I am just wondering what everyone's biggest fear is in your recovery? Or if your not in recovery yet what's your biggest fear of becoming clean? My biggest fear is myself in this.Not being able to learn to trust myself again....With Love and God Bless You all............Jessica
Mine is now how Im I gonna pay back the huge debt I put myself in over buying those stupid pills
My biggest fear is not being able to stay clean and what kind of damage of done to my body, organs, mind, etc.
My biggest fear before recovery was.. How am going to live/be without pills.. It was a short lived fear.
My biggest fear now, after six months, I dont know, I honestly do not have any at this time.
Best Regards,
My biggest fear now, after six months, I dont know, I honestly do not have any at this time.
Best Regards,
My biggest fear right now at 15 days clean is not worrying about what tomorrow brings.
My biggest fear isthat I'll never fully recover from all the damage I've done
Mine is that my addiction has messed up my kids somehow. But that's a fear I can do something about. (I hope.)
DEFINATLY WITHDRAWELS, im on small tappering dose's right now and im FREAKED OUT BAD. I can stand the shakes, and the jitters the hot and cold flashes, the crying the mood swings and feeling like KNOWONE BUT YOU GUYS understand. I have so many friends trying to help me, but this is so hardddddddddddddd.
Mine is that I'll use again. I have those dreams while I"m chasing the pills. I could have ran a marathon.
My fear is I will stay a loser drug eater forever
My biggest fear is rolling my jeep down an embankment into a water filled ditch and drowning upside down.
If I need to connect that to using: Doing it sober.
If I need to connect that to using: Doing it sober.
I probably shouldn't be here....but I wanted to read my addicts point of view...if you care, my biggest fear for my addict is that he will kill himself or someone else or our kids by accident. Thank you all for working on recovery.
My biggest fear is relapse of course. Im afraid of being that person again, its funny how thats my biggest fear, yet its the biggest challenge of my life to make sure that I never become that person again. 2 years sober and the thought still haunts me!!!!!!!!!!!
"I probably shouldn't be here"
I always welcome a fresh perspective. Notice how all our fears involve ourselves except yours.
I always welcome a fresh perspective. Notice how all our fears involve ourselves except yours.
Dear why try,Your fears are always good to get out in the air and deal with them regardless of who it might be about.....Jessica
Oops, SoccerMom's revolved around others.
Is it a mother thing, or a sober thing? A little of both I imagine.
Is it a mother thing, or a sober thing? A little of both I imagine.
In the addicts defense...you do need to take care of yourself first and by doing that the other fears are often resolved. Thanks for reading my fear.
In the addicts defense...you do need to take care of yourself first and by doing that the other fears are often resolved. Thanks for reading my fear.
I also am from the F & F adn reading all of your posts is helping me understand what the addict goes thourgh.
My biggest fear is....trusting him again, I have been lied to for soooooo long.
Also, will I ever be able to forgive.
All of you are strong. Two thumb up.....way up :)
My biggest fear is....trusting him again, I have been lied to for soooooo long.
Also, will I ever be able to forgive.
All of you are strong. Two thumb up.....way up :)
My biggest fear is relapse. Letting myself, husband, and son down. I just fear the next time I see a pain pill that I won't be able to have the will power to not take it.
mine is not being able to stay sober for the rest of my life