Wake up people, where is everyone? Not that ya'll care of the mediocre details of my life but I have read more boring stuff on here so here goes:
Er! One of these boys around here drank ALL of the milk except for a tiny little bit (enough to cream my coffee!!!!!!) and threw it in the garbage. Grrrr, that pissed me off! I started with Dad then on down the line I woke the lil devils up until I found the culprit. Well, Well, wouldn't you know..... it was the oldest. I woke his lil butt up and showed him the container and said 'Did you drink all the milk and leave juuuuuuuust enough in the bottom to cream my coffee but chose to trash it instead? Yes Momma :( . Er, he admitted it.... no death sentence. I told him how unthoughtful his actions were and by that time Dad was in the car getting milk. They love me but man sometimes it seems like they think up stuff to annoy me, though I know that isn't true. If anyone wants to trade four kids for come goats or chickens, let me know. HA!
Ack! something aint right... now that I am awake a little, I now my oldest wouldn't do that. He is forever taking the rap for his brothers. Glad I didn't go hard on him.
* Got Milk* ?
*it does a body good*
lets hope so...lol
K.... i don't have a goat or a chicken to trade, but would take a 7-10 year old boy if you have one of those. My son could sure use a playmate. I am sure we could work something out.
come goats?
Kaela, since you aren't responding, I hope you are at the doctor's appt.
Please let us know what you find out!!!
Lou Lou,
maybe those goats produce special milk.
Calling Kaela.........
maybe those goats produce special milk.
Calling Kaela.........
how about trading, my 2 sick kids for yours that drank the milk. i'm sick of being thrown up on. day 9, and not looking any better. how long can the stomach bug last?
o'well hope all are well.
o'well hope all are well.