My son is 20 yrs old .Six months ago he left his family for a female that does the drug "ice" Since that time he has become addicted to this drug, burglerized storage buildings and homes(including mine) . They sleep all day and do drugs and steal all night. 2 days ago my daughter called me hysterical because he was chasing her around town threatening to shoot her because she confronted him and his drug addict girlfriend . 911 was called and I stood for 5 hours watching as the police took all the stolen merchandice out of his appt. and the car they were in. When they let me talk to him he called me horrible names and told the police that I did Heroin( I dont do drugs, I am a nurse and my husband is a police officer) He told me it was my fault that this happened. I watched as they took my only son away and I felt like I will never see him again at least not the son I knew from before the drugs. It broke my heart. So I just want to say to anyone thinking about starting drugs please dont . If you dont kill yourself in body you will for sure kill yourself in spirit. By that I mean you will probably never be the person you were before and the person you will become is nothing to be proud of. I will end this by asking anyone who believes to please pray for my son his name is Eric. Thank you,
I am praying for your son Eric. My son David died of a heroin overdose a month passed his 21st birthday in August of last year. Your son Eric sounds like my son. He would accuse my wife and I of doing drugs. I don't know what we did wrong, or when we did wrong, or what did we miss. We were very naive about drugs.
My sons story is in this site. The link is:
There may be some useful information for you.
God Bless. I know what you are going through. They are just too young and dumb at 20 or 21.
I am praying for your son Eric. My son David died of a heroin overdose a month passed his 21st birthday in August of last year. Your son Eric sounds like my son. He would accuse my wife and I of doing drugs. I don't know what we did wrong, or when we did wrong, or what did we miss. We were very naive about drugs.
My sons story is in this site. The link is:
There may be some useful information for you.
God Bless. I know what you are going through. They are just too young and dumb at 20 or 21.
Hi, Sunshine
Bless your heart! My heart aches for you! I understand some of the pain you are going through, and I most definitely will pray for Eric and you. Would you keep my son Harry in your prayers that he is able to stay clean? Thanks so much. My son started on suboxone about a week ago, and it is really helping with some of the withdrawal symptoms. Keep in touch! I care!
Bless your heart! My heart aches for you! I understand some of the pain you are going through, and I most definitely will pray for Eric and you. Would you keep my son Harry in your prayers that he is able to stay clean? Thanks so much. My son started on suboxone about a week ago, and it is really helping with some of the withdrawal symptoms. Keep in touch! I care!
I am so so sorry about your son. I live with this constant fear as I know one day I will be in your shoes. Please don't blame yourself for this as there are some things we can change and some things we can't no matter how much we try. I am thinking of you and your son and will pray you find strength to get through this. Please take care of yourself.
sunshine, i know you are going through the darkest days and hours of your life, but i would like to offer you some hope and encouragement.
sometimes these life altering events, as ugly as they are, are the things that "turn the tide" for the life of the addict and his family. yes, life is not the same, but life isn't the same after cancer or any other life threatening disease or illnes, and some hopes and dreams of what could have been are dashed and shelved.
consequences have to be faced, and the facing of those consequences lead to healing.
as you have asked, my prayers for healing and help are with you. the higher power that we serve knows of our needs before we ask for help with them.
sometimes these life altering events, as ugly as they are, are the things that "turn the tide" for the life of the addict and his family. yes, life is not the same, but life isn't the same after cancer or any other life threatening disease or illnes, and some hopes and dreams of what could have been are dashed and shelved.
consequences have to be faced, and the facing of those consequences lead to healing.
as you have asked, my prayers for healing and help are with you. the higher power that we serve knows of our needs before we ask for help with them.
Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement. I went to visit my son earlier this evening in jail, last night he was jumped by 5 other inmates and they beat him pretty bad. But he will make it . As strange as it sounds maybe this happened to show him what he has to look forward to if he doesnt change. He sounds like he used to before the drugs and of coarse he wants to come home but I am not getting my hopes up,we will just go one day at a time.
Dear Sunshine, My deepest regards go out to you at this moment. I am sorry to hear of your pain & your sons' self destructive behavior. Your son is obviously not himself, and I will aslo pray for Eric that this experience will be enough to change his life for himself. I have done some research over the net of "ice" as I beleive this is the drug my late bf had ingested before his death. All I can say is that I understand how it can change a calm person into the opposite, I had never witnessed my bf being violent though the evening of his death was the exception, due to whatever the exact poison was. I agree that it robs you of your soul, yoour life, everything and those left who love that person of their peace, sense of security etc.... Your daughter may know now, with all good intentions of helping her brother, these situations which involve ice (crystal Meth) and other drugs, can be very unpredictable and life threatening for her. There is a lot of support here, I'll keep you and your family in my prayers, God Bless, Dora