Wife's Marijuana Use Costing Us Our Retirement!

First time post here, but getting desperate. Short version is wife is spending about $800 -$1000 every month on weed and cigarettes. That's close to $10000 a year! About $2500 of that is cigarettes. She sounds like she's coughing up a lung every morning. When I talk to her about it, she agrees that it's a problem and says she'll try to cut down, then she lights up a bowl and goes on about her business. We've been married almost 8 years, so that's almost $80k she's smoked up since we've been married.

How can I convince her to actually put the pipe down? I have even told her that I wouldn't complain if she'd just cut it down to about half, but again, she says ok, then lights one up.

Plz let me know if anyone has any suggestions. Thanks!
She is not going to stop...she's just saying whatever to get you off her back, and not one thing you say will matter to her, I can virtually assure you of that. Get your money to someplace she can't get at it. That's a lot of money and that's a lot of weed...what's she like stoned? Fun? Active? Conversant? Or is she just sitting around smoking'em up? Is she an earner or is she living off of you? Start taking care of your financial life, she won't...it sucks, but there it is.

Peace ~ MomNMore