I know...nothing is "normal"...
But my girl has been "missing" for 32 days now. Just found out yesterday that she was indeed still alive from the word on the street. She left from her last rehab about that long ago. No call, no nothing since then.
Is this "normal" behavior for an active addict? Does the amount of time indicate anything? Again, by word on the street, she's currently engaged in retail theft to keep her habit and looks like s***. From what I can gather she does have a roof over her head.
I've never done H - I am her/was boyfriend before she disappeared. I am so worried and concerned.
Does time mean anything, or, nothing at all?
Best to all - Don
Addict behaviour is never normal, but yeah i know what you mean. Going missing for a while is normal, but that amount of time is a bit long....
Has her shoplifting got her into trouble with the polis? Would you get informed if she was arrested?
That is what addicts do unfortunatley, we are a selfish breed when in active addiction....
Has her shoplifting got her into trouble with the polis? Would you get informed if she was arrested?
That is what addicts do unfortunatley, we are a selfish breed when in active addiction....
dee -
Yes, she has gotten in trouble in the past due to her theft. In fact, she has been incarcirated mutiple times and for long peroiods of time.
I don't know if she would call if she got locked up. According to her mom, the last time she was locked up for over a month before she called her. This is before we met. I tend to believe that if she were to get caught, she may only call if she were looking at significant time...you know, not just a few days or weeks.
I was just curious about the amount of time disappeared issue as this is truly my first introduction to something like this. In her first couple of rehabs, she left them and hit the streets before coming back but only for 3-5 days.
I am truly worried for her well being - we love her so much.
Thanks for the reply
Hi Don ~
Loving an addict is hard and full of stress. We worry about them, about their health, about where they are and whether they are eating, sleeping, stealing, sharing needles...the list goes on. My daughter is a recovering IV heroin user who told me the other night that drugs fill some kind of a hole in her. I have no more illusions about her recovery...it will either come or not and only at her time. Right now she's trying hard, but we have no way of knowing what comes next.
She has only disappeared for a maximum of four days, but she is also only 21...sounds like your girl has a history. I am sorry you are where you find yourself, but you can choose not to let her addiction rule your life. I know you love her...we all love our addicts, but we cannot love them clean. I hope your anxiety over her disappearance will not overwhelm the rest of your life.
Loving an addict is hard and full of stress. We worry about them, about their health, about where they are and whether they are eating, sleeping, stealing, sharing needles...the list goes on. My daughter is a recovering IV heroin user who told me the other night that drugs fill some kind of a hole in her. I have no more illusions about her recovery...it will either come or not and only at her time. Right now she's trying hard, but we have no way of knowing what comes next.
She has only disappeared for a maximum of four days, but she is also only 21...sounds like your girl has a history. I am sorry you are where you find yourself, but you can choose not to let her addiction rule your life. I know you love her...we all love our addicts, but we cannot love them clean. I hope your anxiety over her disappearance will not overwhelm the rest of your life.
I used to disappear like that alot. I thought I was sparing my family but I wasn't. Instead, I was worrying them more! When us addicts are using our brains just don't function properly. I would also get with someone that I had a good scam going with. A partner in crime, so to speak, and I would be scamming, buying,nodding......scamming, buying, nodding... You tend to lose track of time.I was doing heroin and coke one time. Everytime I ran out, I'd go get more. I thought I'd been at this chics place for 4 days. (partying) I had been there 3 weeks! So that's what you're dealing with here. Your girl is probably just caught up in the race. She may not want you to see her the way she is right now. And maybe she thinks you won't find out she's in the retail business if she stays away. I hope that helps some.
Hi Chidon...i replied to your post before i had read the one over on the family board...not sure where you are now in the middle of this...has she still not shown ?...the answer of course to your question here is yes..im a recovering iv heroin user...we hide that part of our lives sometimes...maybe all of the time...especially if we are holding a job...i did...i was a functioning addict, held a job, paid the bills, was extremely responsible....but....and oh yes...the BUT....im thinking she decided to do what I almost did...in the end days, actually just before i came here to this board...i was thinking of just saying the hell with it all..i had decided that all i wanted to really do was to sit in a corner and bang dope...yes, we are twisted when were using...but thats what i was thinking back then...i have a house, a decent job, a partner of 18 years....and i wanted nothing more of it all of a sudden...i wanted to just go use in peace...i was at that point...i had been using then for about 3 years....no, my spouse had no idea i was banging h...i played in a band, have played music for almost 25 years...so she knew that ya, there was some drug use maybe , but she had no real idea of how bad it was...she found out only after the place i live in went dry...she then saw the wd's...anyways, to make a long story short...your GF may have decided to just that...to just go use...im sorry...thats not really comforting...but there may be hope...she may decide shes had enough...i dont know why she decided to stop her MMT...im on the MMT program myself..its really helped a lot...but then again...i had a lot i didnt want to lose...maybe she needs to know that...maybe she doesnt...im not a big help Chidon, and im so sorry...i will keep you all in my prayers...
i was a very non functioning IV addict it was nothing to have a string of boyfriend "to call when i needed cash" i also went missing in action all the time. I could not hold a job car or apartment let alone a relationship with anything other then a needle. Addiction is very selfish yet the addict feels totally alone. I wanted nothing other then to nod all day everyday. Dealing with anything was not a option that was for the last of 2.5 years of active addiction. I think even the mail man knew i was a junkie i was always bad at hiding it. That was my norm i had no energy to cover it up. My whole family knew. oTHER ADDICTS I KNOW also tend to wonder off for days months at a time some turn back up some don't. Try to get the word out that you are worried about her. It is easy to lose time when everday is spent getting dope doing dope.