Warning On Ultram - Silent Partner

Thanks for the welcome, no unfortunately I'm not off the pills.......I've tried tapper and c/t, neither work....the first moment i feel " that feeling " set it i run for the pills, i have no self control and i feel the only way for me to do this is to have help withdrawling from it from medication. I just posted a topic, if you would read it and reply, id appreciate it!
Elbrisa I agree. Ultram partially binds to the same receptors as opiates do.. this is why it has the potential for abuse and it is also why it produces opiate-like withdrawals. You are also right that it is contra-indicated for anyone with a history of opiate addiction.

Unfortunately many Drs do not understand its potential for abuse and certainly in Australia it is way overprescribed. Australian hospitals made a successful submission that it be treated (in hospitals) as a drug of addiction (Shedule 4) which means it is locked away with the other drugs of addiction.

Hi Bob, I would be interested in finding out if the AMA had any success with their application to have Tramadol rescheduled.


I completly understand. I fought with this for a lot of years. I just couldn't or wouldn't quit. I liked the energy and the hi to much. Toward the end I just needed them to even function. You sound to me like you should try Sub. I don't know much about it however there are a lot of people here to help you with it. You hang in there. You will beat this thing. And your life will get back on track.

Hi SP,
Yeah, me too, I heard about it a few years ago but haven't heard anything else about it since. I'll have to ask around about it. I do know that some folks in A.A. that are only recovering alcoholics use Ultram for chronic pain as directed and have no problem with it but it for sure isn't a good idea to take it for those of us with an opiate addiction as well. Anyway, nice to see ya', hope you and yours are doing well........Take care.......Bob
Help me with something...doesn't ultramm have a really long half life? I remember reading that it takes a week for withdrawl to hit??
That has been popping around my brain all day..
half-life for tramadol is 6 hours for a single dose and 7 for subsequent doses
supposedly it takes 3 hrs for you to reach your peak on ultram, from my experience taking them i would start withdrawling about 5-6 hours after dosing, could be all in my head, not sure but definately start withdrawl by 10-12 hours.
thanks guys...I thought that I read it takes a week to start...but I KNEW that couldn't be right.
thanks to pills....
Hey Chrissy - talke to me about SUB - I promise it will hlp - I just don't want you to get to the point that I did where it hurt too much to live and I couldn't die because i have a son - that's where Ultram brought me -and i was using it because in my denial I thought I would be ok - WRONG

Frank - how''d you get so handsome - no more green man LOL
It seems like everyone has this topic pretty well covered, but to add my voice - I am addicted to Ultram. I have been addicted for 5+ years. Before that I spent over a year taking Vicodin, which I quit c/t. I then took Ultram as the "safe" alternative. It got me high and the rest is history.

I have gone 48 hours without when travelling and I felt like hell - restless legs, stomach cramps, runny nose. I know that it is not strictly speaking an opiate (Thank you Silent Partner for all the good info) but it sure as hell feels like one when you go without it for more than few hours. I had been taking 800 mg every day for 5+ years and over the last three weeks I am down to 200 mg per day. Next week I quit all together. I told my doctor who was blissfully ignorant of the potential for addiction. Why this stuff is not Scheduled is hard to understand, other than the fact that some drug company (McNeil) is getting rich off the stuff.