All day today all ive wanted was to get wasted. Its now 4am & i cant sleep because of this craving its making me crazy
I know theres morphine,Valium & Methadone in the house & i feel like im fighting a battle Does that make sense?
Hi Kittee thanx for the shout , can't say to much just now but will be on tonight anyways you are in a battle and the main thing is you recognise that you are hense your brawling like a crazy thing thing is we can't win every fight but aslong as we continue the battle no-one can call us losers , i'm not advocating skroowing up but it's the way we pick ourselves up dust ourselves down grin to yourself in the mirror then roll our sleeves up and start again that defines our success on lifes terms pal...i like the sound of that one ...take care ...paul
If there are drugs like that in the house, and your craving them -but not using them
you must be doing something right- - - I dont know many people in an active addiction who can do that
you must be doing something right- - - I dont know many people in an active addiction who can do that
My hubby looks after a small Valium&morphine emergency script of mine& he didnt cave thank god
I take away 3wks Methadone at a time so theres just under 3ltrs at any one time in the house but i NEVER abuse it odd eh
Why is this happening? I swear to god i felt like i had this itch i HAD to scratch. Its abating but how long is this gonna last?
BTW Hey pauli !!! A big thanks to both you and jack for taking time cheers guys you rock
Kitte it seems like it never goes away. The itch will never be scratched.
It does go away. I can promise you that. Every once in awhile though it creeps up. Heck, I got alot of years in clean and I still get it sometimes.
The only thing to do is what you're already doing. Don't use.
I wish I had a magic wand that I could go "Poof take Kitte's cravings away".
Like they say "This too shall pass". It's a pain in the neck I know, but you're doing good. You stay tough.
It does go away. I can promise you that. Every once in awhile though it creeps up. Heck, I got alot of years in clean and I still get it sometimes.
The only thing to do is what you're already doing. Don't use.
I wish I had a magic wand that I could go "Poof take Kitte's cravings away".
Like they say "This too shall pass". It's a pain in the neck I know, but you're doing good. You stay tough.
Hang in there, sister, you're doing GREAT!!!! I've had no valium in the house for a few weeks now and finding things very difficult without it. It's good to have a break, though, I know. I don't abuse the valium unless I'm using, which I'm not. Anyway, this is about you not me, and you're doing really well. I'm so proud of you!!