What Are Signs Of Heroin Use?

Around Thanksgiving of 2001 my brother was brought to emergency room by a friend he did drugs with. My entire family was shocked to eventually learn he had been a heavy drug user for a good 10 years. He holds a full time job in the federal government, meets with the public on a daily basis and is well liked by most. He certainly pulled the wool over the family's eyes for years. His episode in the hospital blew his cover and he seemed quite embarassed. He did do some VA rehab. program in 01/02. He claimed that his brush with a near life ending binge would mean an end to drugs.

He visited with me and my young children over Christmas and I have my suspicions about his staying clean. He seems bloated and he put his fingers in his mouth and pulled at his tongue and cheek...something I recall him doing during his hospital stay in 2001. If these are signs, what steps can I take to help someone who was so good at hiding it and who seems to be so highly functioning?
I know they really do a good job at hiding it. I to was fooled had my suspicions over the years but not until the overdose did I know for sure. Well the signs I saw are the profuse vomitting, his eyes would get really tiny, and exxcessive jaw clentching. Then the money of course was a big indicator and the desire to go out but not with the family and starting arguements over nothing, like folding socks or not enough rice or just stupid things like that.
Well I will pray for you and your family for I know just how difficult this is.
I would say the signs are definitly the eyes. In England we call it "Pin eye" because their pupils go as tiny as a pin head when they are high.
Yeah, mood swings definitly too. I am with my BF all the time so I notice these things but they are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good at hiding it.
Sorry I can't be of anymore help! Petal x
addiction info signs of addiction:
- Old friends are replaced by new "friends."
- They spend a lot of time alone in their room
- Although previously friendly and outgoing, they have little or nothing to say
- They vomit frequently after coming home and blame "bad junk food" for making them sick
- They have a job, but always seem to be broke the day after payday
- They start borrowing money but don't pay it back
- Loose change, money and small items disappear from the house
- They become convincing liars
my brother in law was in an accident 10 years ago and guess what he got perscribed....lots and lots of pain pills. He had this surgery and that and more perscribed pain meds. He had his own little party of cocktails. The symptoms you described above are him. His pills are his life and the only way he plans his day.
Oxy's are opiates and so is heroin. like i have to tell you. but guess who went asking on the streets for heroin? This is a white collar person who's drug of choice prior to his accident was/is alcohol. Now he mixes, concocts....etc. Lies, lies lies. He went asking just for the future, for money, for friends.......so he most likely tried it. He comes from a family of alcoholics.

Any advice or anything to say?????????
Signs of heroin use:
Tiny (pinpoint) pupils - don't change size with light or dark - best way to tell
Cleaning, cooking etc. frantically (often at 3:00 in the morning)
Difficulty sleeping at night, or sleeping all day
Sweating excessively
Gray, ashy skin color
Constantly itching
Trouble urinating, constipation
Trouble staying awake (but usually don't fall asleep, just keep nodding off)
Avoiding family or friends who are not addicts
Missing money, valuable items, etc
Nausea and vomiting
Extreme emotions (crying or getting angry over almost nothing)