hi guys!!!!!!
Everybody talks about how painful the withdrawl is on heroine.What's it like????
I'm not a user but somebody i know is.I'm just trying to educate myself about Heroin.
Thanks for the replies
You're right and it even sucks more when you are watching someone else go through that horror show and as a non user you can't fathom why someone would risk that hellish experience for the sake of a high...time after time after time etc.
You're right and it even sucks more when you are watching someone else go through that horror show and as a non user you can't fathom why someone would risk that hellish experience for the sake of a high...time after time after time etc.
It feels like you are being tortured but slowly, really slowly. It's hard to describe unless you have been through it. Lets put it this way you wouldn't wish it on your worst enemy.
just watch "Basketball Diaries" and you should understand.
you wanna die, high anxiety, sweats, cant sleep, horrible bady ache, on and on, its horrible and evedryone right i wouldn't wish it on my worsest enemy!!
take care...
take care...
its the breath of satan, every part of you screams for relief. but the only thing that will take it away is the drug you so want to use. or time. time is the worst. every hour feels like a million, every second torture. every breath you want to die.
withdrawl is horrible, no words can describe it, you would have to w/d to understand.
withdrawl is horrible, no words can describe it, you would have to w/d to understand.
very well said, ahhhh drugs suck!!
Put simply, have you ever had real bad food posioning? And the worst flu? At the same time? Plus your head and thoughts all over the place..... one though you can garuntee is that no matter how hard you want to get clean, you know just one fix will make you feel like superwoman, even if just long emough to make that call/get to where you need to/cope with whatever company/do your washing/get to sleep - all of which often impossible when withdrawing!
But then again, mind over matter can help, being positive is the best medication (also hardest thing to be at the time!). One thing I always find hard - total loss of temperature control. I normally wake up (if I have slept at all) freezing cold, and alternate between hot clammy sweats and ice cold chills for a long time (weeeks, months) afterwards. Not to metion the depression, loss of appitite... wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I think there is a film where someone kidnaps someone and makes them an addict, for the purpose of putting them through withdrawals as the worst torture they can imagine. Can't remember the title though, sorry.
Hope this helped,
Hannah x
But then again, mind over matter can help, being positive is the best medication (also hardest thing to be at the time!). One thing I always find hard - total loss of temperature control. I normally wake up (if I have slept at all) freezing cold, and alternate between hot clammy sweats and ice cold chills for a long time (weeeks, months) afterwards. Not to metion the depression, loss of appitite... wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I think there is a film where someone kidnaps someone and makes them an addict, for the purpose of putting them through withdrawals as the worst torture they can imagine. Can't remember the title though, sorry.
Hope this helped,
Hannah x
also once youve got through the above mentiond which is hell .
then you have to face up to life friends family clean. something you havnt done in years .getting a job haa getting a job .are the bils paid .does my hair need a cut .is it going to rain today .havnt got a girlfriend.blar blar blar .
all these things you havnt got to worrie about when your on junk .
thats what ive fond the hardest anyway.still better being clean though
then you have to face up to life friends family clean. something you havnt done in years .getting a job haa getting a job .are the bils paid .does my hair need a cut .is it going to rain today .havnt got a girlfriend.blar blar blar .
all these things you havnt got to worrie about when your on junk .
