What 2 Do When Your In The Medical Field?

I just wanted to ask anyone out there if there are any nurses os anyone in the medcial field and you r an addict, what do you do?, see for me working in the ER being a nurse i had unlimited acess to pain meds you name it i has acess to it and thats all I know and i have been raising my kids & am ready to go back and am confussed as to what to do, i am scared about being around all those meds, ahhh ,,, need advise, please help... fellow addict..
Ask yourself a quisetion... would you take it thats hard my sweetie i had aco worker who took people pian meds..she got fired so think about sweetiethats all i can say yspearing
I guess noone has any suggestions?? that's ok i am at ahh over this one as well, see this will be a big trigger for me, what to do?, what to do??..
thanks for the reply a little hard to read your post but i got it, see as a addict we do things at any cost a regret it after , so yes maybe at the time it would be worth it but after no, i am trying to save myself before anf temptations of BIG TRIGGERS happen is all!!

i would be like a child in a candy store, and that is the damm truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello again im sorry my spelling is bad . But i think you be better off as a treatment nurse or put some where were there are no pain pills ..or change caraere IM a cna I work in the homes of pts who have pain pills but im on unempolment rite now but i never took them if i got caught i would lose my license and my self respect.. im a leo the lion and were proundful,,, well talk later love yspearing
thanks for the info, your right ill simply do something else where ther r no pain meds, much luv, ...
I forgot to ask you, do you take pills now and how much or how long have you been sober.thanks
i have 6 months clean and no i am on no meds at all, thank god!! as a matter of fact i got my 6 month chip last night!!
wow, it takes a while for people to respond on this web site,
SORRY the weekends are bad alot of people with there faimly.. thats great yout chip Im so happy for you my dear so please find some other work ok sweetie need any other answers
Fellow....Honestly, I wouldn't do it at this point. But that is me. Only when I had some good time, was working a program, and was willing to be honest with myself. It is too sketcy for me, I am not ready to be around it all the time, even though that is what I want.
Look deep in your soul, and ask yourself, honestly, what you think. If you get quiet and listen to that voice...you will get the honest answer.
my problem is listening to that answer..lol..
Good luck to you.
If you are a nurse, why don't you consider working in a recovery facility???? Then you will not only be surrounded with recovery, but you will see the devastation and the start over and over again...that might help. I know it would help me..
thanks for the reply little bearch, thats a GREAT IDEA! most of the staff there are recovering addcits. thanks...
I know a nurse once who worked on a floor and used Demerol. He was caught and almost lost his license. In the end the hospital helped him and got him working in outpatient clinics, etc. where there were no meds. to abuse. This really helped him and he does not abuse now. He says there is no way he could work back on the floor. My advice is to stay away from the areas where there are meds and begin to look to expand your career in other areas. There are alot of opportunities. Rehab would be great as well.
wow, thanks you all have such wounderful ideas!! thanks for the luv! fellow addict..
sorry i just read your post,
I have over four years clean and I voluntarily gave up nursing after my accident that caused my addiction..I never misappropiated meds but I knew that I would if I went back.. I knew as hard as it was to give up a career that I loved and that had become my sole identity for so many years that if I did that I would lose my license and my self respect but that I most assuredly would take those pills... That is the nature of the beast... I lost all power to control it...

I struggle with the same question every month... but I got a new career and only after the last year have I gave considerable thought to going back... I feel like only now do I have the support system in place and the mind set to deal... I want to go back and be at peace .. not just doing a job and having a raging war in my head everyday for 8-10 hours and then having to vent and struggle for another 3 hours with cravings... that is just not serenity to me... As much as I have missed my nursing.. my inner peace and the quieting of the voices have meant much more to me... I will go back and soon but it have taken me much longer to get to this point..
To reach my decision.. I have talked to my friends in healthcare.. my sponsor and others in and not in recovery... it is not a decision to be taken lightly and what ever your decision your recovery MUST still remain yuour first priority...

Just my thoughts..
God Bless and Good luck
what wounderful advise and i admire your discision, THANKS!! luv ya all, F.A.
i have decided to became an advise nurse for Kaiser, they answer advise phone calles all day, and it pays just as much!! i found a soultion, hip hip horray!!
Is Kaiser all over the U.S.? I know it's here in Ca. Just curious.
yes, it is, i think that they are all over..
thatsGREAT I HAD THAT INSURANE AND ADVISE THATS WONDEFUY how are you doind today. I hope fine,, well thats a important discission love your yspearing