I have been trying to help a friend, to come off heroin.
Whilst he stays off the crack he makes good progress in reducing his heroin intake.
However, every so often, he goes on a crack binge, which in turn leads to a relapse with the heroin.
Whilst on heroin alone, he at least keeps it to a certain level, but as soon as he goes on the crack he looses all self control.
He has even managed to come off the heroin completely, a number of time, only to go on a crack binge, causing him to go back on the heroin.
Despite this, he stubbornly maintains that Crack is an occasional harmless "little treat".
I would be interested to know what the consensus is, which is the most dangerous heroin or crack.
My friend tells me that the heroin is the most dangerous, whereas I would say that the crack is far more dangerous than the heroin.
Hey Julian,
I totally understand where you are coming from. All the heroin users that I met when I first tried hard drugs said they loved coke and only used heroin because they hated the come down. Later when they became heroin addicts many still said that coke was their drug of choice, but they couldn't do coke without h and eventually became physically addicted to heroin. As the habit and cost grew there was only money for one drug and it was a pretty easy choice.
Which is more dangerous? Dangerous to what?
If you mean which is more likely to kill ya today or which is more likely to kill you in ten years? With IV there is a greater chance of overdose (h & coke). Crack I think is more damaging to your body.
If you mean mind or body? Coke, and especially crack will kill many brain cell where as heroin wont cause many, if any.
If you mean dangerously addictive? Heroin is far more phyically addictive then the other 2, all three are mentally addictive.
If you mean dangerous to society? Any addiction can spiral to the point that they commit crimes to support their habits, I think because it is physically addictive, heroin addicts can be more desperate for their drug than others and so may go to greater extents for it. Physical violence can be a side effect of Crack and Cocaine so these addicts pose a grester risk of intentionally or unintentionally causing physical harm to others.
I think I got all this right but someone check me if I am mistaken, it is late here and my mind could be tired!
I totally understand where you are coming from. All the heroin users that I met when I first tried hard drugs said they loved coke and only used heroin because they hated the come down. Later when they became heroin addicts many still said that coke was their drug of choice, but they couldn't do coke without h and eventually became physically addicted to heroin. As the habit and cost grew there was only money for one drug and it was a pretty easy choice.
Which is more dangerous? Dangerous to what?
If you mean which is more likely to kill ya today or which is more likely to kill you in ten years? With IV there is a greater chance of overdose (h & coke). Crack I think is more damaging to your body.
If you mean mind or body? Coke, and especially crack will kill many brain cell where as heroin wont cause many, if any.
If you mean dangerously addictive? Heroin is far more phyically addictive then the other 2, all three are mentally addictive.
If you mean dangerous to society? Any addiction can spiral to the point that they commit crimes to support their habits, I think because it is physically addictive, heroin addicts can be more desperate for their drug than others and so may go to greater extents for it. Physical violence can be a side effect of Crack and Cocaine so these addicts pose a grester risk of intentionally or unintentionally causing physical harm to others.
I think I got all this right but someone check me if I am mistaken, it is late here and my mind could be tired!
I can't help but think this is a senseless debate.
It's all dangerous, from pills to heroin...That is the stand you should take with your friend, imho.
It's all dangerous, from pills to heroin...That is the stand you should take with your friend, imho.
Julian, trying to determine which is more dangerous, heroin or crack, is like trying to figure out which is worse - rotten milk in your glass or fish gone bad on your plate. They're both dangerous but they're different. Personally I think crack is more dangerous, but on the other hand Heroin???? See the dilemna? Why do you want to know which is more dangerous anyway. He's using both! And it's only a matter of time before he starts doing speedballs (a mix of cocaine and heroin in one needle). Then things start getting truly dangerous. You could argue this "which is worse" thing forever and not come to a conclusion because they are both equally dangerous in different ways. I know I haven't answered your question - I don't think it can be answered. But Charmed makes some good points.
I am not going to consider the question you have asked to be sensless, however the manner in which you seek the information is baffling.You say you have been trying to help your FRIEND sober up, yet you dont know anything about the two drugs, I could be wrong, but you are eighter a very naive individual or you are in denial. Again I appologize if I am wrong, but if what you are stating is fact, then You need to get your friend some serious help, because I dont feel you are doing enough. I hope that you are the naive versus the one in denial.
I am not going to consider the question you have asked to be sensless, however the manner in which you seek the information is baffling.You say you have been trying to help your FRIEND sober up, yet you dont know anything about the two drugs, I could be wrong, but you are eighter a very naive individual or you are in denial. Again I appologize if I am wrong, but if what you are stating is fact, then You need to get your friend some serious help, because I dont feel you are doing enough. I hope that you are the naive versus the one in denial.