What Am I To Do?

I recently discouvered that my husband is addicted to cocaine and has been snorting for the last 4 years. We've own a business with 15 or so employees for over 7 years and not one of us knew. He says he hasn't done any for 4 months and is trying to stop. We are in the process of finding some professional help.
I just find it so hard to understand . We have a beautiful 3 years old boy and we were trying to have another. We have great extend families and he has a close group of friends who don't know . i just don't know what I should do. It scares me so much especially for my son sake. And I really want more children so my son won't be an only child. I love my husband very much but how will I every trust him again? And how will I know?
Any advice would be appreciated.

from a guys perspective, and this is very hard to put into words that make any sense, his taking coke should not reflect on your or your wonderful baby at all. If I was asked to justify why I take coke, when happily married with 2 kids and my own company, I'd stammer around and say that it was just 'something that I do'. I'm sure that your husband is not doing it for any other reason other than, a). he can, and b). he's now got a habit.

It is something that he genuinely needs help to give up with support rather than confrontation. Don't ask him 'why' as there is never one reason, the main thrust should be to be positive and say "right, so how are we going to kick this then ?". You will have to believe me, a total stranger, that his reasons for taking coke are NOT :
1. he's unhappy
2. he doesn't like his life
3. he can't cope

Try not to be concerned about your baby - I know its hard, but I'd lay you a million dollars that your husband would run back into a buring building to rescue your baby, without a second thought. He's just lost his way a little....needs some guidence.

talk to him.
good luck
I agree with the previous post, don't use confrontation to find a way out. Sit him down and try to help him make decisions to stop...if he is willing. I do not agree with the previous post about his addiction is not caused by him not being happy, or not being able to cope.....we do not try to alter the way we feel if we feel happy, or ok, or are able to deal with life on life's terms. Over 50% of all addicts have a pre-exisiting illness that causes them to feel less than normal, whether it be Depression, Bi- polar..so on. Please do not think that his addiction, has anything to do with you, or your baby, it is his disease, and he is powerless. Talk to him.