
Dictionary.com gives this definition:
any situation or series of events having vivid, emotional, conflicting, or striking interest or results

What the heck happened to my poll???? OK the question is:
What is your opinion of drama?
Not sure what you're asking Kat....
What what?
Does it have something to do with drama?
And I thought I was blonde.....
It wasn't my fault.
OK....so then, what was it suppose to be?
Go back and read it again. It now says "What is your opinion of drama?" like it did before the computer gremlins stole it and changed it.
Ah...now I see it. Computer gremlins or brain fart?
My brain does not fart, Miss Lisa.
Are you kidding? I can smell it from here.
Funny thing is I did understand it...lol...so it must be time for a vacation when I can understand your garble....

Now, I wanted to vote on two of them but alas, since I could only pick one, I picked the right one this time....

Old behaviour for me and it is a sign I need a meeting or something is really bugging me that I need to face when I start getting wrapped back up into drama...

For me, when I was in drama or chaos, it was just like doing drugs, a way for me not to look at myself and focus on others....Over the holidays, I found this was one of the first Christmas I think I have ever truly enjoyed and reflecting back yesterday, it was free from drama and chaos and there was peace in my home and I thank God for that, with 3 teenage kids and a new puppy, I would have never thought we would have peace.....

Good post Kat even if you did screw up the title...<BEG>
Bored with it was not on the list...so I chose "other".

Drama is "old behavior" and it scares the **** out of me...and I am human, and sometimes get involved in stuff that has nothing to do with me...BUT, I am improving in that area and my inclinations are very different than they used to be with respect to drama.

Drama is usually about ego, period. Someone's ego. And about expectations...usually, expectations of someone else, which is really all about ego.

I try to keep my mind focused on the fact that emotion is really beneath intuition. That the spirit is not mired with emotion...the spirit is bathed in light. But, like I said, I am human.

I really want to be a bridge, and after getting sober, I realize...my back really is pretty strong, and my stretch makes a really nice span.

But as far drama...a funny thing my grandmother always said was: "A gossiping woman and a cackling hen, always come to a no good end". Of course, she also said: "Blessed are those who run around in circles, for they shall be known as wheels".

Suffice it to say, I find drama boring. There is A LOT of good stuff beyond drama!

Oh, and Kat....I understood this poll perfectly.
I had to check OTHER...but I hate to be in it...I don't love to watch, but heck, sometimes my human nature gets in the way and I get that train wreck dealie going on....I try to not get into it.

Hey! You do an excellent job of staying out of it! You are a good example!

I am finally feeling "normal" again. How are you?

Love ya,

There was a woman that used to come to my meetings when I was early in sobriety. You know that type you meet and don't feel comfortable around right off the bat? She was always running around in chaos and always had some kind of drama going on and I couldn't stand to listen to her. But I couldn't stop watching her. It was like watching a car accident. You know it's going to be ugly but you can't stop watching. I would catch myself staring at her and laugh. I haven't thought about her in a while. I wonder what ever happened to her. Nice to know I'm not the only sick one, Janet. <G>

D angerously
R omanticizing
A nd
M anufacturing
A ddictive Behavior

I'm a little hypocritical about it.I sure don't want it in my life but I still like to look at it.Progress not Perfection.
Sarah, thanks for the compliment, however I am not entirely without guilt....or blame.

But you learn by mistake.

My stomach had settled down by Christmas day, so I could eat like a piggy...lol...gotta love those leftovers...
I dislike Drama & childish behavior../.but I will admit its CHEAP entertainment to watch supposive grown up act .like they are still in Jr High.
am I totally innocent as far as being in it?Heck no Ive let myself be baited more than once,but than I realize those starting the drama are to be pitied because really what kind of life do they really have if they must always start stuff...So pitiful.Theres so much more to life than stupid BS.
As I said YES Ive allowed myself to be part of it but unlike others I am truley sorry when that happens.
Id like to think I have more respect for this board & the members