What's Next?

Hi to the Easter Bunnies who are all doing the taper. Is anyone else wondering/worrying..that after we are all off our pills..WHATS NEXT?? I fear feeling the emotions I have obviously been hiding from by taking pills.What if I cant handle all that emotion? Or I feel bored with everything right now..probably the pills doing that but I am scared to think I will still feel as bored without them. Then what? I cant afford a therapist. Will I try to trade in one addiction for another? (start overeating again..?) Is anyone thinking beyond the taper or am I just worrying too much?? Let me know your thoughts everyone. My prayers are with you all...
Yes its important to have a plan, have you attended any meetings? Or have you looked for some way to get conseling for free. You should get a plan set up soon, also I cannot stress enough the importance of burning ALL your bridges to get pills, burn them NOW and dont look back.

Best Regards,
hey, im new at this and still take 2 pills a day, I dont feel I am able to give any advice at this point, But, I too think about life off of the pills, I am looking foreward to the "high" of not being high, I know for me I havent dealt with anything in a long time so when problems come up it is going to be hard to work through them, instead of numbing them.Im glad you are an easter bunny too.
I suggest stop worrying about whats to come and focus on the moment your in.
There is a saying that goes....

"If You Have One Foot In Yesterday, And The Other Foot In Tomorrow, Your Pissing All Over Today"

You can't change the past, and tomorrow is promised to nobody.....

"Yesterday Is History And Tommorrow Is A Mystery"

Take your time, do the next right thing and everything will work out just the way it's supposed to. "Keep It Simple"

Take care......................................God bless......................................Bob
Yup, I remember the thoughts of "how can I function without these, and things like that" the answer honestly is, better. You will function better and deal with things the way your suppose to, not numbing them. There is a natural way for our brains to cope with everything and taking pills inhibits that ability.



You really have to take it one day at a time, its that over thinking that can lead you back into justifying pills again.

We all have to deal with our emotions and the daily grind of life. You did it before pills, you can do it again.

I remember wondering how I was gonna get through the day clean or at the very least get through a day without thinking about it. It was hard at first, no doubt, but it got easier and eventually I wasn't even giving it a thought any more. I will say, for me, it took alot of prayer, reading, meetings and sharing with my sponsor. I don't know exactly when it happened but, one day I realized I hadn't even thought about a drink or drug and I felt good. And like Tom said above, we act, think, work, and whatever else, better. I agree 100%. It's great to laugh, have fun and not take ourselves so seriously so on that note I'll tell ya' this, since
getting clean and sober, sex is great too! My relationship with my wife, everything from simply talking to eachother to making love is ten times better now that we're clean and sober then it's ever been. Life is good.
Take care........................................God bless......................................Bob
hello there, for me i thought when i stopped the pills i would not be able to work and now almost 30 days clean i dont know how i worked on them. when i got out of the ct wds period i immediatly wnt to na meetings. the freedom you well when you go to na is awesome. i didnt think i belonged there as i had a "legal script" well after reading the na book and hearing others share i knew i was in the right place. its really important to stay focused in the present, i cant go out of today or fear sets in. i got a sponser and am starting the 12 steps. this board helped me the first few days when i was too sick to leave the house. the day at a time is the only way to go as we really only have 24 hrs at a time to live.

take care

Wow..thanks to ALL of you. I received ALOT of good advice..of which I will listen to. I am checking into free counseling.Just found a site with an 800 number.WIll check it out and let everyone know how it is...I think I DO need to stop worrying about tomorrow.like they say "One day at a time".. and hopefully I will be able to look back and say 30 days clean, 40 days clean etc and then I will know I can handle it. and yes GOOD POINT.. I handled life for 30 years without pills..so why the heck do I think I need them now? I dont..my body is asking for them but emotionally I know I can survive the pain without them. I am going to the bookstore now to see what I can get to keep me focused on sobriety..from pills and food! Damn that devil dog I just ate..Is anyone else craving sweets? I have never been like this before but I am eating sugar all day long now. I wonder if that is part of whats going on in my body now...