thats what ive fond the hardest anyway.still better being clean though
I have read all the replies and they all sound very familiar. A year ago my boyfiend of 12yrs. and father of my three children went through withdraws from heroin it was awful. I suspected something was going on he wasn't sleeping and dozing off with a cigarette in his hand, I couldn't sleep either wondering where he was or if he was going to burn the house down at night. I was up all hours of the night checking on him. Finally, he came and picked me up from work and told me he was doing heroin and he started when his friends he
had all his life offered it to him the night he'd gotten fired from his job. So this had went on for about 4-5mths. Lots of money had disappeared and he was always gone but I didn't have the proof for myself. None of his friends would tell me and that hurt because I was close to all of them. It's like they have a secret society. I couldn't believe the numbers of people who was on this drug and still I find out more everyday. He told me two days after the cops pulled him over. They found heroin laced with cocaine on him. He ended up going through withdraws that week his mom and I locked him up at home for about a month the first week was hell. I thought I was going to have a breakdown. I can't believe people can damage theirselves that way. He went to AA meetings and I thought he was doing good. He was working and ended up mixed up with a new group of people that were involved in drugs after being clean for nine mths. He failed his first drug test in July but I didn't find out until September, I went to see his PO she told me. She put him in jail and eventually he was put in a halfway house. He has been there a little over a month and is doing very well. He just started a new job last week, he goes to AA and NA meetings atleast three times a week. He is getting the counciling he should have gotten a year ago. I go with him to some of his meetings so I can learn more about his addiction. Believe me, it helps! I give him the support he needs, you can not give up on someone who has an addiction like this. I know its hard because of the broken trust, money issues, heartache they may have caused, and God knows whatelse, but they need our support. I know he's not this person, a person who can be so selfish and hurtful. I can see big changes in him this time around. One question I was asked by a counciler, do you enable him? But I asked him if the legal system enabled him. He asked what I meant. I said, he was clean almost nine months but he wasn't given the treatment he needed from the start because they were worried about their needs. It took almost a year before he got the help he needed in drug court. I know it won't be easy but he knows now its all about making the right choices. He knows what he can lose. I couldn't have given up on him when he needed me most even though most of his family did, but now they see he can change for the good. I have now really looked for Gods guidance. I pray for anyone who has these issues in their lives cause I know its not easy.
had all his life offered it to him the night he'd gotten fired from his job. So this had went on for about 4-5mths. Lots of money had disappeared and he was always gone but I didn't have the proof for myself. None of his friends would tell me and that hurt because I was close to all of them. It's like they have a secret society. I couldn't believe the numbers of people who was on this drug and still I find out more everyday. He told me two days after the cops pulled him over. They found heroin laced with cocaine on him. He ended up going through withdraws that week his mom and I locked him up at home for about a month the first week was hell. I thought I was going to have a breakdown. I can't believe people can damage theirselves that way. He went to AA meetings and I thought he was doing good. He was working and ended up mixed up with a new group of people that were involved in drugs after being clean for nine mths. He failed his first drug test in July but I didn't find out until September, I went to see his PO she told me. She put him in jail and eventually he was put in a halfway house. He has been there a little over a month and is doing very well. He just started a new job last week, he goes to AA and NA meetings atleast three times a week. He is getting the counciling he should have gotten a year ago. I go with him to some of his meetings so I can learn more about his addiction. Believe me, it helps! I give him the support he needs, you can not give up on someone who has an addiction like this. I know its hard because of the broken trust, money issues, heartache they may have caused, and God knows whatelse, but they need our support. I know he's not this person, a person who can be so selfish and hurtful. I can see big changes in him this time around. One question I was asked by a counciler, do you enable him? But I asked him if the legal system enabled him. He asked what I meant. I said, he was clean almost nine months but he wasn't given the treatment he needed from the start because they were worried about their needs. It took almost a year before he got the help he needed in drug court. I know it won't be easy but he knows now its all about making the right choices. He knows what he can lose. I couldn't have given up on him when he needed me most even though most of his family did, but now they see he can change for the good. I have now really looked for Gods guidance. I pray for anyone who has these issues in their lives cause I know its not easy.
Go rent the movie trainspotting. It explains alot about heroin addiction from several different personas.
"Finally, he came and picked me up from work and told me he was doing heroin and he started when his friends he
had all his life offered it to him the night he'd gotten fired from his job."
Dear Juanita,
This particular part of your post found me outraged and very saddened. Why would true 'friends' even think of offering another old friend a piece of 'hell' as a means of solace and comfort. Call me goody two shoes if you will but if someone underage asks me for a cigarette i always refuse despite their glaring looks of contempt. I wish i didn't still smoke and i am well aware of the health risks surrounding this habit so why on God's earth would i try to recruit another poor soul to this deadly habit?
I guess that is why i don't have much regard for drug dealers especially those who have habits themselves as they are profiting by another's nightmare.....and the dealers that sell to minors.....ain't gonna waste my breath on that cat piss. My rancor is is due to personal experience with an ex bf who is still walking the streets continuing dealing the ditty bop cause the prisons here are too overcrowded with others of his ilk.
God i hate that f***king drug,