Why Sure You Be In Withdrawal Before Take Sup

could someone tell me why you sure be in withdrawal before you take sup
Well you got to be in withdrawal or it will throw you into full withdrawal......everything at once. It is not nice, I remember it happened to someone and they posted about it.....Took awhile for her doctor to get her out of it......
Are you starting sub soon......
yes tuesday if i can be in withdrawal but i hate withdrawal i wish i can do it on my on. can you go back to work . i take lortab for 2yrs what is buprenorphine is it like sup.
Yes bup and sub are one in the same......Why are you worried about the wd's you won't have to be in them to long.....You will do just fine.....
Yes you will be able to work...........My husband is on sub, but he went on after 6 days clean, after relapsing on herion. From all that I have read on here if you are using loratabs you will be fine once you start the sub, if it was herion then I would tell you that you might not feel the greatest the first few days.....You will feel just normal.....Now a warning, sub is a tool to help you get clean which is the easy part...........please make sure you have a plan in place to stay clean.
Good luck to you and keep posting, you will find endless support here and many others on sub....
the reason you need to be in withdrawl is becasue the doctor needs to know how to dose you, 12 hrs should be enough. i have blown bags while on suboxone, it doesn't make you sick, it just blocks it(wasted my time and money) some people have been put into withdrawl when takening there first dose because they have too much dope in them. try to stay clean long as possible. what time of day is your apt? i made mine for 8:30 am so i used before bed then woke up sick, worked pretty good. i only felt s***ty 1/2 the time because i was sleeping.
anyways good luck.
thank for the help i need it i hate withdrawal because i did it at home a i was so sick i could have die. i will go to NA. i need some were to go just for people that take pills is someone could tell me aplace in macon ga to go .i will go i hope the dr give me some were to go . and will keep come on the message board for help. thank

I have been on SUB for around 6 weeks. Let me pass on a couple words to you that I would do differently if I had to do it over again.

1) Most Doctors say you have to be 24 hours clean . I went 19 hours and was fine . Some people went as short as 12 hours and were OK. This does depend on how much you abuse your drug of choice . The longer you go the better .
You have to be feeling w/d . Some people feel it in a short period of time while others take a little longer.

2) If I had to do it over again , I would have only taken 6 mill of Sub instead of the 12 that I took . You will probably start to feel better after 4 mill. MOST Doctors dont understand how powerful Sub is and how addicting it is if used for months. The best thing to do to avoid having a problem later with Sub is to do a relative short detox. The lower dose you start on the easier it will be. I felt relief after just 4 mill , BUT the Doctor kept giving me doses. I didnt know the danger I was getting into .
Sub is a wonderful drug that can help you detox easier, just dont get addicted to it.

what jake said
The reason you have to be in withdrawals before you start suboxone was explained to me like this:

When you are on opiates, these opiates fill up certain receptors in your brain, much like water fills up a glass.

If your "glass" is full or half-full when you start the sub, when you pour in the other glass of water (the sub), it overflows and empties the "water" out of the glass..... so what happens is that all of the pain pills that were in those receptors (because they usually take 3-5 days to be gone completely) empties out very fast and you go into rapid withdrawal (imagine going cold turkey from pain pills and how bad you felt for 5 days.... now imagine having all of that happen at once).

If you wait 24 hours, the "glass" is a lot more empty and that gives the suboxone room to fill that receptor.

Hope that helps.
can someone tell why do sup cost so much and 7pills cost 250.00 every week.can i stop take if now are will i go in to withdrawal. the dr said i will be on sup for about 7month. are long.

What area of the country do you live in? You don't have to say if you don't want to (though many of us share our locations with each other)... I was just wondering because Bellsouth is the phone company in my area, too. Just wondering if you were close by.

Why is sub so expensive? Who knows? Because it can be?

The first week I was on it, I leveled out at 6mg, which meant I was taking (3) 2mg pills..... I got them to up my prescription to 8mg because they make an 8mg pill and that cut the cost of my medication in half.

If you are on 4mg, you can still asked to be prescribed 8mg and then cut them in half.

My doctor wanted me to be on the pills 6 months - a year...... I started tapering on my own, without her help, because I feel that I'm ready to get off after 3 months instead. You have to listen to your doctor, but you also have to listen to your own body.

I live in macon ga were to you live
Danielle i live in macon ga were to you live if i new that med cost so much i would have went to detox .
I'm outside of New Orleans, La

The thing that I HATE about my sub doctor is that she made me pay $$$; wouldn't take my insurance. She kept saying she was going to file the paperwork with the insurance company and have them reimburse ME, but it never happened.

I mean, what's the point of marrying well and having great insurance if you can't use it? LOL

That was what I disliked the most.... I can understand having to pay cash IF the insurance company WON'T pay, but if someone has insurance, why not accept it? They do this because they CAN. They know the law of supply and demand.... there are not enough sub doctors to go around, so they can raise their prices in correlation with demand.
My husband just got a refill of sub 120/ 2mg pills, the bottle reads 287.00 we thank god only pay 15.00..........I can't believe you are being charge that much weekly, for only 7 pills are you getting them from the pharmacy or the doctor.....If it is from the doc, you are being scammed I think.....
I gotta go but will check back later, and post something that shows the price comparison between sub and methadone.......
MY DR said would not take my insurance because it could come back on me one day. and my job can drug test me . and i did not tell them.
most doctors don't take insurance for sub treatment, because they are making big bucks for it. but most insurances will cover for the scripts. you just need to find a pharmacy that has the subs and will take you insurance. i know around me little pharmacys have it not the big ones. good luck and give your insurance a call.

If you are not in withdrawal for at least 24 hours, you may go there and they will not treat you. Because if you are not in moderate to severe withdrawal, suboxone will put you into severe withdrawal. I started sub last Saturday. I was at the doc's office for 2.30 hours. They have to do a pee test, blood pressure several times, and alot of paper work, etc. I don't think they have me on the right dosage because at one and a half pills a day, I feel like I'm in la la land, which is nice. I could go to sleep anytime if I would let myself. The doc said it may take up to a week to get the dosage right and feel really good. Some people say they feel great in as little as an hour.
Hope this helps, Suzie
if someone live in the macon ga could you let me no so i can have some support. I'am bup but i need support i went to a na meeting i think i need support with pills. are i need to find some were to go. think for the help and can someone tell me how long i will be on bup? the DR said about a 1yrs or less i hope less.how come it take so long now i wish i could have did it on by my self.
Peaches how much sub are you on now? Some people need to be on sub for a while to get their life in order so they dont relapse, I dont know your story but maybe thats why the sub doc wants you on for a while.
Did the sub doc suggest counseling as part of the sub program, my sub doc required it.