Keep coming back and posting, it really does help. I can see a difference from your first post to your last.

I'm glad you're feeling better.

loliverny, great question...... I remember many years ago I smoked a pack a day. I was never gonna quit. I enjoyed it and I 'll be damed if anyone was gonna tell me to quit. One day when I was 32, I was playing softball and I fell to the ground. everyone in the field came running over to me. ,MY HEART, MY HEART, I KEPT SAYING, SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH MY HEART(I had never had a problem with my heart before) and no it was not a heart attack.
I was taken away in an ambulance and was told my heart was out of rythum.The doc told me to quit smoking yesterday. I COULD NOT IMAGINE LIFE WITHOUT A CIGARETTE. I also could not imagine being 6 feet under. The next day I quit c/t. every time I wanted a smoke, I ate tootsie rolls. I gained 12 lbs. and still looked good. It was hard but I never touched another one again ever. If a doctor told each one of us that our livers were almost shot but if we quit in 2 weeks, he would be able to save us but if we did not quit then we would certainly die............how many of us do u think would quit in 2 weeks forever??? I bet you everyone of us would. See loliverny, you do not know the extent of the damage you have already done to your liver and neither do I . BUT THE SATASTICS POINT TO AN UNFAVORABLE OUTCOME IF WE DONT STOP. SO THE EASTER TAPER IS GOING TO GET EVERYONE OFF AND WHAT NEXT????? I will tell you what is next: when you have taken your last pill and you are done.....get rid of any left overs...........then get on your knees and ask God to keep you from temptation. Go out and help others get off drugs. Be a voice in highschools, talk to the principles in the schools and ask if you can talk to the students in the jym and talk to kids about the grip it can have on you . GO TO CHURCHS AND ASK THE YOUTH PASTORS IF YOU CAN TALK TO KIDS ABOUT THE DANGERS OF PERSCRIPTION MEDICATIONS. IF THAT SORT OF THING IS NOT FOR YOU THEN BECOME THE MAN GOD MADE YOU TO BE OR THE WOMAN AND USE YOUR GOD GIVEN TALENTS. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT YOUR DEATH FROM DRUGS IS NOT A LEGACY YOU WANT TO LEAVE YOUR FAMILY. YOU ARE SO BEYOND THAT.
W I L L......NOT GO BACK ..................................DIANE
I am in agreement with not worrying about what tomorrow brings, just focus on the day at hand. I'm not there yet, but I feel if I can function daily without 5+ Perc's flowing through my system, then I can handle A LOT. :)
There is Dr.'s and others out there to help people if life really starts to get to them and they find they can't handle things. Therapy, intervention, etc. So it seems, there is always someone out there to help. We just have to be smart enough to know when to ask for that help. Even a trusted friend can be more help than a lot of us know.
But again, concentrate on your task at hand...get through ONE DAY AT A TIME..it's all you can do. :)

PrettyPills aka Tracy
Thanks Diane and Tracy..Best advice I ever read..once I am clean and feel like the old me again, I will help others as I have been helped. Whats that expression..there is more " getting in the giving?"Very true.. I cant wait until I can wake up and go through the day without a cloudy head and will feel more positive and helpful to others..especially my family which I do not give enough time to when on this stupid Vic's.

Have a great day everyone..stay strong!

You've gotten solid advice already, but I just wanted to add that the future w/out pills is not one long therapy session! lol I too was afraid as hell of what life would be like once I gave up the pills. Pain pills were surest way I knew to change how I felt at any given time. What I found was that experiencing true feelings again could be exhilarating, even fun; that I could begin to feel good about myself, no longer lost in that spiral of depression and self-pity; that life ceased to be about counting pills, hiding pills, obsessing about when and where to get pills next......

