When To Change Meetings

This is an interesting article from Newsweek about an AA meeting gone looney. I thought it would show people things to watch out for in a meeting although I've never seen it around here.


Wowwwzzza! So scarey. And yet, this place has a lot of supporters who claim years of sobriety and that if not for this specific meeting place they would have failed. Hmmmm...

If the stories of control, isolation, and brainwashing techniques are true? I would think that either they could be shut down somehow or at the very least not claim the "AA" name. But I see where they can get away with it. I guess the best thing to do for now is publicize it (like you have done here) so people are aware. There are so many people in pain, searching for help. They finally reach out and fall into this type of pit?

Those running this program and those heralding as such a Godsend in their life just traded their addiction to alchohol to other sick addictions. Predators...very scarey if even half of what this article says is true.

Thanks for the heads up Kat...

Thanks Kat.You know,i feel each AA meeting has its own sort of personality,thats what ive experienced.Some lean more towards certain values than others,etc...then some are very very similiarly run as others,thats why youre also told to shop around.Find the ones that suit your needs,that "feel" right.

This place sure does sound cult like,and thankfully the girl in the story got out.But many will continue to foloow because,lets face it,when we first walk into an AA meeting,we are extremely vulnerable,in need of support,acceptance.I can see how some would get caught up in the structure of such a group.

Thankfully most people are smart enough(even this young 16 year old girl who was in desperate need of help)to see what right and whats wrong.She had parents that helped in that regard to,i imagine they were watching over her,thankfully!

Theres places like this all over,not in AA per se,but everywhwere,groups,cults with their own beliefs,own little families.It can get real fanatical,like the Jim Jones cult,not that im comparing the two totally but...there are similarities.

I just find it sad that others would take advantage of someone when they are at their lowest point,but...thats how they manage to get thier followers,people who "need" something to believe in.

Thanks for pointing out that such groups can and do exists even in AA/NA....its anywhere where people are lost and are looking for answers.~KIM

Luckily, I've never encountered anything even remotely like that. I know that each meeting place I go to has it's different feel and different set of members and problems but nothing like that. I guess you get out of it what you put into it.