What Is Oxycontin

hi, i was wondering if anyone could tell me what oxycontin is used for????my sister has some med issues and suffers from severe headaches. but today i was told she's been using oxycontin,perceset,t3's,muscle relaxers, antiinflamatorys and i dont know what else.
oxycontin is the work of satan beleive me and it is pure hell to get off of and it is not for headaches in fact it will give you a headache if you take to much.it is for cronic physical pain and should only be given to termanal patients as far as im concerned If you can get her off before its to late tylenol3s should be good enough for a bad headache,perks are also not for headaches .What kind of a doctor is giving her so many dangerous drugs together if she continues to combine those drugs for much longer she is going to end up dead she needs help now please beleive me ive been there
Tracey is right - oxycontin is only given for severe pain, like major surgery situations, etc. It is usually not given out for conditions that can be alleviated by vicodin or lortabs.

Althought I'm sure there are some doctors who don't play by the rules - just like addicts!
I'll echo what everyone else said about the pure evil that is oxycontin.

But to answer your question on a technical basis, oxycontin is pure oxycodone in a time-release pill. Oxycodone is a very strong opiate-based pain reliever. Most narcotic pain medication is a combination of an opiate (hydrocodone, oxycodone, or codeine) and tylenol/acetominiphan or ibuprofin. Oxycontin was created for people in severe pain (e.g. cancer) to "safely" avoid liver damage that comes from too much tylenol. However, it is wickedly addictive, and furthermore, if the time release mechanism is destroyed (e.g. by crushing it up or chewing it) the entire dose of the pill will hit you all at once, and in higher doses it can produce the same effect as heroin. You may have heard of "hillbilly heroin" - that's oxycontin.
yeup...its some tough stuff. Its amazing how we can take something like opium know for centuries as GOM (Gods Own Medicine), study it, process it, identify and isolate the "active ingredients" (thebain, codine and morphine) and then derive super drugs 100 to 1,000,000 times stronger. I got put on it for cronic hip/pelvis pain from a bad motorcycle accident in 95. I have found that glucosamine is a miricle drug/herb for joint/bone issues.
Hey Mommy, I was/am addicted to oxycontin. It is a powerful pain killer, usually used in terminal cancer patients. It is the hardest of pain killers to get off of, it is highly addictive. Similar to heroin. Good luck, if you want I can send your sis an email regarding my story, it may help to make her see the light. Kim
...and, Oxy is time released.. is your sister breaking them up, chewing them? That circumvents the time release effect.

mommy, not surprised everyone agrees with Tracey. And Tracey thanks for being so upfront and real. Oxycontin is harder to get off of, than any of the pain pills available from the doctors. I honestly have taken them ALL. lucily for me just when my favorite quack doctor put me on 360 Oxys I'd just heard on the news (think it was Rush Limbaums story) of the potential addiction from Ozy's.
I looked into it and realized if I was gonna survive I had to dump the rest of the Qxycontins' I had.
Unfortunately, if you tell your (was it your cousin) not to get a refill for her Oxys' shell probably dissagree with the plan and denial will have the upper hand.
There are some things you can do, if your interested in some ideas I have let me know. Good luck to both of you.
PS, ok I see it is your sister. Good, that hopefully means she will listen to you. At the very least have her read the reply posts here, maybe she'll believe the groups thoughts. See everyone here cares, THAT being the only reason we are here. Not doing this for the thrill of it.
Tell your sister the thrill she will probably experience the first few refills will go away fast and the withdrawls of being with out her pill supply will be HELL.
Best of luck to you both. I'll keep u oin my prayers.
Oh my god,

Your daughter is abusing drugs forsure.

In NO WAY EVER - should ANYONE every take OxyContin, Percocet or even T3's for a headache.

The only reason shes taking those 3 drugs is to get high. They are a poor mans herion. Get those 3 drugs off her now or things are gonna get alot worse.

For any headache in the world, advil or normal tylenol is enough.

