Weight And Pain Pills

Hi - Anyone know anything about weight and pain pills. I have been following weight watchers pretty good, lented successfully on sweets, exercise like a fiend and still keep gaining weight. I unfortunately, have not yet quit the pain pills. Any answers re the weight thing?

yep the pain pills slows down your metabolism big time. wieght gain is common. i lost so much wieght when i quit using pills. well that was my experience. someone will be by with more help.

Hey you gotta be able to lose weight off them right I mean the only time your really zooming is when you take them My experience was I would do everything when I was on my pills at night, but the next day I just layed around I mean this winter I have hardly gone outside at all. I just stay in with my baby and wait for the other one to get home for school, the rest of my day was spent waiting until the nightime so I could "Get high" again. Now I am just tapering still 222 7 tonight and 2 -3 somas a day but I already seem to have more energy. I mean I actually have real clothes on today and makeup and hair done imagine that!!!!! My problem was I would eat like a bird during the day so when I took my pills it would be on an empty stomache so I would get a better high. So now I am wondering what the hell my metabolism is going to do, anyone been thru that???

Hey though good luck to you and who cares about the weight with all the extra energy you will lose it quick.
You bet they make you fat!!!! I have gained 15lbs since my addiction hit full stride last summer. I still go to the gym although not as often as I did a year ago, but my metabolism has slowed down alot. No doubt about it. Honestly it was part of the motavation for my quiting now. I am surprised this is the first time I have seen anyone else complain about this.
Pain Pills= Fat belly,LOL
When I was using I could grub out on food and junk. Stop using and lose weight through diarrhea and sweating. Rae
I gained a few pounds the last year of my addiction..... Maybe it was from not working out like I used to (the pills that used to give me energy made me lazy at the end) or from me craving junk food..... I don't know.

The first month I quit, I lost 8lbs (I had only gained 5, so I was happy about that). I don't know if it was quitting the pills that did it or the antidepressant I got on, but I lost the weight without even trying.

Of course now I've substituted my addiction for pain pills with an addiction to Hershey's Bars & Snickers Bars, so I'm sure the 8lbs will be back on in no time. LOL


Sounds like it;s different with everyone. While on the pills, I stayed about 15 pounds under my usual weight......which I loved. I actually forgot to eat most days. Since quitting, I have gained about 8 pounds in 4 months. I am not forgetting to eat now obviously!
Right there with you guys on the weight gain. It may be metabolism from pills, or just plain laying around too much. I used to get tons of energy from them, now I just get tired and sleepy.
Weight gain? YES!! I had always been very thin--very small build. Since this addiction has hit me, I've racked up 30 pounds. And that's on a small frame. My stomach is bloated and fat--just gross. Look at Elvis--remember how he ballooned up at the height of his addiction? I guess it makes sense.
i never gained weight while using(heroin) but once i stopped and went on subs i gained weight. try watching what you eat and cut down on sugar. if you crave sugar eat fruit. apples, strawberries and blueberries are great.
good luck
I agree with Carol,some of us ate like there was no tomorrow on pills, others didnt want to ruin there buzz, I fell into the ruining my buzz category. I didnt eat breakfast or lunch for 9-10 months. Now, come noon, I am starving, I gained 20 lbs since I quit almost three months ago. I went from ruining my buzz, to ruining my pants, I can buy more pants though.

Best Regards,
Tom, that made me laugh when you talked about not eating so that you didn't ruin your buzz. It's one of those moments that makes me think "Wow! I did the same thing!"

I eat.... I always eat and I eat a lot..... and I've always been very, very tiny, usually under 100lbs (trust me, my sister and my husband hate me for this... I eat twice as much as they do and I would probably eat 1000 calories a night on ambien - for some reason, when the ambien would kick in, I would eat ANYTHING in site... sometimes mixing flour and sugar and butter if we didn't have anything sweet in the house)..... And I ALWAYS eat breakfast; it's the first thing I do when I wake up.

But it got to where I wouldn't eat breakfast right away, because I didn't want the food to interfere with my "buzz" from the pain pills. I know so many people who get sick if they take just one vicodin on an empty stomach; I would take 3 or 4 without eating and then 3-4 more three hours later, and I never got nauseous.

Because of doing things like not eating breakfast, I would stuff myself later with food because I was so hungry. Also, the opiates caused me to crave sweets, so I didn't want to eat healthy food any more.... all I wanted to eat was junk.

Now that I'm on the sub, I'm still craving sweets, but I'm exercising more and staying as active as I can (unlike my last few months on hydrocodone where I didn't want to do anything but watch tv)..... so the weight is staying off.

LOL, Danielle, I had to laugh about the sweets, I was the same way. I would not eat all day, have a sensible dinner, than eat a box of butterscotch krimpets. You sound like my sister, she eats m&ms and coffee for almost every meal, and weighs about 100 lbs. Yes, I hate her and you for your metabolism, lol. You drink red bull right? I think that speeds up your metabolism as well, so you probably have SUPER Metabolism. I just started drinking it myself, I got over the urban legend that it contained bull urine, I knew it wasnt true, but everytime I would try to drink one, I would think about it and have a coke instead.

Best Regards,
Tom, yes, I drink Red Bull, but I usually only drink one a day..... I fidget A LOT. I sit in class and swing my leg or tap my foot or move my hands for hours and hours at a time (I read somewhere that people who fidget are usually thin because they're constantly burning calories)....

But a lot of it has to do with genetics...... My mom was always thin, well, until she turned 40. She was a size 0 after having 3 kids..... then was a size 6-8 in her 30's and now a little bit bigger. I'm only 4'11, so I'm just really petite..... Good example: When my husband bought my engagement ring, he was trying to tell the saleswoman how tiny my fingers are.... and she kept telling him that a size 6 IS tiny and that most of the smaller women that she sees wears that size." Of course, when I got the ring, it was too big and I had to get it resized.... I wear a 4 & 3/4.

I'm scared that one day my eating habits will catch up with me. I really do eat healthy.... A LOT of vegetables and tofu and grilled chicken.... but I just can't give up my junk food, too! Lately, I've been crazy for PEEPS - you know, those little marshmallow chicks that come in an array of different colors? Thank God for Easter!!! LOL

Alright.... now I'm hungry again...

During my 4 years hydro habit , I gained about 20 lbs right in the gut. The pills gave me the illusion of having all this energy but I was really a sloth in life. I didnt workout or eat right. It was an "illusion of energy" for me because, without the pills, I could hardly move around.But, when I got my coffee and hydros in the morning , I felt like YEA..... I got life.
-- I mean...how could I care about what I ate and drank or my body, when I was gobbling down the pills like M & M s . All I cared about was .....the pills.
---Now ,in day 13 off of hydros and on SUB....I am starting to get more real energy back and feeling a little better about myself. It is interesting you started this thread about weight , because it never occured to me what they were doing to my metobolism itself. The nurse said 3 days ago, that I lost 2 lbs when I got weight. I didnt put 2 and 2 together.
Thanks for the responses. It's good to know I'm not alone cause I don't know anybody who has this problem with the pain pills. I had weaned myself from l0 darvocet a day to 4 for the last three days but then had a big argument with my husband today. So guess what I did....popped about eight so far today. All over him coming to the store to buy the kids Easter outfits. I guess it was the perfect excuse. But I was crying and upset cause I feel he is oblivious to all the things that go into making a holiday for kids. The outfits, the meal, the baskets, a little decorating. I didn't cheat on my diet though! One good thing. Thanks again. Alice in Philly