and my Lab hanging out and everyone else is gone....
Everything happens in God's time, trust that and I agree with Tim...people working a strong recovery program actually radiate a sense of "I am okay" and people gravitate to that....Maybe you ought to hit some AA Spring
And I think it might be time for you to get a puppy so when the kids are with their dad, you still will have a companion....Trust me, there are days that I so enjoy just me and my Lab hanging out and everyone else is gone....
Everything happens in God's time, trust that and I agree with Tim...people working a strong recovery program actually radiate a sense of "I am okay" and people gravitate to that....Maybe you ought to hit some AA Spring
Jane..honey...its not always as good as it sounds. Try being in a relationship...a long term one....and feeling so so lonely!
Its the saddest feeling ever.....I would much rather be ALONE...than be with a man and be LONELY!
I hope that makes sense...god always gives us not always what we want...but most definitely what we need!
Its the saddest feeling ever.....I would much rather be ALONE...than be with a man and be LONELY!
I hope that makes sense...god always gives us not always what we want...but most definitely what we need!
Kee Kee:
I remember that feeling in my first marriage. Oh, it was the worst. Damn empty lonliness and they are sitting right there. I forgot how bad that was.
I never feel lonely anymore...but I crave alone time. Solitude has become a part of my life that I deeply cherish and embrace. Never thought I would say that!
Yoga is a solitary practice, and by and large, so is art making. I need critique and fellowship with fellow artists...sharing ideas about the work...what is good what is not, etc...but the time when the inspiration is flowing....that only happens alone.
Hugs to you kee kee!
I remember that feeling in my first marriage. Oh, it was the worst. Damn empty lonliness and they are sitting right there. I forgot how bad that was.
I never feel lonely anymore...but I crave alone time. Solitude has become a part of my life that I deeply cherish and embrace. Never thought I would say that!
Yoga is a solitary practice, and by and large, so is art making. I need critique and fellowship with fellow artists...sharing ideas about the work...what is good what is not, etc...but the time when the inspiration is flowing....that only happens alone.
Hugs to you kee kee!
I am sure there are a few out there that now exactly what I am talking about! I love that "down" time too....funny that I am never alone but yet always lonely...freaky!!!
Hugs right back at you girlfriend!!!
p.s. I wish I was more artsey fartsey...I would love a "creative" outlook to occupy my downtime...I just don't have the patience...I am more an ADHD type...that gets all these projects going...and scramble in between
Hugs right back at you girlfriend!!!
p.s. I wish I was more artsey fartsey...I would love a "creative" outlook to occupy my downtime...I just don't have the patience...I am more an ADHD type...that gets all these projects going...and scramble in between
Kee Kee:
We don't make them one at a doesn't work that way...I always have MANY projects going...the point is to bring them to a close. It doesn't matter how long it takes, but you must finish.
The trick for Fine Art is knowing when you are finished with a piece. And one that you are working on always talks in your head to another one you are working on, etc. It is all an endless line....looping around in my head and heart!
Don't worry about having them all going at once...just do little bits at a time...every day! Kinda like recovery!
We don't make them one at a doesn't work that way...I always have MANY projects going...the point is to bring them to a close. It doesn't matter how long it takes, but you must finish.
The trick for Fine Art is knowing when you are finished with a piece. And one that you are working on always talks in your head to another one you are working on, etc. It is all an endless line....looping around in my head and heart!
Don't worry about having them all going at once...just do little bits at a time...every day! Kinda like recovery!
Sarah-What medium do you work with?
I've been doing oils for years.I sometimes work with acrylics and pastels.
I've got a series of oils that are all surfing related and am trying to find a place to show them.
That is so cool you are an artist.
I've been doing oils for years.I sometimes work with acrylics and pastels.
I've got a series of oils that are all surfing related and am trying to find a place to show them.
That is so cool you are an artist.
Hey! I am an oil painter. I also work with other media too. I do a lot of print making...lithography and intaglio. I sculpt, wood and other strange materials! I am a mixed media artist...for me, it is all about the message, not the medium!
I love the feel of paper against my hand! and I love the smell of oil paint!
Shoot slides of your work and mail them out to anyone/everyone that shows your style of work. Look in the back of Art in America...they have calls for work all the time. There is also ArtJournal and ArtPapers. Those two also call for work, but not as much as Art in America.
Houston is the # 1 city for art outside of NY, IMO. I can spend days and days and days around the Montrose area...I LOVE THE ROTHKO CHAPEL.
Have you ever been to the Friends Meeting House in Houston...I think it is called LiveOak Meeting House????
Do you do art for a living....?
Hey! I am an oil painter. I also work with other media too. I do a lot of print making...lithography and intaglio. I sculpt, wood and other strange materials! I am a mixed media artist...for me, it is all about the message, not the medium!
I love the feel of paper against my hand! and I love the smell of oil paint!
Shoot slides of your work and mail them out to anyone/everyone that shows your style of work. Look in the back of Art in America...they have calls for work all the time. There is also ArtJournal and ArtPapers. Those two also call for work, but not as much as Art in America.
Houston is the # 1 city for art outside of NY, IMO. I can spend days and days and days around the Montrose area...I LOVE THE ROTHKO CHAPEL.
Have you ever been to the Friends Meeting House in Houston...I think it is called LiveOak Meeting House????
Do you do art for a living....?
Sarah asks-Do you do art for a living....?
No.If I had to make a living it from it I would starve.LOL
I sell pieces here and there.I'm a landscape designer by trade.
Rothko Chappel is awesome.I will look into that Art in America.I may be renting a booth this coming Spring with a friend who does pottery at The Bayou City Art Festival.
