Where's My Girl Rae At???[dingy]

where have you been rae??,i miss ya................vinny.
Yeah, where is Rae at?
I am here but my computer is acting up Vinny. Sorry it just kept re-starting itself while we were on IM. So did you ever get a new computer? Is it through your cable now? Mine is and it usually runs fast but it's having issues lately!
So what's up Vinny? Pam? How are you guys doing tonight? I am getting ready to make Shake-N-Bake pork chops. My very favorite..MMMMM Pam glad to know you figured out Doo.. Oh that name Doo was so much fun -wasn't it? It is ashame though what that lady did to you. There are some sick people in this world. Hopefully she gets the help she needs. That was just wacked-LOL Rae
I hate when I don't know everything.
I want to know what happened between Pam and Doo.
I am stamping my feet as I type!!!!.
i was wondering what happened,anyhow yes we got a new comp but we still are going through the dial up connection[slow as s***],anyhow i'm going to go finish off the rest of the meatloaf,talk to ya soon...............vinny.
Look at the locked threads Karen. Doo is someone Pam knew. Nobody we know on the board.

RAE, I just read at microsoft that there is a virus that does that to your computer....go to microsoft and download the latest fix.
I did read all of the locked posts, I knew Pam knew her but thats all I know.
oh well, maybe it is for the best this way.
No point bringing things up that may hurt Pam more.
Thats not kind.
Take care.
That name Doo was too funny. I have a hard time using it in a sentence now. Dang, she isn't on IM yet, and she is always on at this time of day. Maybe she went down the street to her neighbors house and is watching us there. That is a possibility. Her neighbor is a computer geek.

Karen, stop stomping your feet girl. READ.........
Awwww, Ya'll she didn't hurt me at all. I swear, I knew who it was the first few times she posted and I just played along.....

Actually, I'm doing pretty good. Gonna take the big lunge this weekend. Still sitting on a half in the morning and a half late in the afternoon. Not too bad, if I might say so myself.
I will have to do that later tonight.
Vinny, Enjoy your meatloaf.
Karen, You didn't miss much.
Pam, Way to go you little detective. LOL Wendy may hire you to do some private investigator work...LOL We are still on the hunt for Trix..:-0)
Rae, Rae, Rae,

Ah, we know who trix is. Lets get back to recovery.
What do you think you own this board? LOL Your right I will let it go and get on with recovery now. We all know how many smart people have left the board because of all the drama:-0) Rae

Vinny, Where are you poopin?