Watch This Movie

hi everyone,i don't know how anyone here feels about religion,but if you get the chance watch a movie called[THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST] i don't even have the words to explain how i feel.....................vinny
Vinny is right. I just watched it about 2 weeks ago. Be prepared to cry your eyes out. I still can't thinking about it. I also recommend Jesus of Nazareth. This is only for people who are Christian. If you are not, please disregard this post.
I watched it a few weeks ago.

It was a very good movie except the torture scenes were a little over done and a bit to fake in terms of what really happened in real life.

Overall a good movie. Wasn't it subtitled too?
I just bought it on DVD (actually, my brother bought it for me)- havent watched it as yet - I've heard both good and bad reviews on it.

Vinny, that movie was so powerful. I felt so bad when Jesus told him that he would forsake him 3 times. Talk about a guilt trip.
I hope that you are well, my friend.
One of the funniest movies I watched last summer was Starsky and Hutch..
That seems to be more up your alley, vinny...
I would think Debbis does Dallas is more Vinny's type :-)

PS: Mine too
I had heard so much about it , Im one who likes gory movies hacken up slasher stuff but the pasion was too much for me and I had to walk out of the room several times my wife liked it , for lack of a better term but it was way to much for me Ray