I have taken courses at The Glassel school of Art.
Thanks for the info.
Is this your primary source of income?
No.If I had to make a living it from it I would starve.LOL
I sell pieces here and there.I'm a landscape designer by trade.
Rothko Chappel is awesome.I will look into that Art in America.I may be renting a booth this coming Spring with a friend who does pottery at The Bayou City Art Festival.
I have taken courses at The Glassel school of Art.
Thanks for the info.
Is this your primary source of income?
Thanks for the replies. It's so wierd when something like that happens I have to share it to solidify the reality of it you know what I mean?
So having done that and already kind of knowing I am where I am suppose to be right now I will work on acceptance and yes Stacey maybe a puppy I think I will think about adopting an older dog. I need an old and lazy dog not a fresh and spry one.
It's winter and I become especially dormant. My idea of life this time of year is to work go to school and jump in my soft warm bed and read. I keep trying to force myself to "get out there" but, I guess the Universe is telling me it is o.k. to be what I am right now and enjoy it so here is to trying!
Tim I hope that I am growing along spritual lines and speaking of the spiritual ones who stand out. You are one I love your insight. Thanks...
Sarah Your wording on the art thing. I love you artistic types your wording flows and creates a picture in my imagination. What one would see as jumping from one thing to the next. You write as being. .one that you are working on always talks in your head to another one you are working on, etc. It is all an endless line....looping around in my head and heart! Your words are elequent.
Kee Kee I agree we have all been in those relationships to one degree or another. I try to remember that each day. The serenity I have now is nice and I do enjoy it. It sure beats "The nightly rounds" as I use to call it fighting over one small thing or another with the ex at night after work. Thanks for the reminder.
You guys make it easy to open up and just be me even when it's embarassing. I am getting so sick of myself thank goodness I have all of you to break up the monotony.
Much love and respect,
So having done that and already kind of knowing I am where I am suppose to be right now I will work on acceptance and yes Stacey maybe a puppy I think I will think about adopting an older dog. I need an old and lazy dog not a fresh and spry one.
It's winter and I become especially dormant. My idea of life this time of year is to work go to school and jump in my soft warm bed and read. I keep trying to force myself to "get out there" but, I guess the Universe is telling me it is o.k. to be what I am right now and enjoy it so here is to trying!
Tim I hope that I am growing along spritual lines and speaking of the spiritual ones who stand out. You are one I love your insight. Thanks...
Sarah Your wording on the art thing. I love you artistic types your wording flows and creates a picture in my imagination. What one would see as jumping from one thing to the next. You write as being. .one that you are working on always talks in your head to another one you are working on, etc. It is all an endless line....looping around in my head and heart! Your words are elequent.
Kee Kee I agree we have all been in those relationships to one degree or another. I try to remember that each day. The serenity I have now is nice and I do enjoy it. It sure beats "The nightly rounds" as I use to call it fighting over one small thing or another with the ex at night after work. Thanks for the reminder.
You guys make it easy to open up and just be me even when it's embarassing. I am getting so sick of myself thank goodness I have all of you to break up the monotony.
Much love and respect,
I want to study at the Glassel, what a wonderful place.
Do you know about the Friends Meeting House. The ceiling retracts, it is a James Turrell piece of art. He is an amazing light sculptor. Really amazing...the House is open to the public, every Friday. It begins at the beginning of sunset and the roof stays open until the sky is completely dark. What happens on that ceiling during this time can only be described as miraculous.
There are no lighting tricks, just God's wonder. It is one of the most amazing things I have ever witnessed in my life. Truly, words cannot describe it. Please, go see for yourself!!! As a surfer, I know you will find a special connection to what is and isn't happening in that time!
Yes, I am a working artist. Finishing my MFA this spring, and plan to try to support myself as an artist. We will see. I just got a piece into a gallery in NY, and the director wants to talk to me on Friday via who knows?
I would take a University job if I could land one, we will see. I have a very wonderful husband who makes this life possible for me....I am very grateful.
I want to study at the Glassel, what a wonderful place.
Do you know about the Friends Meeting House. The ceiling retracts, it is a James Turrell piece of art. He is an amazing light sculptor. Really amazing...the House is open to the public, every Friday. It begins at the beginning of sunset and the roof stays open until the sky is completely dark. What happens on that ceiling during this time can only be described as miraculous.
There are no lighting tricks, just God's wonder. It is one of the most amazing things I have ever witnessed in my life. Truly, words cannot describe it. Please, go see for yourself!!! As a surfer, I know you will find a special connection to what is and isn't happening in that time!
Yes, I am a working artist. Finishing my MFA this spring, and plan to try to support myself as an artist. We will see. I just got a piece into a gallery in NY, and the director wants to talk to me on Friday via who knows?
I would take a University job if I could land one, we will see. I have a very wonderful husband who makes this life possible for me....I am very grateful.
Jane,i totally agree weird /cool would be my words.
You have your own little angel right there huh?
Ive never really been without a relationship,i dated alot as a teen,moved right out into a home with my husband,but ive sure felt lonely many times ,right in the same room with my husband.Its something we all have to work on in our lives,and bide our time.
Im so glad that things seem a little more in perspecitve for you right now.And i pray eventualy you find the perfect mate for you and your family.~KIM
You have your own little angel right there huh?
Ive never really been without a relationship,i dated alot as a teen,moved right out into a home with my husband,but ive sure felt lonely many times ,right in the same room with my husband.Its something we all have to work on in our lives,and bide our time.
Im so glad that things seem a little more in perspecitve for you right now.And i pray eventualy you find the perfect mate for you and your family.~KIM