Well I Was Just Informed......i Have A Question!

Too keep off this site while my mother in law is hwere ....what the He*&? Am I in the twlight zone or just clean now and things really piss me off? This is my home full of friends, one of mly rocks, and brings a tremendous amount of happiness and help everyday. Well I will sneak...LOL. Just crazy.
So my question is is there anyone else in the same boat I am? Where thier spouse, firend or family thinks that addictin is ,"cured" once taking thier last pill?
Love you guys,
P.S How can I get this through to him? Getting cussed at and treated crapy doesn't help anything. Maybe I never cared before but I do now. I love and respect myslef now. I believe my husband should too!
Sara,Im sorry you are going through this crap.You dont need ot right now.My guess is your feeling miffed because your cranky,but also because your slowly seeing that you arent the only addict out there.Most of us youd never know we are unless we tell you.
Aa far as hubby Im lucky that way because mine understands in a way.He stopped drinking about 3-4 years,so he understands that hold.But he doesnt understand the addict part of me.Anyways sweety Im off to go fishing Ill look for you later when I sign on..Take Care....mj
Morning Sara,
Unfortunately there are many just like your husband who just don't understand....Acutally are not suppose to understand because they haven't lived what you all are going through.
It may be time for you to sit down with him and gently explain that you need him to get through this and any negative comments, bad behavior toward you will not help and may in fact hurt your chances at staying clean. It also may be time for you to suggest that he get some kind of support for himself, like alanon.
I am not sure if you are going alone or have your doctor helping you. But if there is a doctor involved you may have him try to help too.
Now in all of this the reality is that you have to put yourself first. Please take good care of you and never let anything get in the way of your recovery....
my wife still thinks its mind over matter, this is after 15 years. she is in nursing school now, perhaps she wil learn differently.
read the chapter titled "To Wives" in the Big Book. it may hold some answers to your spousal delima.


Ive gotten some funny looks but to bad staying clean is my first priority they dont like it too bad
Hello Everyone . . .
The psychologist I see is for pain management and he doesn't believe in taking pills even if you have chronic pain like alot us of have. He told us when we were going thru the program that are loved ones and friends don't understand chronic pain or addiction because once you go thru everything you will be fine or cured. There were so many wife's and husband's that thought we were going to be "fixed", mine included, that if they have never been through it that's the way they believe. Also there are some pain patients and addicts that believe the same thing. Haven't you noticed that on this forum? Just try to remain calm and if you feel you are coming unglued go to you room and tell everyone that you need to lay down for awhile. My husband has a bad knee and has had several surgeries on it. It was really bothering him for a couple of weeks and I said to him, "I don't want you to take this wrong, but take that pain in your knee and make living like that everyday." He then told me, he didn't know how I did it expecially without pain pills! Maybe now he gets it.
Tell your husband his mother shouldn't be looking over your shoulder anyway. That is why my desk faces outward, lol. Good luck, thank God my mother in law lives far away. If it seems like your husband behaves badly....look at the source, lol. I sure do. I am determined to raise my sons (well and daughter too of course) to be nice people. A shame my mother in law didn't try. Love, Kat


I know it can be difficult at times and I've had some problems
with my wife also. She has been very supportive however lately
she's not understanding what I'm going through and there have
been some issues. Thats the last thing we need when we're
trying to recover from our addiction. I probably was guilty of
spending to much time on the computer and not giving her
the time she needed. I've been looking at it as if the rolls
were reversed and she was spending a lot of time chatting
with guys on line. Not sure if I would be as understanding as she
has been. I'm trying to share more of my feelings with her and
that seems to help. I'm sure you've done this already but if you
haven't, talk to your husband and tell him exactly how you're
feeling. Maybe even have him read the board with you. Good
luck and I hope that things get better for you.

"Why am I at this web site? Why, it's because I've eaten enough pain killers in the past xx years to kill a horse, or even kill you, and I'm trying like hell to get over the addiction. What's new with you?"

Wouldn't ya just love to....