Way Off The Subject!!

Can you tell me exactly how to get a different avatar? I keep trying and trying and nothing is working? Anyone know? Thanks!

What are you looking for, maybe we can help.

Hey Kansas girl,
It took me for ever to figure out the avatars.
What I did, was open an account with photo bucket (its free) then you save whatever pictureyou want into photobucket (by right clicking on the pic and in the properties copy and paste the url and add it to photo bucket), then when you've done that go into 'my settings' on this board, then copy and paste the url from the pic in photobucket and click avatar from another site and add the url x
I hope this makes sence???
Thanks Gab. If I have any questions, I know who to turn to!!!!
yeah you can, not sure if i make much sence tho LOL but just yell if you get stuck x x x
Yeah, my doo daas get pretty annoying, so I've cut back on using so many pics, dont wanna annoy anyone lol

it took me forever to figure it out, I had to have Tmom walk me through it over the phone.

There are alot of sites that have avatars. Animation factory is a good one, but most of them you have to purchase, but there are still alot of free ones. I wanted to go in my photobucket and bring some up for you, but I forgot my user name....derrr...anyways, if we can help, I'd be glad to.
