Whats Going On Here Old Members

where are all the old members?

why isn't any one posting like before?

i am talking about the older memebers..............

can someone please put this in to perspective please..............

you dont know how wonderful something is until its gone..........
and i sure do miss the old timers here............
the members with seniority..........is what i mean........

ya know with them came wisdom........

why did you all stop posting?
i notice this.

i miss you all................

love and respect

Thumper YGM & I think it can explain some ok?
Love molly
molly email me too, cuz i wondered the same thing jewels
I've seen so many people come and go. Life goes on and some people maybe out grow this site? Or maybe because they have their lives back for the first time and are now making up for lost time. Could be too that some are using again and are too ashamed to come back with the truth. It's up to us that are left to make it feel safe here for them to come back, don't you think? I don't post like I used to and I'm sorry for that, but life get's in the way sometimes. Hopefully the newcomers are being taken care of.
Thumper senior members? Here is an example. Her name is Pam And she posted a long time then poof gone. Well I do not know all the details but recently she posted that she was in rehab.

That was wonderful news. I am not sure where she is today but there are so many old timers who lurk but no longer post daily.

An example RAE---I have seen her help someone recently Methadone question --she is one of the most educated addicts IMO with awesome advice but you cant help everybody.

The board goes in cycles just like LIFE.

I post cause it helps my recovery. But Its changed a bit and certainly much less time on the board. I have some very dear friends in the program who do not understand this board. They feel its? well its not for them.

But I between there e-mails the board and my hard work well for today my disease is in remission.

Thumper just be you. Your spirituality invaluable. Your quite special

All addicts, at every stage of recovery are very useful to this forum. New and old....this I believe is just a cycle. Many come and go and some come back to check in...like in Jeff's example.

I don't think its anything personal at all....some feel that they have perhaps out grown this forum and no longer can add anything of value. Some may be using again...and just lurk but will post again when they get the courage.

What makes this unique, is that we are all in different stages of recovery and can help one another to get to the next level. Sometimes you can log on and read just one sentence that help you.

Thumper you are a very loving caring women and you add alot here, but you know life changes....nothing stays the same....thats a good thing:)

I just wanted to add that its perhaps cyclical...I know that there are times when I rarely post. Sometimes I am real active...like now.

I don't think it has anything to do with some secret thing that some like to elude to. Its all about choice. When and why people post is completely up to them.

I don't believe in "seniority" thing either. Some have posted here for a very very long time and still use or are still struggling and thats ok. Length of time has nothing to do with wisdom or clean time. Just my opinion. I sincerely hope that all that post here feel welcome and no less valued than the next.
Very well put KeeKee....senority has nothing to do with clean time or "being any smarter". Just means some of us have been around longer. Some like Stacey (24Gordon) who haven't been here as long have much more wisdom than others that have been here for years, like me.
I come and go. I check in once in a while---or if im really bothered about something, or if something real good or bad happens.

Every now and then, the board gets a little screwy, so I leave for a while- cause it never stays screwy.

There have been times where this was the only place i felt comfortable,

Plus, now i maybe spend a little too much time playing poker online
Hey Kee Kee What a day--Sun was out all day-Never a break.

I quote you

" don't believe in "seniority" thing either. Some have posted here for a very very long time and still use or are still struggling and thats ok. Length of time has nothing to do with wisdom or clean time. Just my opinion. I sincerely hope that all that post here feel welcome and no less valued than the next."

Well said-Kee Kee--How is the ankle?

sleep well Jeff

Hey Thumper.i consider myself a "Senior" member(two years)Yet i dont get on here as often as i would like.there is so many reasons why alot of the old timers are missing.For the most part,you will see them pop in from time to time.

Our lives get so busy,its hard.I dont think there are too many that are avoiding this board purposely.If they are,well,then there are ususally good reasons why they are keeping hteir distance and all we can do is hope that in time,they return.Becasue we sure can use all the support/help we can get,huh?

I too miss some of the older members,i hope they are doing well and will stop in and update us all on whats going on in their world.~KIM

I'm here but just in a lot of pain!!!
The ankle...better every day! Thanks for asking. I had a 1 hour massage today. My kids bought me a gift certificate for Christmas at a fabulous spa...I used it!

You just don't know what hurts on your body until someone touches it. My ear lobes were sore...lol

Hey Thumps, It's true that there aren't any secrets,,,,,,,,email me and I will be happy to tell you and show you a few things that will answer your questions. <wink>
The suggestion that some are still using is interesting. Hmm...that could explain a lot of things.
I hope you are doing well, Thumper. Getting away from this board has it's rewards, but one of the drawbacks is not talking to you. Let's catch up..........
Have a great day!
Good Morning Thumper.

I don't think there is always some nefarious reason why people leave.They either get bored,life starts happening and they get involved in other things,they join other sites etc.Some come back and visit and others don't connect here.Sure,some do relapse and feel too ashamed to come back but that is not always the case.
I left for about 8 months because I had to spend all my energy somewhere else for awhile.I would check in periodiclly but needed the time away from here.It wasn't because I was p*ssed off at anyone.
If you make good friends here and still want to leave,there is no reason why you can't stay in contact.
Well said Tim, Just because a few don't get along while posting here, there is no reason that you don't continue contact off the board.

Thumper...I would stay far away from an offer like that. No one needs to be pulled into private wars that may or may not rage on.

You don't seem the type to be interested anyway. Nor am I.

Thumper...any respone?
KeeKee's right Thumps...stay out of the wars, it's not worth it and it's so old news anyway...
Lisa said:

it's not worth it and it's so old news anyway...

I couldnt agree more,unless....these things keep being brought up,in round about different scenerios,etc...then,the peple involved,especially those being hurt,cant help but be upset.And those that keep bringing them up...for whatever reason...which is totally assnine to me....need to look into themselves very deeply.

Its too bad that things like this do effect the board,v\becasue i feel everyone here is truly a caring person.some just rub others the r\wrong way,say something that was taken a little bit askew and off we go....SAD~KIM
Thumper in my eyes as a person gets further away from their addiction and more into recovery, life gets more active, such as a full time job, more interaction with the family, doing things that addicts put off for years. being holed in a room on the computer is what alot of addicts have done however when they get clean they start doing things again that they once enjoyed. for me it has been traveling on mini trips when i can. getting away has such restorative qualities. the first thing i have not thought of is that people are using when they dont post, becuz so many are still using when they post that unless you really know someone which is impossible on the net, then really all you can do is take their word for it.

Hey Thumper .... I know you remember me ... I tend to look in once and a while ..... Im still trying to get my life back together .... All be it on my own now .... Its taking some getting used to I can tell ya ....


Kee so sorry but if YOUR not interested than why even post something like that?
True many issues have happen & many good members have been hurt.
Lisa you & I have had our problems which Im thankful that we talked (off the board)& work them out.So I know I can say this & even if you dont agree I feel we've come far enough where you can respect my input.
To some it may be "old news"but to others the pain of it still is there & it can & does effect that persons recovery & life.
So while Ive always agreed that the BS & fighting should be done away from the board I also know that sometimes the pain of the fall out can really hurt deep.
Please know these are just my thoughts & I realize you may not agree but again I feel we've gotten to the point where its OK to not agree.

Edited just to say Kimber...I feel that maybe some keep bring things up is because they really want to find a middle road & not hurt anymore.While some can move past issues others feel so hurt they arent sure how to deal with it & maybe(again JMO)they keep bring things up hoping that somehow there can be a peaceful end to whatever situation