I don't know if the stomach virus is going around where you live, but it hit me Thursday night like a freight train! I was miserable for 24 hours. I ached all over! It actually reminded me of my days of withdrawal....it was that bad! Finally feeling better today...thank goodness!I am sore though!
Doesnt sound very good RKT. Hope your doing all beter now. Hopefully it doesnt travel all the way to New Zealand
we had it 2 weeks ago, so bad I slept on the bathroom floor. they closed several middle schools in Michigan for 3 days because of the virus, kids just spreading it! hope ya feel better, ours went from stomache to throat to ears, to doctor lol
Thanks Contract!
momg...So you definately know how I felt by sleeping on the bathroom floor. I didn't make it to the bathroom a couple of times. It would come fast and it was violent! Glad you got threw it too.
momg...So you definately know how I felt by sleeping on the bathroom floor. I didn't make it to the bathroom a couple of times. It would come fast and it was violent! Glad you got threw it too.
Rhonda, I hope you're feeling better =(
There's a lot of bad and just plain weird stuff going around. I was in NYC for the weekend to hang with my sisters (we call it our 'sisters weekend') and I had been feeling crappy all week, but I went anyhow. I still am not feeling myself with the major symptoms being severe dehydration, terrible headache, sinus infection, blocked ears, throat infection (maybe strep, maybe not), and exhaustion...it's not the flu, which is considerably worse, but it sure has run me down...and now my sister and my husband both have it.
Unfortunately for teachers it's an occupational hazard.
Wishing you chicken soup ~ M&M
There's a lot of bad and just plain weird stuff going around. I was in NYC for the weekend to hang with my sisters (we call it our 'sisters weekend') and I had been feeling crappy all week, but I went anyhow. I still am not feeling myself with the major symptoms being severe dehydration, terrible headache, sinus infection, blocked ears, throat infection (maybe strep, maybe not), and exhaustion...it's not the flu, which is considerably worse, but it sure has run me down...and now my sister and my husband both have it.
Unfortunately for teachers it's an occupational hazard.
Wishing you chicken soup ~ M&M
I know Mom...everything the kids get...I usually get! I'm sorry you are feeling yucky. Get better soon! Hope you had a great time with your sister too!