When Does Your Mind Come Back?? :)

My concentration sucks............

I was curious how long it took for those of you coming off opiates to get some level of concentration back. I find myself going from one thing to the next to another..........

I am almost 4 months off opiates at this point, and I get really frustrated..........

Wishing I could just relax but I am still a nervous wreck all the time, it drives me crazy.

Jodigirl...Im at 6mths & still I sometimes feel foggy headed.BUT on the plus side I can see & feel the difference between now & 6mths ago.

Its not easy,somedays (when my stress level is maxed)I still allow my thoughts to think of usen.Its is truley like a seduction of an abusive lover.For me on those days...I actually think of my addiction like a person...a EX.And it helps me remember that the feeling I think Im missing so bad is just a false sense of feeling good.

Really Jodi I really HAVE to think of it like that.Like sure it was fun while it lasted...but the bad outweigh the good by along shot.

I know somedays feel like it just wont end,butit does.I am so proud of how far we both have come.PLEASE Jodigirl...I know you can be a very tuff woman & right now I feel you need to be your strongest.

Love Brinagirl
Big Hugs To MJ.............

Love you Brinagirl.

I love you too sweety n believe me i understand how you feel.remember I always thought Id be a "lifer"(remember that)It took me almost dying,loosing Anne,Mikey<everything before I gave in & believe me even at the end I tried to get out of it.

Its a whole new way of living for both of us.I know you are going through so much ya know>?Being single & sober after being married n usen.

like anything worth while getting n staying sober takes time to get use to.Im sure you dont even feel like you anymore...but hun thats so normal.I always thought I wouldnt know who I was sober,but yet here I am & to be honest Ive learned so much more about me & just how strong I can be.So Ive left the old me just to find a new me who I feel is a better person & Jodi I bet your alot better than you were.that constant searching,usen,hiding,it wears at your soul.

Im sure your getting sick of people telling you it takes time when you want to feel better now but Jodi really think of what weve put our bodies n minds through.All that damage needs time to heal.......just keep looking ahead because looking back will only hurt you.

I love ya huny & Im gonna send you a pic of my NEW FAMILY MEMBER...Katie Marie...yes things have changed...lol
Hi! I am not one to preach since I have only been 2 months clean. I am a very impatient person. I always want everything now. But I will say what has been slowly working for me is listening to a meditation CD or just a relaxation one. I got alot of good CD's from One Spirit Book Club. You can find it on the internet.
I find a comfortable place even lying flat on my bed. I take deep breaths and feel my surroundings and bring self awareness. Any negative thoughts that come up I breathe and let it go. Sounds hoaky but they have done studies about meditation and it is a proven fact it works. Sometimes I think to myself "Ok I now am breathing in the positive and blowing out the negative." As I exhale I picture black coming out all the toxicity. Just a thought. Just be in the moment and you can even have a Mantra which is any positive saying. Like "I am calm and relaxed." Repeating it in your mind or out loud over and over will train your brain. I read alot of zen Buddhist books.(Or use to) and it works! But I have been practicing alot of positive affirmations and the meditation. I feel not only working out to build the body but working out my mind as well. I have stopped working out before for awhile and noticed how my body would be out of shape and same goes for the mind. You can start with 10 deep breaths in and out and feel your diaphrahm fill up with your breath. Don't knock it till you try it. Ha! Just a suggestion. By the way I am not saying anything about being Buddhist. Meditation and relaxation. Just a suggestion. Hope you feel better.
I remember I was in an AA meeting once. My addiction was first to alcohol and then to pills. I remember someone saying if you feel like drinking, remember your worst drunk and it might make you think again. I remember when I first quit drinking my husband and I went to Mexico. We went to a club that was like a New Years Eve party. We were dancing and EVERYONE was drinking and doing shots and streamers were flying. I felt really sad and sorry for myself. Why can't I have a few? Everyone is having so much fun. I looked on the dancefloor and there was this beautiful young girl cockeyed drunk. Men were kind of leering at her, almost circling her on the dancefloor. I didnt see any of her friends in site. It was then that I remembered that that would have been me. I didn't want that for myself anymore. It helped alot.