Why Is Pain Pills Most Popular Category

Hello everyone - before I ask the next two questions please remember that I am new - you may have discussed this before but...if you look at this website generally it has various categories for different types of addictions. We the pill heads have almost 50,000 more posts than our sisters and brothers with coke or ritalin or even heroin problems.

Do you guys think that opiates are harder to lose than say Xanax (having withdrawn from both I can tell you that withdrawing from benzos makes opiate withdrawal seem like summer picnic). Or do we talk about our pills, patches, lollipops etc. more than people who are jonesing for coke or valium.

My second question is more of a plea. I would really love to have a different Avatar (is that the name of the little picture in the corner - how embarrasing) - can one of you geniuses just give me some suggestions (and unfortunately I am so not computer savvy that I'll need instructions on how to put it on the site).

Many thanks in advance and I actually have some time to post tonight so I would love to hear from Danielle or Bender or Silent Partner or any of you. You guys have really been helping me a lot.

Re: the avatar - the tallgirl handle is because I really am 6'2" and I really am a girl LOL (this is my first tentative use of that - I hope it means laugh out loud -I told you I was not a very computer conscious..

Tallgirl go to this web sight and pick you one you like right click on the picture picture, go down to properties, click on that, when box comes up highlight the url address, right click on that and then copy click on that, then go to my settings at the top of the board page, go to edit avatar, scroll down to use avatar from other website, mark that then in the box below put your cursor in there, then right click and paste the url, then below that click on add avatar to my avatar.
Hey Tallgirl...I think because pills ...are harder to kick, and also more baffling. They are medically prescribed, but kick your a** harder than anything, in my opinion...
Carol, she needs a link...
Once you get the link from Carol, save the image you want. Then right click on it, and go to properties. There will be a "www.whatevertheaddyis.." copy that and post it in the avatar place in my settings. That was the only way I could get it to work.
I am not computer savvy, either, and I hope I explained that well...
OH MY GOD.... I love your post. I am new if you look at the little date to the left. My advartarrrrrr what ever it is called is so ugly. So......... not me. LOL about the brother and sisters! Intersting I was thinking the same thing. So, Im with Tallgirl, help with changing the Atvar????
bump for tallgirl and shabee sent you both a link and how to change your avatar good luck


I noticed that myself. Thats a lot of people on pain meds huh ? I think cause its so easy to get started. You know. there from your dr. There legal. You need them for your pain. Then before you know it you're in deep s**t. Welcome here, Its a great place. As far as that avatar thing most people know I am computer and avatar challenged so i can't help. I can tell you how to change if you want one thats listed on this site.

I didn't know if LOL was Lots of luck or Lots of love. Still not sure.

Frank I like you avatar... :)
Tallgirl, I think it shows the incraesing problem our country has with opiates and more people abuse opiates than any other drugs.


Thanks Paula

I told you it looks like me right ?

Frank, I thought you said you were heavier and the avatar is better looking. hehe

wow Frank what a good looking man you are...LOL




You got a great memory. Is that one of the things that comes back ?

I've never seen a post go from 1 to 11 that fast


Thanks Paula

I do dress a little better.

I exspecially like that green skin tone you got going on.. Is that the new look for this year :)


I think I did look like that a few weeks ago.( During wd's ) I know I was green.

Frank thats one of the things that come back, but not the most important one if you know what I mean.

Hi Paula

Frank LOL, Well guys I am going to bed got to get up early in the morning and it is getting late here.. Hope you both have a great night and a even better day...


Thats assuming you had it in the first place right ?


See what you started.

ok you guys IM still working on getting the atavar, see I can't even spell it right. Im on the sight, found my little icon I want, but it will not let me paste the url.... Im getting a little frustrated :( I'll be back.........:)