I felt compelled to write in when I saw "scared sister's" posting. My brother also has been addictted to cocaine for atleast 12-14 yrs. He has been pulling away from our family almost completely. He didn't even attend my son's first birthday party, which was very upsetting. He has an excuse for everything. Our family is sick of the lies he has been telling. He has no money saved. My sister was murdered 10 years ago and he didn't even attend the church mass for her b/c he was wasted on drugs and alcohol. He is so skinny, too. My Dad had a stroke and died almost 3 years ago. My brother took advantage by staying home with my Mom saying he was there to support her emotionally, only to steal an expensive gold ring (he didn't admit it but we know he took it) and he has left my mom a nervous reck. He wouldn't come home for days and my mom thought he was dead. How long can someone live while abusing cocaine? Are there any medical journal articles on the subject? My brothers have tried to help him multiple times and he still ends up losing jobs one after another and doesn't want to help himself. I'm just waiting for the call saying he's dead. We've lost 2 in our family already and it's so terrible that he's abusing himself and making my mom worry every day about him. She has suffered enough with losing a daughter and husband. Just needed to vent. If anyone knows of any helpful info to read on the effects of long term cocaine abuse, I would appreciate hearing about it.
this is a website you can go to and find out everything you want to know, i managed to become sober after 5 years but i have frountle lobe damage in my brain cause by using so i personnaly know the effects. I also know that unless your brother wants to quit, he never will, a conselor would be his best shot. good luck hun
Ash, thank you for the web site info and for sharing your personal health. I do realize that it is up to my brother to change. I've written him a letter just to let him know that I love him and miss him. I just wish he could see past the drugs to know he is ruining his life.
I will definitely check out the site. Thanks again and God bless you.
I will definitely check out the site. Thanks again and God bless you.
This is for Ash or anyone else who would be willing to share their story. What happened or what was said or done to make you personally decide to become sober? I realize everyone will have their own unique experiences, but, I'm interested to hear what or who made such an impact on you to cause you to stop using.
My Aunt did cocaine crack for about 20 years. After about 12-13 year mark, she lost a lot of weight, her teeth started to rotten, and her whole appearence just wasn't the same. After 20 years, she stopped, because she had done major liver problems. She was sober for a couple of years, but died. She had other problems from cocaine, but for her, her liver suffered the the most. My uncle, the one who introduced her to cocaine, is an addict and has been using, as far as my family and I know a little longer than my aunt did. He looks almost like he's not even alive. He's super thin, and all you can see are his eyes, nothing more. He has no body fat, barely any flesh. He had a million dollar business, a beautiful wife, and child...He lost all of it, and cares about nothing more than getting high. I'm not telling you this to scare you, but the long term effects from abusing cocaine can result in death. Everybody's experince from using cocaine is different...You can go to the National Institute On Drug Abuse, and look at the Studies that Scientists have done, and are currently working on about the effects of cocaine...etc.etc. You can also go to you local library, and look and Psychology Clincial Journals about cocaine, and you'll find a lot about the effects. I pray you brother finds his way out...All you and your family can do is pray for him, because until he's ready to change, he won't.
My Aunt did cocaine crack for about 20 years. After about 12-13 year mark, she lost a lot of weight, her teeth started to rotten, and her whole appearence just wasn't the same. After 20 years, she stopped, because she had done major liver problems. She was sober for a couple of years, but died. She had other problems from cocaine, but for her, her liver suffered the the most. My uncle, the one who introduced her to cocaine, is an addict and has been using, as far as my family and I know a little longer than my aunt did. He looks almost like he's not even alive. He's super thin, and all you can see are his eyes, nothing more. He has no body fat, barely any flesh. He had a million dollar business, a beautiful wife, and child...He lost all of it, and cares about nothing more than getting high. I'm not telling you this to scare you, but the long term effects from abusing cocaine can result in death. Everybody's experince from using cocaine is different...You can go to the National Institute On Drug Abuse, and look at the Studies that Scientists have done, and are currently working on about the effects of cocaine...etc.etc. You can also go to you local library, and look and Psychology Clincial Journals about cocaine, and you'll find a lot about the effects. I pray you brother finds his way out...All you and your family can do is pray for him, because until he's ready to change, he won't.
I became sober when i found out i wa six weeks pregnant. i was sober for a few years prior to that but i relaped again for another 3 years before my son came along. i was lucky that he was born healthy, i had to go through withdrawl while pregnant and i almost lost him three time during. i weighed 97 lbs when i found out i was pregnant and im 5'9 in heigth. im now a healthy weight with a beautiful healthy boy but i wouldnt suggest going through what i did to becaome sober. the biggest problem is i quit for my son and not for myself. i also went from an addict to a mother so fast i dont feel like i have had time to completly recover. i struggle every day to stay sober and some days are harder then others. one thing is if your brother does become clean support him in any way he needs it, and on those preticularly hard days destraction is your only resorce.
I did cocaine for 4 years. My method of choice was smoking. Crack or cooking with baking soda. After my downfall (jail and almost losing my family) I went to the dr at my wifes insistense. The doc told me I wouldn't have any major problems. My liver checked out ok. His quote was "it's the meth that'll hurt you the most, cocaine is a natural substance and at least won't cause brain damage). Whether or not's that true, I can tell you for a fact that it WILL cause damage to you life. If not your health, your LIFE. Luckily for me, my wife was willing to give me another chance. I'd had plenty. It was either quit or leave. With two small children, I chose to quit. The best decision of my life. I'm now 44 years old with a good family life and happy. Really happy without drugs. It can be done.