Hi,I'm grateful to find this post. I've had a few surgeries in the -past few years
that has lead to an increasingly dependence on pain pills, which has caused depression and other complications. I know there are support groups and stuff, and treatmeant centers. I'm too shy and embarrassed to go talk to support groups to admit this problem, and can't affort the money or time for treatment clinics. Are there any alternatives. This situation has really left me feeling miserable and at a loss, but I'm really reaching witts end and want to get on with my life, which I know can be full of commedablel achievements once I get this problem behind me. The hardest problem for me is reaching out for help. This is probably he closest I've come. Would welcome advise either on the board or persoal e-mail. Also, daily encouragement from those who've coped with similar problem would go a long way with me. Thanks,
If you don't mind me asking what are you on and how much are you taking? If you are wanting to get off pain pills I hear that suboxone is a great place to start. I've never been on it but from everything I've heard it works quite well. Of course you will also need some type of counseling. I know how you feel about being shy and nervous about going to a group meeting. I don't go to N/A but I do have a private addiction specialist and he is so helpful to me. I'm sure others on this board will come along and offer more advice. Good luck.
Hi vdm,
Welcome to the board.
All you need right now is the desire to quit and then a plan. Cold turkey, suboxone, meetings, therapy?
Tell us your story.
I am on suboxone as I have tried and failed many times to stay stopped. It is working for me along with face to face counselling and this forum.
Welcome to the board.
All you need right now is the desire to quit and then a plan. Cold turkey, suboxone, meetings, therapy?
Tell us your story.
I am on suboxone as I have tried and failed many times to stay stopped. It is working for me along with face to face counselling and this forum.
Hi hon,
Welcome to the board, what might be what you are looking for is to go to the success stories section of pain pills...
There you can read all about different peope, how much how long they used, and what they did to change their life and go forward without using pills anymore..
Hope that helps..keep posting, dont be shy,,
Welcome to the board, what might be what you are looking for is to go to the success stories section of pain pills...
There you can read all about different peope, how much how long they used, and what they did to change their life and go forward without using pills anymore..
Hope that helps..keep posting, dont be shy,,