Where Is Everyone From And What Is The Age Group?

My name is Rachel and go byu Rae or Rach.I am 31 years old with 3 children,14,6 and 8 months.I have been in Tampa Florida for about 10 years and grew up in Dayton,Ohio. Just wondering about everyone else. My main reason for being here is that I was physically dependant on Methadone for 2 1/2 years about 2 years ago and found the strength to get myself clean. Although I was prescribed it for a back injury it became more of a habit after my back got better. Before that I was taking percocet for a couple years. Now I am struggling with a Lortab/Vicodin addiction. I have tapered down which seems to be successful for me so far! I had posted a a question yesturday a "Hydro question" wondering if anyone had tapered down to a 10 mg pill a day and stopped. Or if I should go down to a 5 mg tablet and then stop. I should know by now most of it is in my mind but I have been worried about the withdrawls since I have been down that road several times in the past. I have only been taking them for the past 7months since my daughter was born but I need somewhere I can turn when I finally end this additction and figured I would come to this board. Just wondered about everyone else? Rae
ok, my nick name is raerae. i am 23, married mother of two. my kids are 3 and 5. i am a heroin addict of 10 years and now have been clean for a few months. (i don't count, don't see the point) i live in PA. sorry i can't help you out with your question on hydro, not my poison. anyways, i hope you get your answers. if you have any questions just ask, i'm good for information. (just not tapering, never done it) anyways, hope you have a lovely day.
Rae, im a divorced, single mother of two and i just resently got engaged to a wonderful man. Im 25 years old and have the same problom as you. the vic's used to run my life. Im tappering also and i have found that the mental addiction is much worse for me than the phisical addiction to them. I would worrie about the time and how i felt, if the high wore off, i would not even go out of the house if i didnt have any. It realy ran my life. Till i told my fiancee about it and he decided to keep my pills for me. Thats the best idea that anyone has ever had for me.

Hi friend I have my boyfriend take my bottle of tramadol with him to work but that doesn't always work I steal some from him and stash them.I know I'm only hurting myself but somedays it overtakes me and even though I've been cutting down I fall into the same habit again and again..........................................I wounder how many times must I fall
How do I over come my shame and stand tall
Rae, my name is Jessica. I am 28 yrs old, live in Tennessee and have 2 beautiful children--5 and 7 (will be 8 Jan 2). I took anything with hydrocodone---anything. Vics, Lortabs, Percs, Oxys, syrups, etc.... every day. Like friend said, if I didn't have them, I could barely get out of bed and dedicated my whole day to finding something. I got clean over a month ago. It's hard to keep a "clean" head, but I do my best. Pills are the worst thing that ever happened to me and quitting is the best thing I've ever done. I hope you are feeling better. Hang in there and stay strong. I know that you can do it.
Maybe you should have your boyfriend never give you back the bottle and have him just give you what you need to taper so that you can't steal them anymore. You'll feel better about yourself!

Do you feel normal again yet? Other than the cravings? Do you feel normal again physically?
Mickey, I'm not sure if I'll ever feel "normal" again! I'm tired and feel down often, but physically, I am ok. It does get better on a daily basis. The less I think of pills, the better I feel, I've noticed...it's just trying to keep the pills off my mind. But I feel better now than I've felt in years. I'm not always stressed about where to get pills, where to get the money, how can I hide the money I've spent from my hubby, when can I go score so that my hubby doesn't suspect anything, lies, guilt.... I could go on forever! It DOES get better every day, so just hang in there and stay strong. Love, Jessie
Hi my name is Jasmine and i am a addict of vics, lotatabs, what ever. i live in California i am 28 years old married for 8 years and i have 2 year old twins and a 7 in a half year old, all girls.. i am a stay at home mom, AND I DONT feel sorry for myself and i luv my parents whom i choose to call me MOMMY!!!. and i babysit and do things around to earn money, so the person whom had a problem with me you can just simply screw off.. its called MYOB!! sorry i had to put that out there I swear some people are so f***ed up, for god sakes its ovious he was talking about me, but i dont give a f***, excuse my french, f***ing weirdo! i never rant out like this but i am not going to let him get away from that..

I hope all of you have a great Holiday season and thats all, god bless you, jazzy
Hey Jazzy,

I can understand you being irritated by that arrogant remark that was made to you. Don't let it get to you though. Enjoy your day and enjoy the Holidays. You don't have to answer to anybody. Don't let it ruin your mood. A lot of good things are happening for you and that is all you should focus on now. Take Care, enjoy the day. You deserve it.

Hi Liz, u know i reed that post and started laughing to myself, if this board id such a joke why do you post here? dumbass, plain and simple. oviousley he needs anger management and i noticed people saying hi as if hes post was accetable and its not, Enough , how r u doing, feeling better yet? i hope so!!:)
well hun you take care and Kiwirain if u r out there HI sweetie! talk to you leter , Jazzy:)
jazzy, are you okay?? i'm sure i missed something but just wanted to make sure you were okay.

I'm in my 40's and live on the East Coast. Married, father of two. I was addicted to Norco 10s (hydro), and now have a little more than 6 months clean. As to your taper question, my own experience was that I could taper down to a certain amount per day, then I had to flush the remainder and go c/t because I couldn't hold true to the taper schedule (few addicts can). I found that I could taper down to one dose a day, in the evening, at my "high" threshold, which was 6-8 at a time by then. Once I dipped below that, tapering didn't work. I went c/t after getting down to 6 per day; endured 3-4 days of bad flu symptoms, fatigue & restlessness, the runs, and sleeping difficulty. But I can't tell you the sense of relief (and a littlefear) I felt when I finally flushed the remainder of those pills. Freedom. My plan for staying clean has included 12-step meetings, counseling, and some CBT methods for re-wiring my brain when it comes to pain medication. Good luck to you, Rae. Let us know how you're doing, ok? M.
Excuse me for maybe being dumb, but what does CBT mean?
Sorry. I use CBT as shorthand for cognitive-bahavioral tools, but I think the "T" actually stands for therapy.
Hey everyone,
Thanks for responding to my post it is nice to know a little bit about everyone. Jazzy did I miss something. Was it something I said in my post??? I know you kept saying"he" but didn't know if you meant she or what? Anyway, hope everyone has a nice holiday weekend. Rae
None, what are the cbt methods you use? I am having trouble in that department...

Jazzy, don't worry about vinny. Just let it go and breathe...you are doing good girl. I would give my left leg to be a stay at home mom. Money must be tight, so you gotta do what you gotta do. but in the end, your kids have a much better childhood with you around than at work. I firmly beleive that...Be proud of yourself and don't let anyone rock your boat.

I am 31 and in Hawaii, originally from N Cali...
I have a 13 yr old boy, and a 6 and 3 year old girls.
Thanks lb, you are so sweet and i wont let anyone rock this boat and hey if posting all day helps me , then i will do it, right?, better that using, better addicted to sobrity that using, so cares what he said or says!. so yeah money is tight but we wii get thru this, god is watching us! thanks for writting me and helping me, there are some good people here! I am jelious that u live where u do, i would luv to visit H, that would be awesome! take care LB ands keep in touch! jazzy
Thanks Molly, right back at cha sweetie!:)
I actually have a really bad case of island fever...I went to disneyland last jan...my best friend and I drove back up to san fran on the PCH....IN THE DARK!!! Talk about dumb blondes...we left LA too late. We were looking for Beverly Hills. We did find it but got totally lost. Maui now looks like Beverly Hills West...I swear.
I hope you ALL have a good day..