What Next?

Hi, everyone...

My husband and I are going up to Allenwood for a family session Sunday and Monday. On Monday, we go over to the rehab, have lunch with our son, meet with his counselor to find out what his treatment plan is, see a little of the rehab and then leave. Our son will probably be coming home with us afterwards. He sounded very good when I talked to him yesterday. He said that he will miss the people there, but he misses us too. He has enjoyed making and having friends there.

Our son doesn't know this yet. On a bad note....or maybe it's actually a blessing in disguise, I got a call from the Silver Spring Township police today saying that Lowe's is placing other charges on him. I know that he has to face the consequences for his actions...I was just hoping he would have a little time to enjoy being home first. The officer said he has to call him on Tuesday because a warrant has been issued for his arrest for those charges and he will have to go to Cumberland County to go before a judge there. If bail is set, we have to decide whether to get him out or not. If we get him out, Dauphin might come after him for Dauphin County Prison (which is absolutely horrible) because he has violated his conditions for unsecured bail by getting into trouble with more retail theft over here. He already received a notice that he has certified mail waiting for him when he gets home from Dauphin. We don't know how quickly they will come for him, so maybe it's best he goes in Cumberland because they'll leave him there. I hate all this legal stuff....I really get sick in my stomach (and very teary) thinking of him in any prison again, but I realize he's made some very bad choices. What I never knew before is that heroin changes your brain function so that you don't think about consequences. You only think about getting more because you hurt so bad without it.

This sure has put the damper on my enthusiasm about him coming home....I've been waiting and waiting and looking forward to it so much, and now he has to face this so soon. He has missed little Angelina so much, and he wouldn't even talk to her while he was away, and now he'll probably have to leave us again! I somehow have to act like everything is okay until Tuesday, because I want him to at least enjoy his day with us. He gets so nervous when he has a hearing coming up. It is so out of his character to be in this much trouble with the law. Please pray for whatever is best for him. God alone knows that.

I can't wait until the day ALL OF THIS is behind us and we can enjoy our lives again! I won't take a normal day for granted again!

Susan not sure if we have spoken before hun but my heart reaches out for you and your situ i too hope that it will resolve soon and you can all get back to normality (what ever that is lol). Your son has such a wonderfull mom that im sure he will get over this soon, good luck hun jackie xxxxxxx
i just read your post and this is my advise..
while I understand your wanting to let your son enjoy his one day with his family and I know by the time you read this you will be at the rehab.. I hope that maybe your will check this before you leave ... I dont know .. anyway I wish you would consider bringing your sons counselor up to speed on his legal situation and you all brain storm on what is best for his RECOVERY in when to tell him and what to do about bail .... his recovery is the priority now not his comfort in being in jail.. if the stress of his legal consequenses in his counselors opinion is such that it might put his budding recovery at risk than he might benifit by being in jail... for the time being ... or not I dont have the answers but maybe the rehab has so more educated guesses.... they have had far more experience... but you have to be open minded and willing to hear.... and do what is suggested... let them and your son continue to drive the bus together.. plus it will look good on his record when the time comes..if he is receptive and they write that this issue was brought to them for there input and they advised this or that and he was receptive and had a well thought out plan of care and had follow thru... and that they together him and his treatment team came up with a plan... courts love to see that sort of cooperation that usually signals a change in behavior....

just my 2 cents...

Thanks for the replies and opinions. My son didn't end up coming home, so I told him and his counselor about the police officer calling. My son was upset about it, but the counselor told him that the more clean time he gets and the more he is cooperative with rehab (which the counselor said he has been wonderful), the better it will go with the judges when he has his hearings. He told him that cooperation with rehab has a way of making the consequences disapate. One day at a time!
