We have a dillema...did I spell that right? Anyway..as you all know, the wedding is fast approaching, I know I'm sick of hearing about it too, but we have 2 very unwanted guests that will be showing up. No, they were not invited but because a member of thier family is in the wedding, they think they can come. Both are mooches. Coming only for the free beer and food. Both are obnoxious when drunk, and they will get drunk, both are icky. How do I handle this? How do I politely or tackfully tell them they can't come? Do I leave it up to my son?
Gee hun, that is a tough one. If it were my dilema and I was the one that put all the time and energy that YOU have into making this wedding a sucess, I would be very blunt and point blank. If they are not invited and are NOT welcome then you may as well let them know.
Sometimes it's not easy being the biatch...but who cares. Perhaps the two will get hint and clean up there act.
Sorry you are going through this...I can't imagine. I think we may be planning our own wedding next summer for my daughter and I won't hesistate to uninvite someone who has taken it upon themself to invite themself.
LOL..oh my I hope that made sense!!
Breath hunny, it's almost over!!
Sometimes it's not easy being the biatch...but who cares. Perhaps the two will get hint and clean up there act.
Sorry you are going through this...I can't imagine. I think we may be planning our own wedding next summer for my daughter and I won't hesistate to uninvite someone who has taken it upon themself to invite themself.
LOL..oh my I hope that made sense!!
Breath hunny, it's almost over!!
I hate that this kind of stuff comes up for something that's so much a blessing and fun to do. We all know that I don't have a hard time being the biatch...but I don't want to create problems for my son since it's his really good friend that is the family member. He also works for us, so I need to be careful about not hurting his feelings. He's a good kid, just has idiots for a family. Maybe I just need to breathe and quit sweating the small stuff? Let them come and if they get out of hand, ask them to leave. I really don't want them there to begin with and I'm starting to feel a huge resentment over this. They won't even bring a gift! They pulled this at a wedding of a mutual friend last weekend...so I got to see them in action.
That's crappy Lisa.
Maybe you can talk to them, or have your son talk to them. Lay out some ground rules. Tell them that they are welcome BUT, under the following conditions. Make it clear up front that if they don't abide by them....they will be asked to leave.
Perhaps someone just needs to tell them that they are acting like jerks.
When is the wedding?
You have put so much into it....try to imagine the good things that will come from that day....don't let things like this take away from what is really important.
I can't wait to see the pics!!
Maybe you can talk to them, or have your son talk to them. Lay out some ground rules. Tell them that they are welcome BUT, under the following conditions. Make it clear up front that if they don't abide by them....they will be asked to leave.
Perhaps someone just needs to tell them that they are acting like jerks.
When is the wedding?
You have put so much into it....try to imagine the good things that will come from that day....don't let things like this take away from what is really important.
I can't wait to see the pics!!
What does your son want to do, have you talked to him about this
While I so lack tact and would flat out say something, I would talk to my son and take his friend into consideration as well
My son gf's mom is an active addict, she so wants her at things and then doesnt so worried of how she will be, if she will create chaos, which she does all the timeI told her it is her decision always and that if she wants her to be included to not worry as I have no problem stepping in and gently removing her
Tough call, not sure there is ever a way to predict the outcomes, cause even if you did say dont come, that doesnt mean they will listen
While I so lack tact and would flat out say something, I would talk to my son and take his friend into consideration as well
My son gf's mom is an active addict, she so wants her at things and then doesnt so worried of how she will be, if she will create chaos, which she does all the timeI told her it is her decision always and that if she wants her to be included to not worry as I have no problem stepping in and gently removing her
Tough call, not sure there is ever a way to predict the outcomes, cause even if you did say dont come, that doesnt mean they will listen
I really am trying to concentrate on all the good things and am concerned about my son's friend, it's his Dad and brother. The Dad threatend to punch my son out about a year ago so I don't think there's any love lost there for my son...but I think you're both right, I need to talk to him about this. I'm just trying to make all of this easy on him, he's getting really nervous and doesn't need any drama. Which is why you guys get to listen to it first before I say something I'll regret.
