Wd's Need Support

Hey Everybody,

Just wanted to check in and let everyone know where I am at with this. I did do "somewhat of a taper" and took my last pill yesterday at 3:30 pm my time. It was a pretty restless night but I took some clonidine, 1/2 of a skelaxin for muscles, and 1 Xanax and 600 mgms of Advil for muscle pain. I did get some sleep but it was restless. It is now 9:30 am my time and I feel a little hungover from all the med I took lastnight but other than that I am doing okay, not feeling good by any means but just okay. I am so afraid that I will get to day 3 and start feeling so bad I will just say f*** it. I pray that I don't do that this time. God please help me. Like someone posted in one of my threads earlier that they had connections to get pills that they never even knew they had, It seems that I do to. I cut off my major supplier but the reason I failed so bad at my taper is because of the little ones, like a friend, or someone who sees your in pain and say "oh here's what you need" and hands me 10 pills that I CAN"T seem to say no too. Hopefully that will not happen this time and I can get through this. Does anyone out there who has been through WD's have memeory problems? When I am withdrawing I cannot remember what I walked into the next room for or what I was headed to do. I can't keep a straight train of thought. It makes me nuts, then again I guess I am nuts for putting my body through this kind of torture. I have to go to work today at noon ( I have two jobs) this one is my own business and I am hoping I can function. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to all of you for being there. Oh and please don't fight with one another I just hate that : )

Lou Lou be strong and lean on us for support to get you through the worst of it. Make sure you stocked up on otc stuff to help. Just keep your eye on the prize, feeling good and living life without a pill to control you, you can get there look at everyone that did it, you CAN to.

LouLou, when I was withdrawing from pills, my memory was shot...... That's normal. Even now that I am off the pills and on the sub, I've noticed some memory problems - don't know if it's from getting off the Norco or from brain damage from being on it in the first place.

LouLou...I too suffered memory loss, I couldn't remember a damn thing! You are going thru the hardest part but trust me it does get easier! I went on several job interviews while I was taking pills and couldn't remember what the heck I was saying while I was answering questions.

My advice would be to stay away from anyone that can get or uses or has access to pills. If you don't you are setting yourself up for some test of will power!

Try and keep yourself busy, go for a walk, go to the gym, take a hot bath, do whatever it takes because trust me I was in your shoes a little over a month ago and now I feel FANTASTIC! You are almost there! There is light at the end of the tunnel. TRUST ME!

If I can help you, please let me know!

Danny...Sorry about the one word answer last night. I had my daughter asleep in my arms and was trying to type with one hand and not wake her! How are you doing?

GHF- Doing better, thanks! Hey, nothing better than holding the kid, eh?
Nothing better in the world...Glad to hear you are well.
Lou Lou,
Hang in there it does get easier. I know that is hard to believe but so true. When I was reading your post I had to laugh because I can so relate to the memory being lost. Heck when I was going through bad withdrawls I couldn't think straight about anything. People would talk to me and I would look through them. Your mind will go through all kind of changes just like your body. In time you will gradually get back to normal. I promise. Best of luck and I will pray you have a speedy recovery! Rae
Lou Lou,

Stay the course and be easy on yourself -- your brain will be going through some pretty dramatic changes over the next 3-5 days. It will be SO worth it if you can hang on and ride this out....stay away from those "helpful" friends for a while, if not longer, and keep posting. There's a lot of support here. Hang in!

yep memory loss here too, that gets better as time goes on. i echo the others stay the course. keep praying and staying strong. i will send you healing prayers today and ask god to protect your mind as well, to keep you safe from any thoughts of using and keep you on track so you can funtion while you w/d at work. you can do this, your not alone, you have lots of great support here. JD's right lean on us all you can. you are so worth it. sending all my healing warmth and comforting well wisehs vibes and prayers your way.


Lou Lou:

I hope you are doing better. The good news is that life gets better when you don't use. There are so many great examples on this board of people who are clean and living life beyond their wildest dreams. My life is so good today, better than I ever would have guessed it could be. When I first started letting go of those pills I never thought I could live a day let alone any significant amount of time without ingesting pills to get through the day. I know a new freedom, the freedom from the bondage of self. I know you will too.
