Why Am I So Dumb???

Well for all those who have been following my posts...my bf owed me $110 towards stuff I put on my Visa for him. Last weekend we went grocery shopping and I was hesitant to put anymore on there for him. Well he talked me into it..and said he'd pay for half which comes to $115. Stupid me, I did it, he said he was getting a check this friday (today) and he'd pay me back forsure. I said sure. I was hesitant but he just has this way of convincing me! So last night I talked to him and he said he'd be going to work today. Okay fine...I figured if he's doing crack, he won't go to work today. Sure enough my prediction was right...then I predicted he won't meet me as planned and he will come up with some really sad excuses why he can't pay me what he owes...oh and guess what? I must be pyschic because thats what happened! He calls and said his lawyer called and told him he better pay or else...(ya right!) then he said okay I'll go get the money and I'll be on his way over. That didn't happen. He called and said his mom and he got into a fight..so I'm sorry. I said thats fine, my friend will drive me over to get the money. He then said..uhhhh my mom is holding the money...I lost it on him!! When will I EVER learn? He's telling me he'll give me the money tomorrow. Ya right! Why should I believe him? So he said please don't go out tonight...well until I get my money I WILL not see him! Why can't I get rid of this loser once and for all? Whats wrong with me?
He's a LOSER!
He keeps scamming me and I let him!! I have no one to blame buy myself!! I'm so mad..I'm going out with my friends, I don't care if he doesn't like that!
Sorry I just had to vent...I can't vent to anyone else..
kittycat, i have been following your posts and i know you have read some of mine. i just wish i could say something to you that could make a difference but i think you are already at a point that you are going to break if this continues. it took me 2 long yrs until i finally got it and i still feel badly so i can just be here for you and hope you can stay focused on your own life.

take care and dont beat yourself up

Thanks Carol...
he keeps calling and begging me not to go out, he keeps promising to pay me tomorrow. So now why do I feel guilty about wanting to go out? Should I? He is the one who scammed me and lied to me today, so why shouldn't I? Why am I even questioning it, he had many chances today to give me the money and he kept lying to me! He STILL owes me from last month! I told him to NEVER ask me to put anything on my Visa again, my visa is dead to him! It doesn't exist! Why is everything always a drama with him? I mean what if I dont' go out due to guilt and he pulls the same crap again tomorrow! I bet he's smoking crack with the money he owes me right now.
Anyways Carol, thanks again for being here..
kittycat, go out and stop worrying about him, let him wonder whats up. my ex owes me 5 grand and i will never see it. i stated in one of my posts that i saw him 3 weeks ago and he had a wallet full of money, didnt even offer a dime. my money is gone as long as he is using and he is, and i know he will call very soon with some freaked out lying story as usual what a victim he is. the more focused i become in my life the less power he has over me. you can get thru this, painful as it is, and i can feel your anger and i have anger too, however i cant let it overpower me, for once its about me and my recovery and my life.
go out and have fun and be safe!!

thanks Carol! Wow your ex had a wallet full of money and he didn't offer you anything?? That just makes me so mad! Well my bf called and he's like oh thanks for not going out, thank you so much! I said its only 9 pm, what makes you think I'm not going out?
So he said as soon as my mom comes home I will come over and give you the money I don't care if I take a cab. I said listen, you had many chances to come over and you didn't! I think either he doesn't have the money or he was coming down and he didn't want me to see it. Either way, yet again I came second to crack!
My friend is on her way over and I'm going out I don't care, he'll learn! He can't get away with this. In fact I told him keep the money, and don't call me anymore!
He said he'll pay tonight but I personally think that thats another tactic just to keep me from going out!
He keeps pretending to call his mom to come home to give him the money..haha ya right.
I've been with him for 2.5 years...I can't believe I've put up with this for so long.
How long have you and your ex been broken up for?
BTW he still owes me $1300 for damages owed to my last apartment building for going a little nuts with a baseball bat.
Dear Kitty,

You wouldn't believe how many $20's and $30's I gave my son, when he was supposedly clean and trying to catch up on bills! I felt pretty stupid too! It's not that we're stupid as much as we WANT to believe they're doing ok. The thing that upset me more than anything is the fact that he could have overdosed on the money I lent him in good faith!

God bless!

oh kittycat the good old taxi story, my ex is king of the taxi becuz he hasnt had a license for 20 yrs? he moved out early july last yr and tried to come around for awhile i allowed it to the point where he would call at 2am asking me who i was with, when i recently found out he was messing with his daughters friend!! rolling over on a bicycle at midnight asking for pills and eating all my food and telling me how much he missed me, oh jeez just thinking about it is gross. i put a stop to his late nite expeditons by calling corrections on his behind, didnt hear from him until about 2 months later, then he called 3 weeks ago. what really is a mind blower is that he thinks we are "ok". ya dude right on we are cool now back it up!!

have fun tonight!!

Judy, yes you are right we want to believe them and trust them don't we? I really do try but I've been disappointed one too many times to know better now with my money. I'm just upset even more now because my hamster ate the wire to my scanner and I don't know if I can replace that now! IT was the power cord. Its just one thing after another, but I guess the hamster doesn't know better, my bf should!

Tropical..I can't believe he was cheating on you with your daughters friend! Man if I ever found out he's cheated....I'd lose it. He just called back and he found out my friend is over and said please don't go out, you'd make me so happy. I said kinda like how you made me happy today?? ya right...we got along for a whole 3 days in a month so far....is that supposed to be normal? I somehow don't think so.
kittycat just for the record it was HIS daughters friend totally betrayed his own child , now how about that!! jeez

Susan, sorry, I put Judy on there instead, I read one of her posts and I was on my third drink!! Sorry!!
I meant to say you.

Well I did go out and I did have a fun time!! Danced with some guys, but now I'm paying for it (hungover). Oh well...my bf just called he says I was cruel to him last night..of course now he's the VICTIM!!
I said, how was I cruel? YOU are the one who scammed me! Then he said he does have my money. Well if he does have my money only one thing makes sense, he just made up excuses not to come see me because he knew i'd be able to tell he was doing crack! I brought that up and he didn't deny he did crack.

Tropical...wow thats nuts..