What To Do?

I am at a lose. I don't know what to do. My boyfriend is an addict. He was 7 months sober and he slipped. Twice, or so I thought. Come to find he's been using since the middle of June. He came to his mother and I and asked us for our help. She is a nurse and is helping him the best she can. The problem is I don't know how. I know nothing about addiction. I don't drink and I have never used any kind of drug. I was always the one who swore to never have that or anyone who did it in my life. And now the one person I love more than anything in this world, is the one that I most fear. How can I help someone with something I don't understand. I've been to NA and AA meetings with him. But you can't make someone go who doesn't want it. You can't fight and feed your addiction at th same time. I took him to the hospital yesterday because he mixed coke with perscription sleeping pills. He almost had a stroke. I can't lose the one man I love more than life itself. I need help if anyone is willing to help me. I have no one to talk to about this. I can't do this alone. What do I do?
I know what you are going through. I have a brother that I looked up to all my life. He has been using cocaine for a long time. He was clean for 9 months on his own when his child was born. But his girlfriend asked him to get her some because she was going out of town. He's been binging 1- 3 times a week since. His daughter is now 4 years old. He acts like he loves his family and his child but he also acts like some times he doesn't want to be helped. My mother and I are so scared for his life. He had such a bad high one night that he started convulsing and then was scared to leave his house for 3 days. We live in a small town and drugs are everywhere. How do you help? Where can you go to get help? What are they thinking about when they need a fix? What can we say or do to change their mind? What is rock bottom? If you get any answers, please pass them on.