Want To Help My Son

Hello everyone, My 20 yr old son came to visit with me a little over one month ago. His affect was flat, he was clearly suffering and confessed to me that along with other things he was addicted to oxycontin. He is also prone towards depression and has low stress tolerance.Well, I was detoxing him , with lots of vitamins, green teas, juices etc and he felt so much better and at the end of two weeks I actually saw a smile as well as a very small gleam in his eye. Well, he decided to return "home" out of state and something happened on the way home that disaapointed and stressed him. Needless to say he went back to using.
He called me a few days ago and asked me if I were still willing to help him. He wants to return to my home at the end of Oct.
My plan is as above:
heavy duty vitamins patterned after:
lots of organic juices
green teas
no stress, meditative music etc
after a week of rest maybe start an exercise program.
Can anyone suggest anything more?
BTW... I am a R.N. but I do not like or agree with all the pharmaceuticals that people are placed on. I also work in Psych. and would not want my son to have to be in what I consider an untheraputic enviroment. I wish I could afford these wonderful private facilities but I cant and hence I will have to do this myself.
If anyone has any suggestions or advise I am open to it. I have been going online to educate myself about this addiction.
Thank you in advance
I read your email and while I am not a professional, my father was one and I have battled my own addictions. I have learned that most of the time any addiction is somehow linked to a person trying to avoid pain.

Do you think this may be true in your son's case?

Has he ever had a psychological evaluation? While I have not always been a big fan of the pharmaceutical industry, I must confess that there ARE some great drugs out there to help with depression.

I have found out that my body chemistry allows me to dip down to some extreme lows from problems that can just easily be solved.

If those options are too expensive, involvement and success breeds happiness. What does he like to do? encourage him to take part in something and foster a sense of involvement and responsibility, and make sure that he owns his process of recovery- it is dangerous that he relate his healing to you. He should know that he has the power on his own to heal himself.

But once again, a good therapist that works in conjunction with a good psychiatrist is not a bad idea.

All the best for you,
Your son might find help from Pillsanonymous.com
Thank you!
I appreciate your feedback and concern.
He is home now , out of state. I last spoke with him this past saturday and he confided to me that he has been going through withdrawl on his own. I told him that my support is available if he needs me. Thank you again for your suggestions. They are valuable. Enjoy your day
i would just like to thank you becuase i as well had my additions and looked a this web site trying to find help and reading what you did for your son has helped me as well i have done steps you have listed and done what you did for you son and know i see the smile on my face you saw on your son. For never knowing you and never will probably meet you you are a savior and an angel to me and my life.
After a long time heavily smoking weed here is what i've found helps
I am currently cutting down week by week, not moving on until i feel comfortable that i will be able to keep decreasing and not slip up. I am currently the closest i have been in 10 years to being sober.
I have also foung that taking vitamans, eating 5 portions of fresh fruit and veg and drinking lots of water helps. And eating foods with natural 'feel good' like salmon.
I have also found that it's when i get bored i'm at my most vunerable. I have been trying to remember what i enjoyed doing before i started, and instead of sitting around smoking i'm trying to get off my butt and do something. This has been really good for me as i feel like i'm getting to know myself again.
Hope this helps- don't know how far i'll get with this but at the moment i feel the most confident about giving up that I ever have.
silly boy isnt he