OK, it hasn't all been peaches and cream, but it's been a hell of a lot better than what my life was like in active addiction. When I remember that, I am grateful, and when I have that feeling of gratitude, I can honestly say that my life today is second to none. So don't worry too much about the future Loliverny -- it promises good things. Great things. Trust us! M.
I too have the same feeling you did for me it was a matter of remembering a moment when I truly started realizing what the hell I was doing to myself and those around me. I picture the moment I yelled at my son for a trivial matter, or the momnet my husband (who does not know about my addiction) said "honey whats the matter with you, your moods are all over the place" I look back to theose moments to get me thru the days. My last opiate was almost a week ago and everyday is a little better. Now don't get me wrong you are going to have some rough challenges ahead of you but the clarity of mind is amazing to see the world with all its good and bad. Let me tell you though in this week I have said oh if I just had one but it is like smoking in a sense you get over that moment and then you move on. I read this somewhere I think an addict probably wrote it hee hee
"We don't remember days we remember moments",
So keep on writing and reading and get yourself thru those moments.
Good Luck
oh yea..Ro..reading what you just wrote..it brought back memories (recent and past ) of not having patience with my kids, my job, my friends. Hating everyone and everything without knowing a reason. The reason was those damn white things in a vial in my pocketbook. I have done silimar..yelled at my son ( 6 yrs old) for something small and he looked at me and said" Mom, how can you be so pretty and be so mean?". That made me cry and I stopped for a month taking this crap and then the stress started to build and here I am again..in full swing ..though I am doing the Easter Bunny Taper. I will stay postivie today..get the heck out of this house and try not to think too much. Just enjoy. I have also started "behaviour modification: or whatever they call it. I have a rubberband on my left wrist..when I feel the urge to pop a pill, I snap it. I must say..my arm isnt as red this week as it was last week..that's progress!
Ooh I love the rubber band trick. I am looking into those relaxation tapes since nightime is the worst I have not slept a full night since I quit. The baby doesnt' help though either hee hee. Today I am going shopping I am not a huge shopper I like to watch those glamour shows and try to put outfits together that way but all my friends think I shop all the time no just a few good pieces..... Good Luck getting out today. I would love to go out for a walk unfortunatly last week it was almost 60 and today it is asblizzard like 4 inches fell and it is still snowing, wait isn't it April AH!!!!
To those tappering, Be Prepared for the coming depression associated with tapering and quiting Narcotics. I have felt them when ever I decreased my use.

* Not only is it a physical addiction ( shaky legs, sweats, no sleep, restlisness, anxiety, ) but it is MENTAL too, ( thoughts of boredom, questioning if being normal is really worth it, feeling sad, )

* The mental part should be expected and acknowledged. ( Easier said then done, but at least you have to know its coming so it doesnt blind side you.)

******* I would also recommend that during a tapper , you want alot of little Doses. You dont want to feel bad and then take a pill and feel good for awhile then feel bad again . You want to eliminate ( as best as possible ) the rollercoaster effect. This way you are starting to break away from the highs and lows that we are addicted too.

Just my opinion, It is far better to take a half of a pill every two hours then a whole pill every four hours.

I think you made some real sense. I remember when I was quitting and started tapering (6 days ago) at any rate I could not wait until nighttime when I could take them at the low doses I was on at the end I wasn't even getting high just feeling better. I would also suggest if the pills are not for pain that you take them at different times of the days. For many of us we are on a schedule. I've heard people say they would get up pop a pill etc... maybe wait until 2 hours after you are up. It reminds me of when I quit smoking they said you would really want one at those times that you usually smoked ie driving in the car after you ate. It makes sense that the mental part of the withdrawal would be easier if we mixed our dosages up. Just a thought???

relief from boredom and time on the hands ? here's few suggestions:

keep it simple.

take this afternoon or tommorrow afternoon and visit the lonely in a nursing home. many have been abandoned by their families and receive visitors very well.

spend a hour today or any day in prayer for your family.

deliver food to the homebound.

raise money for your favorite charity.

attend an AA or NA meeting and extend yourself to someone who is hurting or spiritually barren.

visit the lonely old man or woman who lives within 2 blocks of you.

offer to babysit for a busy young mother who is overwhelmed with life -- they are everywhere.

off to be substitute teacher.

just a few. but work on yourself and your interior life while reaching out to others, meeting them in their needs.