What Do I Say To Her?

My sister is a cocaine addict - has been since November. The only truth I know is that if her lips are moving she is lying. My family is absolutely devastated.

I JUST found out that she overdosed last night and had a seizure and went to the hospital (again).

She is not living at home with my parents - we dont know where she is staying. But I do know where she is working. I want to call her but I dont know what to say.

What can I do?


Just listen. You'll know when she's ready to quit.

I pray you find strength to deal with this.
Just tell her that you're there for her and you want to help her. I bet if she's as bad as you described (seizures) then she might want to get help. Most people I know who are on coke have the desire to quit, we're all just too weak when the urges hit. Get some info for her on treatment centers in your area. Find out who she's hanging out with and tell them not to give her anymore because her health is at stake. I know that sounds rash but she's your sister and you obviously love her and care enough about her life---you're here on this site pleading for help. I hate to say this though, if she's in denial and gets mad you might have a tough time with her. Good luck, keep us posted on her progress.


Hello K. You don't mention your sister's age. That would be relevant. Let's assume she's in her late teens/early twenties. There's not much you can say to her. You have to take a strong stance against her actions, but you must let her know that if she is seriously looking for help, you and your family will support her 100%. You might repeat that in every conversation so she knows that she has your support if she decides to get clean. People can burn out on this drug relatively soon and then they hit bottom. I hope she's not at the stage where she's on the street. Talk to her about getting clean. Probably you are getting a lot of lies from her, but still listen. You just have to say no to requests for money. For you K, you must stay strong and remember we've all been there where you sister is and got clean somehow. Peace.

Lisa V.
Dear desperate,

There is not much you can do for your sister. She must find her own bottom. When she does there are places that can help her. But in the meantime you and your family need help and support. I have listed the sites for the addict and for the codependents .

for the addict:-




For the family and friends of addicts:-




All of them have meetings, check the sites for meetings in your area. Now it's up to you. God Bless and good luck in your recovery.