I will talk to Jonathan today and see what he thinks. I know he doesn't like either of them and his bride to be will be upset if they show up.
The wedding is August 16th. I promise lots of pictures! And then I'll stop talking about it. Promise.
I will talk to Jonathan today and see what he thinks. I know he doesn't like either of them and his bride to be will be upset if they show up.
The wedding is August 16th. I promise lots of pictures! And then I'll stop talking about it. Promise.
I would let your son take care of it, if they come then like Tina said remove them, after all you are paying for this wedding.
You said it neither wants them there, they simply were not invited period, they will get over it.
You said it neither wants them there, they simply were not invited period, they will get over it.
Talk away Lisa! That is what this place is for....sometimes it's good to get an outside opinion of what is happening real close to home!
I am sure it will be a success no matter what!!
Speaking of boys!
Here is mine....I took this one yesterday....he rescued me..I had a flat tire...gggrrrr...but then we went to diner! I had a lovely time, just him and I....see...sometimes there is a silver lining to the crappy things that happen!

My boy and his toy!!
I am sure it will be a success no matter what!!
Speaking of boys!
Here is mine....I took this one yesterday....he rescued me..I had a flat tire...gggrrrr...but then we went to diner! I had a lovely time, just him and I....see...sometimes there is a silver lining to the crappy things that happen!

My boy and his toy!!
That's your son? So cute! Nice truck too. I am such a truck girl at heart...
I guess because this wedding is at my house I get to say something. I have no patience for drunks anymore, don't want to be around them. I talked to my daughter in law to be about it and she said for me to say whatever I want. She doesn't want her sister's boyfriend there for the same reason but she's going to have to handle that one.
I guess because this wedding is at my house I get to say something. I have no patience for drunks anymore, don't want to be around them. I talked to my daughter in law to be about it and she said for me to say whatever I want. She doesn't want her sister's boyfriend there for the same reason but she's going to have to handle that one.
Free beer and food? Can I come? Ah, you probably wouldn't have enough beer for the likes of me. Never mind <BEG>
You are more than welcome to come Kat.. Course you live too far away so I'm safe extending that invation. <eg>
You don't want to see me the day of the wedding anyway..Momzilla on wheels.
I called my son and told him my concerns..he has no problem with telling his friend that his family members are not invited. He's just going to tell him that we have limited parking and are keeping it to close friends and family. He's so much more tactful than I am. He did say though that they were talking about coming. So I'm glad I said something.
You don't want to see me the day of the wedding anyway..Momzilla on wheels.
I called my son and told him my concerns..he has no problem with telling his friend that his family members are not invited. He's just going to tell him that we have limited parking and are keeping it to close friends and family. He's so much more tactful than I am. He did say though that they were talking about coming. So I'm glad I said something.
That's good. Now, you have one less thing to worry about. I'm sure everything is going to perfect if you are involved. Would you handle my daughter's wedding in hopefully atleast 10 yrs. from now? I was in charge of 2 weddings held at my house and I was left to take care of everything....of course I would not have wanted it any other way. But I am not as energetic as I used to be and I am not looking forward to working on another wedding...LOL
I was going to say, have your son blame it on lack of room, lack of finances, whatever it takes to make it clear these dopes are not invited.
Do you get the feeling that people like this will show up anyway regardless of what is said to them? I hope not, but if they do, and they act like drunken a-holes, THEY will look bad, not you!
My daughter is probably getting married next summer, can I call you for crowd control?
Do you get the feeling that people like this will show up anyway regardless of what is said to them? I hope not, but if they do, and they act like drunken a-holes, THEY will look bad, not you!
My daughter is probably getting married next summer, can I call you for crowd control?
I have to say, that after this wedding, I will never do another. My youngest want's to get married on the beach in Hawaii so that'll be easy. You girls are on your own. lol I suppose I could do crowd control though..I'd make a good bouncer.
Trust me, if those idiots show up after being told not too, they will be sorry. Life as they know it, will be over.
Trust me, if those idiots show up after being told not too, they will be sorry. Life as they know it, will be over.