What To Do?

Hey everyone,

This is my first time posting here. Im 16 years old and have been using for almost 2 years. Recently my parents found out(my mom was going around in my room and found my bubbler), and have decided to send me to rehab. Lately they have just been getting completely angry at me for no reason, because they think i'm "going down that road". Today they accused me of smoking because they said my eyes were bloodshot. I have been getting drug tested and have passed. I have been completely sober from weed since Jan. 10th. After they started testing me for just weed, I started using speed(snorting), and did shrooms once. I have just been so depressed lately and I just dont know what to do. I mean I think I want help and want to stop, and I just havent talked to anyone about any of this. It would mean alot to me if I could get a couple replies on what you guys think I should do, and do you guys think I sound like im in trouble. Thanks a lot.

Jay, I know this is difficult for you to accept, but your parents want what is best for you. Given your tendency to attempt to escape your depression through drugs, it sounds like they have good reason to supervise you closely. The only way to gain their trust at this point is to earn it through getting clean and sober.

Your decision to substitute one drug (i.e., speed or mushrooms) for the weed is indicative of a classic pattern of addiction. If you do not learn to cope with your issues and free yourself from the addiction now, you are in for a world of hurt. You are still at an age where you can overcome this and make something of your life by working in school and trying to live within the lines of society.

My recommendation to you would be to seriously embrace what you learned in rehab and find yourself a good meeting with lots of young people so that you can make some friends with those who are clean and sober.

I started out down the road that you are on and nearly 20 years later it was not a pretty sight. Feel free to write back with questions.

Good luck.

Damn, after being 70 days clean of weed, I slipped today. Whatever, my life sucks. peace