What Are The Signs Of Meth Use

can someone tell me the physical signs of meth use?
I have an older brother who is using meth right now. Crystal Meth. I do know what the usage signs are for that. I hope this can be of some help.
-beak outs around the mouth(pimples/sores)
-Doesn't sleep
-Lot's of energy
--doesn't eat
Does anyone have any experience with a loved one addicted to crystal meth. Someone I love very much is about to loose his home,family and everything he has worked for during the last 10 years. How long does it take them to hit "bottom". How can I help him to get off of it.

HI, I can tell you the signs of a meth user. Lots of energy, not sleeping, not eating, sometimes they may get very dry skin especially the hands. they get very calloused. when wearing off you get irritable or agitated. most of the time this happens after long term use. there is an increased sex drive in some and eventually turns to some unusual sexual ideas. they start to lie to there family, and things that were important and don't mean as much. they start blowing their money and when it runs out if desperate enough they will pawn, steal, do anything to feed the addiction. You see, maam, I myself am a meth user and my mom and family have suffered as much as I have, if not more. I get so close to quitting but the pain that you feel when coming down is horrible. leg pain so bad that its even hard to get out of bed, much less walk. I unfortunately met a man who i thought was my friend, he introduced me to this. I am 35 yr. old and have children never had done a drug before except trying pot in h.s. It nearly cost me my family, children, and my life. I pray for healing of this and, hope it comes soon. I am very honored to give you this information because you too are a mom, and your son needs your help, please know that anything he does, isn't him it's the drug, it takes over your feelings as well as your emotions.it makes you do things you would never do. you lose track of time, always rushed have no patience, and even have short term memory loss. I hope I was of some help to you. Please don't give up on him. my mom is the only 1 I have and trust, without her I wouldn't be able to give this advice to you. I hope my input has helped. God bless you and don't give up.
Cricket, Thank you so much for this information. My sister has most of the symptoms you mention above. She has convinced me that she has an illness, and that's why she acts the way she does.

My Sister's Son killed himself on the 5th of Jan. We are laying him to rest, tomorrow. He also was using Cocaine and Herion. He was very depressed and couldn't take life anymore.

My family has had our world torn a-part. Someone at his visitation confronted me about my Sisters potential amphetamine abuse. I have been so upset about this info. I came home and started to research this. Now I feel that my Sister has munipulated me into believing she has an illness. I am not sure what to believe. She has been buying drugs over the internet. Is it possible to buy amphetamines this way?
She is forgetful, never eats, agitated all the time, mood swings, nervous, spends money all the time, misses alot of work, lies about everything. avoids family functions, no eye contact, never seems to sleep. I thought this was related to medication taken for an illness.

I feel so afraid for her, expecially now that she is facing all this sorrow.
Thank You for your honest information. It opened my eyes, in time to hopefully help her from ending up like her 'son.


Dear Mom,
People on Meth have a lot of symptoms, it's kind of like they are being hyperactive. You will notice weight loss, sometimes when users are high they feel super smart, aggressive, and won't sleep for days at a time. When they reach the "crashing" stage, they can sleep for 24-48 hours because their body's are so worn out. Females are more prone to Meth use because of the intense loss of appetite and wait loss.
beth, I agree with you. it is also very addictive. not such a wonderful high after awile, but a need for the extra energy and ambition, that later will rob you blind. I've noticed that its with more adult women even ones with children. we all seem to think that its gives us the ability to get everything done that we need too. this is to Jaime, I tried to send you an e-mail but was unsuccessful. I am praying for your strength as you go through this horrible thing with your sister and your family. you have been through enough. I am also praying for your sisters recovery. She is so lucky that she has you . please don't give up on her. you might be the only one that will be willing to stand by her, and she will need you. and remember, the majority of the time, it isn't her doing the bad things, as much as it is this evil and deadly drug. e-mail me and I will send you a poem I wrote, it might help your sister if not it can shed a light on the affects that ice or meth has on you. thanks, cricket
I have been clean and sober from all drugs(Mostly Meth) and alcohol for the last 12 years, and let me tell you they have been the best years of my life. You should check out this program. I went through the treatment center that developed it and I know from personal experience that it works.

Dear Sober friend, Thank you for the info. Did it really work? I want to stop and every time I try to, it is almost impossible. I have quit before, but my problem isn't leaving it alone, its the withdrawls. I feel like I'm dying. I have just about hit rock bottom, and thank God, I realized that I want and need help before its to late. I want my children to have a happy homelife and I want to be the mothe I was used to be to them. Please keep in contact, and I will let you know what happens. Maybe you were my answer to prayer. Cricket
mom you where wondering about the sign of meth # 1 not sleeping #2 not eating #3 attidue disrespect to the ones they love most meth is is the type of drug that will make a rich man go broke .