Where To Find The Energy?

I have posted several times before and have been so thankful for all of the great advice & friendly words~thanks! My husband has been detoxing off of 700mgs of methadone for the past 8 weeks. It has been hard. His dr. lost his license for overprescribing him. We have clonidin and some other meds for stomach cramps, but other than that it has been us going through HELL!! One dr. we went to wanted him to go on suboxone, but he didn't like the thought of going to another drug. Well, he now has been 8 days without any methadone. The first 5 days he was climbing the walls!!!!!! Now he is feeling pretty good. We tried to go to the fair yesterday he was soooo exhausted. He ended up in the medical tent to rest and get hydrated. He feels like his spirit is coming back to him. He has been tremendously emotional, and he is actually liking that. Feeling again, he has been enjoying music again. Well, his mind is clearer and he is feeling like himself again, but his body will not cooperate. He has no strength and no energy. He is going crazy. Any ideas on getting some energy?? Any ideas on how long this will take. Is he out of the woods or are there some bad days ahead of us. Thanks for any insight you may have.
Is he taking any good quality vitamins? B vitamins esp. but all antioxidants will help with minerals as well and a TON of water. It will take time to have energy.
Hang in there. PMCB
hello breezy...

you mentioned in your post "Any ideas on getting some energy?? Any ideas on how long this will take. Is he out of the woods or are there some bad days ahead of us. Thanks for any insight you may have."

he is already getting energy from you and will will continue to do so until
u are spent

at that point he will seek new energies and might find his way out of few
brushes, but no woods....so to speak

a situation such as you've described needs professional intervention, with
someone you both can trust. Trust doesnt have to be complete but an outsider
with experience can usually help. Since you are so involved and obviously in love, ie, bonded pretty tight,
you are also part of his malady and thus, need some help too. Maybe not as
much, but don't neglect yourself. (Neglecting oneself for the sake of another can easily become an addiction which renders any true help almost impossible) Remembr, you are also a person with needs
and wants....at least devote equal caring time to yourself too.

its kinda tripe but..... only happy humans seem capable of helping those
in miseries. miserable ppl do not [positively] influence those who suffer

if not, i stand corrected and apologize

post updates if you wish....good luck and luf
Thanks for your kind words. No I am not taking care of me and I am just about spent. I had a complete melt down the other day. My kids are noticing all of the changes. I want to be through with this hell, I wish I could just leave. I have never felt so much doom. I know things will get better, but I also feel that my new life is forever full of trial & heart ache. What if I can't do it anymore? I was so up and ready to help him. I promised to be there, but maybe I should not have promised so much. I know this sounds strange but sometimes I don't feel like my life is worth living, how can that be when I am not even the one going through all of the withdrawls and the pain. My house is going to pot, I just don't know how to get my life normal again. I want to be normal. My poor kids.
It's great your hubby wants to stop but if your family is going to pot then you have to begin to look at if there is a better way to do this. I would seek pro. help at this point cuz if you fall apart then whose going to be there for the kids. He may need a different way and to come down much slower. I understand that not wanting to trade one drug for another but if it's done for a short term and holds the family together what more is there? I wish ya the best.