Why Wont Anyone Answer???

O.K i just want to talk and nobody wants to write back.
Lets talk about the weather, or the holidays that are coming up or anything at all....

I am having alittle bit of trouble here, not alot, just alittle. And i figure if anyone wants to write than maybe by some chance you might want to have a conversation with me.?
I dont realy want to talk about the w/d that i having i just want to write to you.

Your friend,

Chris- People are here. You just have to ask, as you have just done. What are you feeling? How can we help you? Don't feel bad if no one responds in 20 minutes. It might be the morning before someone responds but what is up?
Hi Christina-

I'm just getting ready to try to get some sleep but saw your post and wanted to drop in and say Hi! I hope you're feeling ok. If you're in WD, then just hang tough for a few days and you should be OK. Hang on, I'm sure someone else will be posting soon.
Dont ever give up!!!


Danny - Goodnight to you, as well. Hope you have a good nights sleep!
hoeny just want to wish you happy thanksgiving love poopie \yspearing WE ALL LISTEN MY SWEETE
Goodnight to you too Y (Poopie, as Cowgirl named you):
I hope you can get some sleep tonight. We all love you and wish you the very best. You have everyone pulling for you!!! You are doing so great and I'm proud to call you my friend.

Marie- I'm going to try..once again!
Christina, believe me, I know how you feel. When i posted my problem, no one wrote except 3 people. i was kind of hurt. After all this is where people go to talk about their problems.. If you need to talk, please know that I am here.
lotsof love.... JESS
Christina and jess im sorry you are feeling a little passed by right now there are some factors to not being answered sometimes the time delay can have a great affect on a post sometimes coming too little too late, sometimes some people only reply to posts that are of interest to them and there are people on here who only like to read for what ever reason, i have been somewhat absent of late but my reason for not answering posts usually is because i know nothing of the question or statement. But can i know take the time to offer you my support in any way i can jackie xxx