Where's Kat?

What's happend to you girl? Miss you,check in sometime.I sent you an e-mail but never got a response.You must be busy.
Me? Or OK?
you.....whose OK?
lol..she must of meant AK..Alabama Kat.
What's happend to you girl?

She's addicted to FB. An intervention is being planned & I will notify you Tim of the place & time....

OK is Other Kat

The only way Ms. Stacey would know that I am addicted to FB is if she herself were there so I'll let every one come to their own conclusion on that.

I didn't get your email, Tim. New one is kat11100@comcast.net. I haven't checked hotmail in ages. Or you can find me on Facebook <BEG>
What is Face Book? Is that like My Space? That's all I need is another diversion.I'll copy your new e-mail.I think I have 3 or 4.
What is Face Book? Is that like My Space?

LOL, kind of Tim, but for old ladies like me & Kat and Lisa, and Tina, and Mom. It's actually kind of cool if you don't get sucked into the social interacting games like Farmville. You can find a lot of us on FB.
I bet yall do have fun.That's great.
Facebook is damn addictive!!!!!!!!! I can't believe you've never heard of it Tim :-) It has brought me back in touch with alot of ppl from my past. Good times..lol

Get it Tim, I dare you!!!!!!!

Oh yes, Tim..you definetly need FB. It is so fun. I for one don't do the Farmville..yet. I've tried to download it a couple of times only to get busy with something else...I think once I actually get going with it, I'm a gonner. That's why we don't hear from FK anymore.

Sorry FK, thought you meant AK. My mistake.