WOW - those drugs shes taking are for cancer patients who are dying. Not for people who say they have a headache.
Oxycontin is a drug straight from hell! I was prescribed it for my colon cancer,and I decided to stop using it because I simply liked it too much.No matter how much I took,my body wanted more and more,and I would go into withdrawals if I didn't take more.Even the pain of cancer doesn't touch the pain of withdrawing from this drug.I wouldn't wish that experience on the devil himself,much less a cancer patient who is just trying to find relief from the suffering.Horrible,horrible drug!
wow...to be completely honest oxycontin or oxycodone is no more addictive then hydro, morphine etc. The kicker is that it comes is much higher strengths, for example the strongest hydro pill has 10mgs of hydro and that is where oxy's start, they run 10mgs, 20mgs, 40mgs, 80mgs and the newly released 160mgs AND 1mg of oxy is the equilvlent to 1.5 - 1.7mgs of hydro. My point is that oxycontin isnt any worse then hydro in terms of withdrawl from equal dosages. If there was an opiate that was harder to kick it would prolly be methadone, i think it has a rediculious half-life...like 72hrs or more.
You're right in a way.Withdrawal from Oxy or Lortab at the same dose would be pretty much the same."At the same dose" is the kicker here.Oxy is a time released long acting drug.Hydrocodone is not.Have you ever withdrawn from Oxy? If not,then take 10 or 12 10 mg Lortab for a few months and withdraw.Follow this by taking 160 mg's of Oxy per day for a few months,ending with around 250 or so mg's per day,and then withdraw and tell me what you think.Not trying to argue with you,but I've been there and done both,and Oxy is much much worse to withdraw from.Once again,at the same dose it would probably be about the same withdrawal,but with Oxy,the dose isn't going to be equal to dosing hydrocodone.With all due respect,ask anyone else who has withdrawn from both,and the majority will probably say the same thing.Take care and be well my friend. Oh,and Oxy is much more addictive.This is why a user will go into a consant state of withdrawal after having used them for awhile.The body simply cannot get enough to be satisfied,and I'm not talking dependence here.This drug is notorious for just this sort of thing.Just ask any knowledgeable doctor.
Ya and try to withdrawl from oxys perks and the fentenal patch all at the same time fasten your seatbelts kids cause were going on a ride you will never forget
I have w/d'd from hydro's and oxy's and by far oxy's are the worst, i would pick hydro's any day given the opportunity to w/d from. Oxy's are h*ll, and the higher dose you are addicted to, the rougher the w/d's are. Prayers and hugs to all,Kim
Im with you mdgirl i was chewing 8 to 10 80s a day and wearing a 75 fentenol patch hell on earth im clean now almost a week and i cant beleive how well i feel today i told my doctor what was going on and with his help im almost to the point were i think im gonna make it this time God willing
hey all, I too have stopped taking Oxy and Hydro many moths apart and the Oxy was dang near impossible comparred to roughly same dose of hydrocodone.
The real down fall was another time, after double same knee replacement I was taking both. Had scripts for 360 of each and ended up in full blown detox in a psych hospital. Took two near 30 day treatment stints and once off have stayed off OXY for years. Am now on chronic pain management taking Methadone 10mg @ 6 aday. Thank God my loving wife of 33 years administers them out to me even going as far as hidiing my late afternoon dose for me. Couldn't do it without her help. My Psych doctor knows my history and says when it is time to stop we'll go real slow. At this point I trust him.
Anyone trying to stop any prescription meds do so with a doctors help. Try to
get wiith a good pain management doctor (if pain is your problem) ahead of time.
Help in my eyes is the most important aspect of getting clean for good.
Grandpa Allen
Oxycontin is a narcadic medication used to control pain. It is time released and lasts from 8-12 hours. This drug is very successful for pain relief. People who use it can become either dependent or addictive to the drug but addiction is not necessarily a side effect of this medication. Addiction depends on why a person uses. That is why it doesn't have to be drugs to be an addiction. Food, golf, alcohol, gymnastics, anything can become an addiction because just about anything can take your mind away from your feelings. Dependency on the other hand does not control your life, ruin your relationships, lose your job, or children. Dependency means that a patient needs the medication to control the symptom (i.e. for acid reflux disease a patient has to take something like Previcid everyday.) However, they don't take it because they are feeling inferior, or jealous, or angry, or any other feeling. The cure for addiction is to acknowledge feelings, treat yourself with respect, and learn to say no and mean it. Simply hard as hell and possible.
hi guys, thanks for answering my question about oxycontin.hats off to you all that have managed to suceed with stopping the meds. for all of you that are still struggling. i hope you find the strengh to try again..i have copied and pasted some of your replys for my sister and i will inform her of this site. i cant relate to many of you, but i do feel for you all.. this is a horrible drug(just like so many of them out there)but its nice to know that there are people out here wanting and willing to help. thanks again......
I havent read all the replies yet, i just wanted to say this first...i am comming off ~1200 - 1400mgs/day of oxy for just over a year now...grueling, whao...i am doing a really steap taper, im on about day 15 and im down to ~100 - 160mgs/day of hydro and it aint been no picknick. But at the same time the last time i cleaned up i went ct from 250mg/day of hydro and that was about the same...tatemount to torture. k im gonna go back n read the replies...oh btw i read a great article here it is...

Great Withdrawl info...with the best Nutritional info i have ever read reagarding recovery
wow, what great replies and couragious souls here...this place is a blessing.

on the comparison of oxy to hydro keep in mind that a 100mg/day habit of oxy's is the same as ~ a 170mg/day of hydro. In a pill sense, for oxy's that is one 80 and one 20 a day...for hydros the equivlent is 34 lortabs, that is 34 pills in a day (granted those are lortab which have 5mg's of hydro) vs. 2 pills in a day for oxy's. my point is that most havent ever been close in terms of "equal dosages" and that it is truely the amount of opiate and not the actual opiate that causes the withdrawl intensity...except for methadone. oxycodone has about the same half life as hydro if not the exact same...and just because the oxy's are time released over 12 hrs, most either chew or snort them which completely bypasses the time releaseablity...or they end up taking more hydros making up for the time released aspect of oxy's. Disclaimer - just my opinion from a lay persons reading...

great discussion!!

i do have a tiny gripe..not about this thread but about most posts. and it is, i wish people would use total mg's a day rather then x number of vic's or lortabs etc. it makes it hard to access where someone really is...for example, i have read some posts where someone says, i am going ct from 50 vic's a day and i think..NO DONT DO IT because im thinking 10mgs a pill for a total of 500mgs/day of hydro (which would really be nasty) when its actaully 5mg's a pill making it a 250mg/day of hydro which is much more dooable. anyway, blessings to all :)