Where Did She Go?

my friends parents got divorced when she was a little girl. Salsas always been a little different. but i love her because shes my friend. about 1yr &half ago. she had to move away. she got into hard a** drugs because shes always wanted to. we quit talking when she moved. Her life got so out of control she attempted suicide, then went to the hospital for a month. she moved back for a little while but on her birthday shes moving back. shes got so crazy, shes not even Salsa anymore. Noone can talk to her.

Don't be angry at her hon, believe me, she doesn't know where she went either and she wants to be 'normal' and happy as much as you want her to be. It's a cliche but for a lot of reasons, drugs are and always will be the worst sort of trap. My best friend is a pot addict and a few things besides. I'd do anything at all for her, she means everything in the world to me but I won't lie to you. It will be hard to stick around this friend of yours. But I guess what I'm trying to say is be there for her, listen to her, be supportive because believe it or not, the subject of giving up and getting back on track will come up. And she will need that (I'm assuming you're not involved in the same drug scene though) support and trips to the movies and late nights listening on the couch when she's buzzing and you're half asleep. But don't just be frustrated and angry because that'll just mean the both of you end up in tears. Email me if you need to talk or want info or whatever